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superuser.com/questions/358177/… i feel a bit sheepish about the answer here. The other two answers were earlier but essentially the same. On the other hand, the sort of lack depth.
Evening all
I've had a 1.8GB download going for 3 hours now... 600MB to go. Sony, could you please upgrade your servers?
now now, you can only run so many hamsters in parallel
oh dear god...
I just realised i had a regular floppy drive stashed away
I totally need to be less of a packrat
@JourneymanGeek hahaha. Well its bad enough that you get put into a login queue to play DC Universe Online. Apparently getting 1 million players in 2 weeks wasn't planned for :p
Nobody expects the spanish inquisision!
also. its sony. they probably have a department specifically for shooting themselves in the foot
@JourneymanGeek Hahaha. Oh well, its a fun game. I'll wait. It is on the PS3, so my internet is slow down here... just not usually THAT slow.
@JourneymanGeek I have one. :P
I think one of my speakers just died too...
I guess if they're 20 years old I should just expect death :p
@SimonSheehan buy some hearing aids and a iCom, and move on. sound is so much better ;)
@studiohack But i like it LOUD! :P
@SimonSheehan you can get it loud. just turn it up and your earmolds vibrate. :P
its no subwoofer though. :P
@studiohack Haha. I like our school setups... empty gym, 6 speakers, and good music :D
@SimonSheehan nice! sounds like you should move there.
@SimonSheehan: might just be a blown fuse
though, i need new speakers cause the inline volume control on mine is shot
@studiohack :P Definitely. Its now my favourite thing, tech crew. Just great people and good fun
Related: something cool to listen to on good speakers... @JourneymanGeek @SimonSheehan
@JourneymanGeek Let me take a picture of this old thing :p
and welcome back @RandolphWest! :)
in other news, you guys should vote for the weekly image on Photo.SE. ;)
Q: Weekly Featured Image: Nov 21, '11

jristaThis is the place to submit and vote on photos for the week of 21 November to be featured on the main site. This contest should showcase your best quality work, demonstrating at least moderate skill with a camera and a general understanding of the artistic aspects of photography. Remember, the se...

@SimonSheehan: i got a pair of really old stock creatives, the speakers are fine but LOUD by default. the volume control... either goes LOUD or quiet... and there's dead spots
i have an appropriate type, but larger volume control thing so... i am tempted to just build a replacement
<3 that kind of gear
Now this stereo has the best of the 90s. 2 CASSETTE PLAYERS!
@SimonSheehan speakers look kind of similar to mine
2 decks, or two seperate players?
@studiohack Neat :O. I've got a smaller logitech set upstairs. This is my stereo/radio/CD player. Yes, I still use CDs
there's a reason for dual cassette players yanno
and tapes on occasion
yes, I still use CDs. :P
@JourneymanGeek Yes. I used to make mixtapes with it :D
When I was 6 or so I'd make them ;)
we actually have a 'new' stero setup...
cost close to a grand. had a cassette player and no cd support
so... i added a 30 dollar DVD player to play cds with ;p
Damn. Well this thing is.... actually, just turned 20.
My parents are silly when it comes to hardware purchases ><
I hear you on that one.
Took me 6 years to tell them we needed a new PC, and 8 years to switch them to Firefox.
firefox was easy
I remember first using firefox 2 in school. I thought it was ugly!
no cost, and i was sneaky and blamed an unrelated virus incident on IE
we really need new monitors in the office, the bunch we got when the office started... what... 8 year ago have started dropping dead
@studiohack I remember using Firefox... before it was firefox :p
i used it when it was firebird i think
I don't think i used pheonix
Yep. Firebird here too.
I was ... 8 then?
not that long ago
@SimonSheehan haha
And its taken me this long to move my parents to it xD
Haha. You know, back in the day. Which was a Wednesday.
@SimonSheehan: one thing is, as long as its free, i have a LOT of leeway with software
@JourneymanGeek I like to only use free stuff :P Only thing I have here is MS Office, which we got for $10. And I got Photoshop + Illustrator free from a friend.
which i make use of. Most of the office systems are set up the way my home systems are, simply cause its easier for me ;p
@SimonSheehan: FF, 7zip, foobar, mp3tag...
Well lets see my taskbar here..
office is the only non free software i can't work without
i upgraded from the duct taped mousepad, to a sanded down 4 dollar cutting pad ;p
All the programs I regularly use.
btw @SimonSheehan, my workspace:
triple laptop? ;p
@studiohack Zune theme, YESSSSSS
@SimonSheehan haha, you've seen it?
lol, cause MS are silly and never finished royale noir
@JourneymanGeek yes, all laptops. the one in the "middle" is my newsest
i've been using the embedded theme myself... less fisherpricy
@studiohack I never had a Windows XP system without that theme. I wish Windows 7 had something like it
Also, yay dell!
me too @SimonSheehan :P
@studiohack Best theme :P Green was so ugly.
@SimonSheehan: i use a black theme on 7. has the start orb rather than the start button tho
@SimonSheehan the one in the middleish is the newest system - the one I worked on...
@JourneymanGeek Picture?
just slate with darkness turned all the way down
@studiohack Oh neat. Sounds fun!
er.. one moment
@SimonSheehan Silver or Zune, was a must. :P
@studiohack Blah at Silver :P I just went for zune everytime.
@SimonSheehan Zune is the best, just sayin silver is 2nd. :P
@studiohack Haha, yep. I like Windows 7 for the most part though, the default stuff is nice. Wish we had better screensavers
Windows has flopped as far as screensavers are concerned. :P
if you guys are looking for a good, free one, check out PhotoJoy and look at their free screensavers.
Yeah D: Awful selection these days. And i hate 3rd party screensavers with all that stuff.
ah well. :P
Batteries dying, gotta hop off for now. Cya all later!
@JourneymanGeek What do you use for that battery meter?
I've always wanted one :p
laters @SimonSheehan!
its the stock thinkpad one
@JourneymanGeek Cya!
wants a thinkpad more now
@JourneymanGeek curious how you get the tabs like that in FF?
with app button colour for the button
nice @JourneymanGeek I like it - may have to check it out for myself
i've gone through a few different ways to do the same thing ;p
this is the simplest so far
I miss having something like glasser for the rest of the window tho
2 hours later…
wow, that was fast...
2 hours later…
hmm, prolly going to set up crashplan on the office boxen
@JourneymanGeek Not a bad idea, considering today's harddrive prices. LOL
@surfasb: well, i have enough storage. the office boxes are old, and if they go down, i have a huge headache
and yeah, i saw the prices, they tripled
Yeah, there are some employees here which are priority one asap support tickets.
we have four employees. half of them are related to me
I feel ya as in "if their computer goes down, I have a huge headache"
oh, its primarily the lack of budget, and system lifecycles. Running a small company network sucks that way
we run things till they die. no planning, nothing
There are two in particular I just readily keep a daily image of their machine handy. That way I just swap their drive and troubleshoot while they work.
Ya, budgets.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
I've bought a few things with my own money though even though it wasn't in the "budget."
Someone in accounting always ends up reimbursing me.
So it ends up in our budget one way or another.
Hi all you super users out there, how's it going?
@surfasb: we're running 6-7 year old computers. almost 90% legacy hardware
IDE hard drives (and they're expensive these days), if i'm lucky, they run DDR2 (which is still around)
I could quite honestly replace the lot with netbook grade systems, and see a drastic improvement
Yeah, IDE harddrives are hard to find.
Might have to start buying up a bunch of Sata to IDE interfaces.
I bet buying one of those interfaces is cheaper than an IDE drive these days.
lol. If we lose a hard drive, i either pull one off the dead pool, or replace the whole thing
Making the board and the harddrive all fit inside the harddrive cage might be another problem though.
(and yes, deadpool)
I'm going to try that tomorrow on one of our Dells.
I actually have a small pile of hard disks and other parts from dead systems
if something gets toasted, i pull parts out of that to keep the rest running
Ah, spare parts.
I think i have an entire desktop to pull parts from
@JourneymanGeek That's called cannibaling.
lol, only if its in a system?
I actually don't know where half the drives were from, someone where i lived was like 'yanno, i have a whole bunch of random drives'
Well, if it is a dead system.
well, the parts get pulled and tested at death
every so often, we get one or two fun failures
exploding power supplies, magic smoke escaping from hard drives...
Ya, cannibalizing just highlights the whole "Desperate times call for desperate measures."
Yeah, we've had power supplies smoke up also.
And it's always frigging out of warranty when it happens.
oh, and we have more systems than we do monitors
well, these are... past their expiry date
i'm suprised i haven't seen more blown power supplies... and a total lack of hard drive failures
@JourneymanGeek That's not too bad of a situation.
Could be backwards.
if we had spare screens i'd borrow one ;)
Yeah, I ended up buying a second monitor here.
I couldnt' stand it.
eh, i'd sneak one in if i could find an excuse
@SimonSheehan my setup (as of yesterday) :P
and yes @JourneymanGeek will get a flashback again :P
i could get a 18.5 inch monitor for something like $110
I figure I spend about as much time at work as I do at home, so it's well worth the cost.
Its not a flashback. its just the eerie fact that everyone uses the same grills and doors ;p
@Sathya that your workspace? (I'm assuming you're replying to my workspace photo, since its too far to scrooll)
I like...dual monitors on a laptop?
Why not??
@studiohack yes, it is
@JourneymanGeek :P
Q: A good free software for freeing up RAM Memory in Windows 7(64bit)

Flavius FrantzI am looking for a good windows 7 software to free up RAM memory on my PC... i tried some ones I found on google but they were bad stuff... with viruses, spamware etc... i want a free clean professional software, if you don't know a good one thats free, please recommend a payed version. Also oth...

So I noticed the first comment mentioned that 4GB isnt enough for Windows 7 these days.
Am I the only one that still feels 4GB is more than enough?
like hell it ain't
i'm running it fine on a 1gb and 2gb system
Yeah, we got 2GB on most of our machines.
4GB on the dev machines.
Cause they are greedy :)
granted any new builds i'd do has to have 4 gb nowadays
not that i do any
@surfasb: devs like the shinies ;p
@JourneymanGeek If the CPU takes too long, they'll get bored and probably break something.
At least the other users are easy to contain.
> running programs, such as Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, running at the same time
oh gee.
Don't understand why you would need to run it all at the same time.
For real
multitasking ftl
intelligent multitasking FTW
Occasionally I have a few programs open, but nothing like that.
I keep a lot of programs open myself. But that just means if I switch to a program that hasn't been active for like an hour, it takes a few seconds to page in.
At most, I'll switch between like four programs. But I'll do that for maybe 15 minutes because I'm cut and pasting or taking screenshots.
i do keep 4-5, but mostly lightweight things
Otherwise it's the web browser on one screen and email+issues tracker on the second second screen.
In our case, no one uses the issues tracker. Just email.
But we got a few who buck the trend, and follow policy.
xchat, pidgin, chrome, firefox....
So I gotta check the issues tracker just in case.
(yeah two browsers.. seperate profiles for some sites)
Strangely, sometimes I do get latency on my email updates for our Issues Tracker.
So I gotta keep it open and be Johnny on the Spot.
I have usually 7-10 tabs open in Firefox, Onenote, Google Voice notifier program, Zune software, some custom school/homework programs, and outlook. along with a bunch of Windows Explorer windows...
so whenever I go to shutdown, it takes a while to keep killing programs :P
I usually have 2 browsers open (one for each monitor) and have 10-14 tabs open. Then run things like Photoshop, Minecraft and Eclipse in the background.
i don't run anything with minecraft
its a ram hog ;p
1997 Graphics. 2011 Ram Usage.
well, ya
i managed to crash it by turning up everything high...
even if its an older system...
Hah. Though, I run mine on a 512x texture pack. Uses like 5x the ram it usually does.
@studiohack Psh, who still shutdown?
i run mine stock
I should try it on this laptop. 4gb ram
but its finally going in for repairs soon
I usually do, but occasionally, when I feel like it, I run the 512x for the lols.
@surfasb I have to, every few days. my programs rot too much
my desktop does something like 4-5 months uptime before something or other happens
@studiohack put it to sleep?
@Sathya all the time! but still. I need to reinstall W7 anyways
@studiohack Nah, just busting your chops. It's annoying when we decide to push out updates. I gotta walk by each computer and make sure it is either asleep or on. I'm going to seriously think about removing shutdown off the start menu.
@JourneymanGeek I once ran my computer for 6 months, and nothing happened. I just had to turn it off because the power bills were sky-rocketing.
restart isn't bad.
Restarts are necessary.
@studiohack: also, my windows XP install on my desktop has been the same since 07
@Adam543i: i would switch it off, but people keep complaining when i do
Sleep state is the way to go.
After a while, i gave up and ran my torrents on it. I used to run my previous system as a router and people got used to it at home
@surfasb: tried that. its apparently too much trouble to bend over and press the on switch
@JourneymanGeek Yeah. My keyboard has a standby button. Much easier.
Yet another $30 well spent
@surfasb The standby button on my keyboard doesn't work. Though, its 3 years old.
@Adam543i Yeah, I couldn't put up with that.
I thought you needed a PS/2 connector for that to work properly?
@surfasb It really irritates me, But then I worked out a quick way to do it with a few keystrokes.
actually, the keyboard on my laptop has one...
i mean the external i use
I like a reinstall every year or 2 years @JourneymanGeek
@studiohack: well, i used to do that with my laptop. with the desktop it hasn't been an option
no reinstall media @JourneymanGeek?
got lost ;p
or stolen
I think you can download from Microsoft.
@Adam543i: it was an MSDNAA copy, from a school i didn't finish ;p
and at this point, i'm curious how long before i have to reinstall
The product key should still work for the same computer though
there's a minor problem with boot-times soluto dosen't seem to be able to catch
ya, i'll reinstall when something catastrophic happens, or it slows down
@JourneymanGeek I kinda have to now...the computer is slowing down and I upgraded the RAM from 3 to 4 GB, so now I need 64 bit OS
(and this isn't, at all)
@JourneymanGeek Apparently, as long as you still have the product key that you used to install Windows, you can reuse that product key. Just use some keyfinder to get the one that you are using at the monent.
That isn't really the issue, i know how to find it ;p
Most of the media i have for XP is OEM, i never buy retail copies, cause OEM is a LOT cheaper. MSDNAA is the same media as retail
i have msdnaa in my new school, so i can use the same (or a new) product key to reinstall, but i didn't at that time
also, i was teasing @studiohack about needing to reinstall
Yeah, Definitely.
that windows 'needs' a reinstall is a myth
you just install minimal crap
I occasionally do it, just to remove all the crap I no longer use.
I use something like SVS ;p
or SVW
Q: Alternatives to Altaris/Symantec SVS

Journeyman GeekI use an old copy of Altaris SVS (link to lifehacker - Symantec gutted the old Altaris website) for testing applications - it lets me capture the changes one executable makes, or changes to a whole system into a bundle, and remove the whole bundle once I'm done. However Symantec bought over Altar...

its probably the best application virtualisation/sandboxing software i've messed with
Yeah, I have seen this before. Didn't use it though.
Because I had a spare computer, I used it for sandboxing and it only took 15-20 minutes to restore the image for it, if I ever broke it.
But I might consider using this now, since my sandboxing computer died.
Oh wait. Its not free. :(
@JourneymanGeek Just found this sandboxie.com Dosn't look bad either and there is a free version.
@Adam543i I use that to fire up unknown links
For sandboxing everyday browsing though, it's slower than a VM.
morning all
my last day of work at this job..
@DMA57361 mixed feelings?
not really
just mildly nervous about it all
why nervous?
meh, it's just change isn't it? new job, new people, new commute, etc
I remember on the last day at my prev workplace I was hesistant
"Did I do the right thing? Should I have stayed? I'm king here, but nobody out there"
still, gotta move forward
Q: Silent application installation script

AchuI use the following script to install application from the server: ECHO OFF IF EXIST "C:\SCRIPTS\drvsw01.cmd" GOTO :L1 C: LABEL System_Drive CD\ MD SCRIPTS COPY U:\Scripts\*.* C:\SCRIPTS\ install.exe -i silent -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=true -f response_file ECHO "SCRIPTS FOLDER INSTALLATION SUCCESSFU...

@DMA57361 yeah, needed to move away from my comfort zone
@IvoFlipse nice
Yesterday I was checking Hacker News through Pulse
and the title was: Ivo Flipse :P hehe
@IvoFlipse hahhaha :P
Q: How can old DOS utilities be incompatible with x64?

DimsI found that ARJ.EXE archiver does not run under Windows 7 x64. Bot how can it be? The task of the achiver is to do some very basic file IO. How can it be so? Also I found that apparently no any old command line utility does not run under Windows 7 x64. Also I found that there is no any compati...

CS101 looks like the sorta thing i need, but i got 10 days in april where i HAVE to be offline
right.. MSFT is "sabotaging" to prevent 15 year old apps from running... sheesh
@JourneymanGeek you don't have to follow everything
and it will be done by april
its probably 10 weeks or so
@IvoFlipse: hmm, then i might ;p
You should :)
eh, its a hole in my skillset ;p
so its a matter of whether i can squeeze it in
@IvoFlipse: how long before assignments are they given? and generally how do you submit them?
@JourneymanGeek Depends on the course, AI-class was an exception that its really week to week basis
ML-class and DB-class let you work several weeks ahead
the assignments vary, there are quizzes (that don't count) in the course video's
there are homework quizzes, which are multiple choice or require you to fill in a value
there are also programming assignments where you have to apply what you learned, so for DB-class you have to write queries in an online database to show you have the right one and for ML-class you write code in octave and its 'automagically' submitted from there for you
AI-class is actually the worst class in terms of quality, but I'm sure they'll fix that next time around
oh they're giving ml-class again it seems: jan2012.ml-class.org
lol AI is rather ahead of what i'm confident of. I'm a rather low level computermonkey ;p
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