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A: Is skipping an online code test and instead having a probationary period a reasonable accommodation?

sf02 Question: would it be a reasonable accommodation to ask HRs to skip this LeetCode part altogether and replace it with a remote-work probationary period, working with real tasks, paying me their standard rate but without any other legal obligations on their side? No, it would be unreasonable. T...

1) "The company has a specific reason for the task solving part of the interview." - how do you know that? 2) "you are free to stop pursuing employment from any company that asks you to solve such tasks" - all of them do. Maybe this fad ends some day, but not any time soon.
@user855286 1) I can only speak from experience but I have been part of panel interviews where the candidates were asked to perform a task or a few tasks and in each case they were for very specific reasons related to the position. Companies usually do not waste their resources creating a task for their candidates and have one more more employees review for no reason. 2) That is not true
I am sorry to barge on your answer sf02. @user855286 you seem hell bent on pitting the world against you, rather than taking a good look at reality and not spewing untrue nonsense. There are many companies who hire without such tests, and do you know how do I know? Because I hire without those tests, and I know many other companies (few of those I taught the human way of hiring). But you seem to stuck in your view of "everyone is against me" to go and look for those who may be more suitable to your needs. And that makes me sad. Put that effort into finding companies that fit better.
@sf02 "they do that because it's necessary and it's necessary because they do that", right?
@Tymoteusz Paul living with a severe disability is very difficult, it's as simple as that. Even more difficult if you were born in a s***hole country. I just see my situation as it is, without rose tinted glasses of people who never faced any real trouble. Care to share a link to any open positions in your company?
@user855286 You can google it, if you find it, feel free to follow the application process. And I know all about being born with disabilities, in shithole country and two decades ago when in my part of world mental disability was only known as being lazy, stupid, slow and only fit to shovel gravel.
@Tymoteusz Paul 1) I have no idea how to google a company when I know nothing about it. Why don't you just share a link? 2) I wonder what disabilities and what country? 3) You think two decades ago it was bad? Think how worse it was before that.
@TymoteuszPaul you said that you already have information about such companies. Why don't share it?
"Keep in mind, as an interview is a two way process you are free to stop pursuing employment from any company that asks you to solve such tasks during the interview process." And gay people are free to buy cakes from people who don't discriminate against gay people. I don't see how this is an appropriate answer to someone concerned about discrimination. If you're going to do a frame challenge regarding the entire concept of ADA/reasonable accommodation/anti-discrimination law, you should explicitly say so.
@user855286 gitlab for example doesn't ask to perform a leetcode task. They ask you to make a merge request (aka pull request) on a pet project in ruby or go, and they can consider alternatives:
@user855286 Look at their stackexchange profile and click on their twitter link. You'll have the company info. Took me less than 10 seconds.
@Acccumulation Everything in the original post indicates that the OP's problem is not with ADA discrimination as a result of OP not being able to complete these tasks due to their disability but with the code tests being "very different from normal job functions both in terms of tasks solved and working conditions."
@JSLavertu do you mean that strange website with an empty "join us" page?
@sf02 is this difference important?
@user855286 Ultimately no one can help you if you're not willing to help yourself. I'm not sure what answer you're seeking.
@JSLavertu I'm seeking for the answer to the discrimination problem that I have. And you, what you're seeking here?
@user855286 You've been given plenty of answers to your problem but none of them seem to satisfy you. Maybe I'm wrong, but from your comments, it seems like you'd rather stay negative and refuse all posibilities instead of doing what you CAN do, as long as you can put the blame on society/companies/others. Yes, your situation is incredibly difficult, but refusing anything other than a perfect outcome wont solve it.
@JSLavertu who said that I refuse any opportunities? However, I simply can't do what I can't do. And I know better my limitations than some random strangers from the internet whose worst problem in life was acne or ADHD.
@user855286 It's rather hypocritical of you to dismiss Acne and ADHD as if they're some trivial problem when you chastise others for doing the same about your own disability.
@JSLavertu there are minor problems, and there are severe problems. What hypocritical do you see in distinguishing them?
@user855286 Yes, the difference is important. Either your disability prevents you from doing coding tasks or it does not. Nowhere in your original post do you state that your disability prevents you from doing coding tasks.
@user855286 Who are you to say what is minor and what is major? Do you have ADHD and/or acne?
@sf02 it doesn't prevent me from my doing my job in normal conditions, but it does prevent me from coding under pressure and/or in abnormal conditions. Is this so difficult to understand?
@JSLavertu I'm a person who has personal experience and did some research on the topic. Yes, I did have acne and I know that it's a very, very minor problem. But if you're so stubborn and don't believe me, ask the professionals. ADHD isn't a severe mental disorder. Period.
@user855286 You've lost any and all credibility in my eyes. You are doing exactly what you complain people do to you: dismissing other people's disabilities as trivial despite having no way of knowing what they experience. You of all people should have the ability and decency to understand adversity... Having a disability isn't a free pass for being a prick.
@JSLavertu acne is a disability? Really?
@user855286 It 100% can be:‌​m This is exactly what I'm talking about: dismissing other people's disabilities without knowing what they go through.
@JSLavertu I have to facepalm. Your page lists some very certain skin disorders, and that list doesn't include acne.
@user855286 If that is the case, then it is perfectly reasonable for interviewers to have you code under pressure and in abnormal conditions because there is no job where you will never face being under pressure nor where there will never be abnormal conditions. If you cannot handle these conditions in an interview then you will not be able to handle them when they arise on the job. Good luck in your endeavors.
@sf02 you have some very strange ideas about how coders work.
@user855286 And we're back to nitpicking examples. Good luck on your search, you're going to need it with your attitude.
@JSLavertu you simply lied and now you're accusing me of "nitpicking".

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