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1:07 PM
PRP 14388 (show) (130^6889-1)/(130^83-1)<14388> = 3151053670...01<14388>
1 hour later…
2:28 PM
P 4490 (show) (306^1849-1)/(306^43-1)<4490> = 1632661778...13<4490>
2 hours later…
4:17 PM
Hello Peter
Update: primality test finished for $b \le 500$ and $100 < p < 200$.
$10\ 500$ candidates for which after presieving $4\ 168$ remained to test with LLR.
The poor result are the three PRP's mentioned above yesterday.
The other test is still running at $b=521$ in the range $\frac {b}{2} - \sqrt{b} \le p \le \frac {b}{2} + \sqrt{b}$.
In the meantime, I doubt whether there is a higher prime density in this area.
No further PRP's.
5:04 PM
@MartinHopf Well done ! I was not successful either with PRP of considerable magnitude.
A bit surprising that there are no more primes considering that no prime factor less than $p^2$ can occur.
Yes, also the pre sieving methods are not as efficient as we could expect.
Actually I'm reading a paper from Yves Gallot:
5:20 PM
Any result useful for our search ?
At least some interesting prime numbers should occur in cyclotmic polynomials. I have to understand their densities.
Another milestone should be the range $2\le b\le 1\ 000$ , $2\le p\le 100$ and another one $2\le b\le 10^4$ , $2\le p\le 50$. Do you think we can do them in a reasonable amount of time ?
And finally, there are several primes $p$ left for which there is no known base $b$ leading to a prime.
@Peter I downloaded PFGW today. Very useful, it can handle cyclotmic polynomials.
Yes, but it is of course slower.
Phi(59^2,2) is 3-PRP! (0.0338s+0.0022s)
Phi(140^2,2) is 3-PRP! (0.1325s+0.0151s)
5:38 PM
Do you have an idea how we can get some more helpers and how to organize the search to get optimal results ?
Phi handles both the Mersenne $b^p-1$ and the Fermat $\large b^{2^n}+1$ ones.
Yes, flexible and useful ! We can even create the ec-numbers because there is a len-command.
I think we should first make a reseach how the primes of yclotmic polynomials
A mini-project : Which base $b$ gives a prime for $p=61$ ? According to my search, no $b\le 4\ 000 $ does the job.
* are researchd
5:42 PM
In fact, this could save much time !
Although we invested much time already ...
@Peter $p=61$ is a 'bad' prime but there should be a $b$ that is satisfying.
There are more "bad" primes.
Only "bad" for our special purposes.
of course
Have you found any indication that the $p^2$-th polynomials have been deeply verified for prime values ?
No, let's gather some more information on cyclotmic polynomials.
5:54 PM
They are all irreducible and I today learnt that they all apply to Bunyakovsky's conjecture, so should produce infinite many primes.
Another question : If a number must have prime factors of the form $2kn+1$ for a fixed $n$, by which factor is the chance for a prime increased ?

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