@fredsbend How, exactly, is homosexuality a disease?
@fredsbend Diseases are diseases because by their nature they damage and destroy the human body and mind. Cancer gradually replaces healthy, functioning cells with unhealthy, non-functioning cells until there aren't enough functioning cells left to sustain the body's vital functions, and the body dies. Heart disease gradually weakens the heart's muscle tissue until it can no longer supply blood to the body, and the body dies.
It doesn't matter whether society approves or disapproves of cancer or heart disease. The Pope could declare them two of the Seven Salubrious Virtues, and they would still continue to destroy and kill people's bodies because by their intrinsic nature they are destructive of the human body.
How, then, is homosexuality by its intrinsic nature in any way destructive of the human body and mind? I understand that religious and social disapproval causes homosexuals many mental and even physical problems. But that's not homosexuality causing damage. It's societal attitudes toward homosexuality causing problems.
Further, let's compare apples to apples. The U.S. (along with many other Western countries) has now legalized same-sex marriage, and put it on the same footing as opposite-sex marriage. So in analyzing the supposed harm done by homosexuality, which might cause it to be classified as a disease, to be fair we must compare faithful, monogamous same-sex relationships to faithful, monogamous opposite-sex relationships.
With that in mind, religious dogma and societal attitudes aside, what harm does homosexuality intrinsically cause that would prompt us to label it a disease, but not to label heterosexuality a disease due to parallel phenomena occurring in heterosexual relationships?