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The site says after questions are no longer accepted, that after 6 months an opportunity to ask one question opens up. The site also suggest wording some questions different may help in receiving better quality answers. Some people just plain don't like me, and on purpose has voted down every question I have ever asked. Simply because they haven't seen what I've seen, and if they ever did see what I saw. Let's hope they don't kill themselves with regret.
Changing the existing questions seems out of the options. Therefore I place this task on whoever can post. Within Gal 6:8 the word εἰς meaning "into" teaches "into the flesh". And since the only qualifying biblical translation the "Douay-Rheims" carries the "in" part using flesh as literal. Many need to see the difference of sowing in the flesh vs. breath.
The thought vs. the saying.
We should place out words on the lampstand of the mouth, and not under the basket of the fleshly head.
The darkness said in the flesh in thought, but by mouth in breath, that is the light.
I go to others that can hear. Good bye.

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