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Remark : Under the assumption that pqr is a Carmichael-number
16 hours later…
@Aurel-BG I have two main projects. Do you want to join in ?
Hey Peter
what's the project ?
the ping scared me lol
First is to find large prime numbers of the form Martin Hopf wants to create huge Carmichael numbers (See above). Second is to find a positive integer N such that N,N^2,N^3 are all balanced (that is in its decimal expansion , all digits 0-9 occur equally often). For the bases b=2-9 , I found a solution , but none for base 10.
Yeah I can help for Carmichael Numbers
Third challenge : Find a prime number N as large as possible such that 9N is balanced.
These projects are nice, I will try Carmichael numbers first
Can you give an exemple for the balanced numbers ?
A simple example is 1234567890 , each digit occurs exactly once. A balanced number (in base 10) must of course have 10k digits (k positiive integer) and must be divisible by 9. I found no other usefulc criterions.
Hello Peter and Aurel!
I see
Hey Martin !
Nice too see you both at the same time on my channel. :)
BTW, it was Peter who created this room.
I failed to find a 5k or 6k digit prime number of the form you need
Aurel, feel free to ask if anything is unclear.
no problem
just checking currently some Carmichael numbers
@Peter no problem I have an 8k digit prime already. Never mind.
@Peter your described condition holds.
With your supercomputer , you will probably find my superbalanced number in some minutes. My computer is just too old.
why not, let's try :)
I tried it for several hours per day with many different approaches , maybe there is no solution , but I think , there is one.
@Aurel-BG what do you think of the new layout of mersenneforum.org ?
I don't know, I think it can be improved but I like it
Peter do you have some code for this one ?
and you Martin ?
Wait , I search my file
this is the main-function , testing whether some number n is balanced in base b
A moment , this is online a function !
This creates the needed vector for the enumeration
do you use PARI GP online ? Sometimes I use PARI GP from Sagecell or Online PARI/GP compiler
the routine. It makes sense to set some seed with setrand(...)
I tried it , but the version I am aware of is not really fast either.
Did you kwow the newest PARI/GP developement 2.16 and higher now supports the primorial-operator.
oh nice
This is in fact an improvement !
indeed !
@Aurel-BG Does it work ?
I'm not sure I have 1 2 3 4 5 printed
I don't know what does it means
I stopped
I will retry it
This is interesting how some Carmichael Numbers are palindrome in some bases
@Aurel-BG This is unfortunate , but it is how it works. It should finally find a case where N and N^2 are balanced and it continues until a solution is found.
ok let's try it again, by the way, when a number if found, it's printed entierly ?
@Aurel-BG for Carmichael numbers see also this thread @ mersenneforum.
okay :]
A semiexample is displayed , yes , but it can take quite long. But chances for a solution are relatively good since I used a restriction for the digits.
Only , if the program stops , we are really done.
okay so let's go
Did you find Carmichaelnumbers palindrome in many bases , say , 5 ?
I found in base 2, 4 and 12
and 10 ofc with 101101
Not bad ! I asked a question about palindromic Poulet numbers , if I remember right only one other is known.
Did the program display a semisolution ?
noooo :(
Isn't 1105 palindrome in bases 2,4,19,24,64,84 ?
possible, I need a IsPalindrome() function lol
use Vecrev(digits(n,b))==digits(n,b) to check whether n is palindrome in base b
oh cool
thx I will try it :)
334153 [21, 76, 184, 326, 389, 442, 459, 468, 476, 504, 546, 816]
Do you require at least 3 digits in base b ?
gp > for(j=1,length(a),s=a[j];v=select(b->(Vecrev(digits(s,b))==digits(s,b))*(b^2<s),[2..1000]);if(length(v)>4,print(s," ",v)))
15841 [90, 96, 99, 110, 120]
29341 [43, 47, 76, 77, 163]
41041 [144, 152, 171, 180, 190]
46657 [6, 36, 162, 192, 216]
115921 [252, 276, 280, 315, 322, 336]
278545 [2, 4, 98, 107, 128]
314821 [12, 60, 107, 111, 171, 477, 495, 530, 540]
334153 [21, 76, 184, 326, 389, 442, 459, 468, 476, 504, 546]
340561 [66, 156, 175, 211, 430, 440, 473, 495, 516, 528]
399001 [5, 60, 456, 475, 500, 525, 532, 570, 600]
Still no output ?
not yet
Tough !
What is the number output last ?
quite high , if there is no output soon , there might be something wrong with the code.
but it can also be that a number passing my restriction is very rare
I asked a question about a useful restriction for balanced numbers , no answer yet.
and I found a near miss where N and N^2 are balanced and the distribution of N^3 is very balanced.
67371265 [2, 4, 431, 455, 512, 561]
67653433 [934]
67902031 [423]
68154001 [494, 651]
69331969 [669]
72108421 [940]
72286501 [993]
74165065 [802]
75151441 [456]
75765313 [526]
78091201 [478, 667]
78120001 [372]
79411201 [621, 684]
79624621 [852]
80282161 [516, 572]
82929001 [420, 518]
84311569 [523, 540]
84350561 [729, 861, 985]
87318001 [652]
90698401 [775]
93614521 [650]
96895441 [432]
99861985 [513, 523]
100427041 [378]
101649241 [567, 577]
102090781 [734]
104404861 [642]
The base 16-example is striking !
wow amazing
can you check base 256 ?
I checked all bases upto 1 000 and displayed every example with some base in this range. I think, the database goes upto 10^17.
1064311039918369 [306]
1879280313387841 [990]
1925795774992321 [254]
4631170376004481 [182]
8219279193281101 [178]
10174701738146401 [60]
10552947068664001 [429]
11258301692358001 [205]
15694232604573601 [778]
16572787241647681 [456]
this is not the end yet. Still no output ?
I'm at 151
OK, try to replace "t=t-2^15" by "t=random([1,20!])" , then there should occur some output.
16572787241647681 [456]
24547515564615121 [495]
27670494011668201 [525]
32496538458394081 [112]
39540852873849601 [404]
57942466794656731 [594]
57942466794656731 [594]
72931224600780001 [624]
101533868438058001 [666]
a "beast"-Carmichael !
finished the database. You have something to report !
at-top level error with "t=t-2^15"
I redo
nope doesn't work
I'm silly
bruh, can you give me the new code pls
Is "bal" and "y1" still valid ?
seems ok
"1" printed
now 2
hope now we get a "semisolution"
Python is sure much faster , but how can we program it there ?
I don't know Python at all
I never used it , but many seem to use it.
yeah, this is the n°1 code for employment apparently
Is there a fast online PARI tool that can be freely used ?
I do not know whether this is the tool I tried. Did you try it ?
yes, I use it when I need "two" PARI GP at the same time
seems it is not the one I used. Is it fast ?
Yes I find it fast honestly
I like it :]
It is only a compiler , right ? I tried to enter "factor(24!-1)". How do I start it ?
do print(factor(24!-1))
don't remove the quit() at the end
can be buggy after
OK. Seems to work.
print(primepi(10^12)) seems to be somewhat slow
now an output ?
I'm at 64
again quite high.
I quit "print(primepi(10^12))"
Yeah, this is a drawback of this compiler, when it's inactive for around 20 sec, compiler stops àt all
20 seconds is not much ...
yeah, so the tips here is to print something in the console every 20 sec
or less
and then it continues to run ?
117, still no output
I will try the primepi(10^12) again ...
nice !
so I will leave
still no output
OK, if you find a result , please output it here
no problem !
See ya !
OK, bye
@Peter 78941160385273596204 :)

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