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@ThomasShields meh, depends on the day :|
@waxeagle well it's just cool how it it only posts > 0 scored questions and inserts a "think you can answer?" to the unanswered ones
woot! 1k! Now I can stop being a rep hog! Say, what's this... mod tools?! at 2k?! SWEET.
@ThomasShields yes, it also has some tricks to try to avoid bad questions...not that is succeeds all the time (you can search MSO and find some history on it, I think some of its selection criteria is public there)
@ThomasShields lol, shoot for 80 edits then you can start working towards review :)
@waxeagle oh okay. I hadn't checked MSO yet, just our local meta
@waxeagle oh yeah, reviewing is nice. I got S&W on SO and started reviewing like crazy
@ThomasShields yeah, you won't find much there about things like the tweetbot or big stuff that everyone has.
@waxeagle I honestly didn't even know each site had a Twitter; I thought it was something cooked up by the local mods
@ThomasShields yeah I did the same on RPG.SE...I burned through flags, close votes and delete votes so fast in /review -> low quality -> all
@ThomasShields nope, everyone gets one
@waxeagle thankfully we don't have much low quality there yet.
@waxeagle cool
@ThomasShields wow only 32...RPG had like over 100...
@waxeagle ha, you should see SO's
@ThomasShields yeah, one day I'll have S&W there :). Mostly I just need to find quesitons I can answer there...found a couple last weekend, hopefully I can find a couple more this weekend....
@waxeagle yeah, SO is so flooded it's hard to find a decent question to answer. To get to my 4k there I had to play sniper the whole way.
@ThomasShields yeah, part of my problem is that the code that I write at work is about the simplest vb.net/aspx code you can write...its coding, but it doesn't use a lot of the features of vb.net and most of its exists to fit into our system, which doesn't help me even thing about vb.net questions on SO...
mostly SQL is about all I can really answer
@waxeagle ah, yeah. Mine's similar, but sort of reverse - I learn completely from experience, so I have a sort of limited subset of knowledge that only applies to what I needed to know to finish something.
@ThomasShields yeah I'm tentatively planning to start an own time project soon...but soon doesn't seem to be coming :)
@waxeagle man, that last clause sums up just about everything I'm trying to do lately.
@ThomasShields lol. just you wait :)
@waxeagle would a question about sermon-type (a purely objective question of course) be acceptable? I was thinking of asking for the biblical basis for different types of sermons
(i'll post on meta if you're busy/can't respond, just thought I'd do a quick ping in case you're right there)
actually, i should probably post on meta for future reference, anyways
@ThomasShields honestly not sure. Post on meta so you can go into some more depth there
@waxeagle right-o. will do
considering @StackExchange is so slow...
Q: Is a question about sermon type allowed?

Thomas ShieldsAt my church, my pastor is quite adamant about a particular type of preaching. I'm well aware of alternative methods of preaching. It seems to me these methods are quite important; to the lay person as well as the pastor. Can I ask a question about the biblical basis for a method of preaching? ...

I don't really know what other detail to provide
Q: Is a question about sermon type allowed?

Thomas ShieldsAt my church, my pastor is quite adamant about a particular type of preaching. I'm well aware of alternative methods of preaching. It seems to me these methods are quite important; to the lay person as well as the pastor. Can I ask a question about the biblical basis for a method of preaching? ...

6 hours later…
Q: wrongly tagging

NokDoes the community pay lot of attention to tags? And what happens if a question is wrongly? What does it cost me? If it costs me nothing shouldn't the community take a look at it, because I for instance, am often lazy looking for already created tags that relevant to my question. This is often du...

12 hours later…
heh my first answer since January...yikes
Can a mod tell me if my edit on this was okay? I don't think i changed the meaning, but if I did I can rollback
A: Why did Jesus refer to Gentiles as dogs?

john tabahThe gentile's woman cries reach Jesus because she had the faith to believe he was the Son of David and Messiah sent to the lost sheep of Israel by God. Her answer means the crumbs (bread of Jesus flesh) she reached for were the trashed works of Jesus ignored by the lost sheep of Israel. Howeve...

1 hour later…
You here Thomas?
actually comment maybe more appropriate, but I was only being a bit snarky :P
As in I don't think that the picture is the problem, it is what we do with them
So were you saying that since Jesus is my family, it's okay to have pictures of him in the same way I have pictures of my family?
You don't worship pictures of your family
So if you're not worshiping the picture of Jesus...
It is not the object, it is the attitude of the heart.
yes, but Jesus isn't just a man.
he's also God.
But to be honest I think I can see your point, in that any image we make of Him is just a "fake"
right, exactly
so therefore a bit of an idol
the problem with pictures of Jesus is that 99% of the time they're trying to represent Jesus Christ, our savior. Which a picture can never do. (see this, it's related)
I'm not going to burn anyone with a picture of Jesus.
I've got kids books with pictures of "Jesus" in them.
but i think those serve a totally different purpose - they show the kids that "look! Jesus was real! he really did live! he really did die! he was a real human being like you and me!"
Help me with the part about a picture never representing Jesus...
or more specifically a picture being incapable of doing.
well, think about it. Assuming we're coming from a traditional orthodox position, Jesus is 100% man but also 100% God.
As the Second Commandment (and dozens of other OT passages* make clear, you can't represent God by an image.
so by definition, an image can only represent the humanity of Jesus - never his deity.
Sure, but an image even of one's spouse still only represents their physical body.
good point. two responses to that...
There is something removed by the nature of the medium, as your answer to the related question on the 2nd commandment points out
1) most of the time i'm not trying to capture the soul in a picture of another person
2) even if I am trying to capture the soul, i'm working with material I have in front of me. I've seen this person's facial expressions; I *know* how soul-related personality traits are represented physically
Also, with a person, speculation is okay. I can guess at what Socrates would have looked like and try to capture his personality in an image. But I can't do that with God. He's God. We can't guess about him.
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that we cannot guess at all. We "see through a glass darkly", we make some attempt to understand the revelation. "see in part and know in part"?
But I'm guessing that your experience with these pictures generally is that they are trying to express the divinity, not just the physicality.
I'd argue that "for now we dimly" is actually proving my point. Compare to other passages like "for we live by faith and not by sight" or "for we hope for what we do not see"
We can't see yet - we will, someday, and it will be glorious! there's nothing wrong with imagery. But we don't see yet, so we have to trust in God's word (a fundamentally different medium than imagery)
@JoshuaDrake right.
But so much of the word is symbolic, uses imagery in so many places.
again, i'm not totally dissing any pictures of Jesus. I just think we need to be careful - very careful - not to try to somehow capture God in a picture.
Fair enough
@JoshuaDrake that's true. But it's God's Word, not ours.
Anytime we try to tie _God _ down to our human experience, we miss.
fair enough
I've got to head out, but I'll sum up in a comment for those who pile on in that question.
3/50 of 200 daily rep for the Epic badge. Woot!
(the previous message may be taken with whatever level of sarcasm the reader desires)
> You answered 7 questions, which earned you a maximum of 543 rep and contributed around 259 views
it started with a bang, then fizzed out, but apparently we're growing slowly but surely

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