@curiousdannii The question sucks, but it would make an even worse question on History. It would get bounced there for asking about Luther's theological justification for not doing something. It could really have used an edit to be either historical OR theological, but the current form is a half baked half breed that I couldn't justify kicking over somewhere else.
I almost closed it outright, but we've been pretty lenient on history questions in general and they haven't been much of a problem so I gave it a pass.
@curiousdannii I'm not suggesting railroading people into tacking on a theological scope. We have way too much of that already. But in most cases those "unscoped exegesis" questions really aren't in any decent shape for BH either. They would need editing to be decent questions there, if nothing else because the writing assumes a backdrop of Christianity. They also frequently wander from text to text with no regard for context. Both of those faults make them poorly suited for BH.
@curiousdannii Ya sorry my gripe really isn't with your flags nearly as much as some others. You at least are active on BH and have some idea what works there which is more than I can say for all the flags we've gotten recently. We got whole rashes of bogus ones including too old to migrate, long closed, or otherwise poor quality ones that were just kicking bags and needed to be closed / deleted not migrated.
@curiousdannii Yes. I think the problem is the group of questions which actually don't fit EITHER site well: they are unscoped exegesis but the authors expectations are not a bunch of technical hermeneutical analysis, they want discussion about the truest application in Christianity. Those are hard because they don't fit either site well. Slapping "according to X" on them makes them pedantic on C.SE and they really have little substance to chew on for BH.SE.
7 hours later…
@curiousdannii Lots of reasons, #1 being it's kind of subverting the system to say an entire class of questions need to be flagged and handled by moderators (i.e. exception handlers).
3 hours later…
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