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@BruceAlderman Good article
Could a mod give me the content of my comment on this question? I suspect it was inadvertantly deleted, and I'd like to confirm what I had there.
From what I can tell, it sounds like the question is trying to discover the oldest hymn for which we have both words and music, which still appears in modern hymnals, though not necessarily using the original words (translations are OK) or music. If anyone has a different understanding, please let me know; I'd like to edit this to make it more clear. – Nathaniel Nov 20 at 2:54
@David Thanks.
1 hour later…
Hurrah! The new user profile format finally filtered down to Christianity.SE!
2 hours later…
Q: Why cant we ask questions

HansI was reading in a article that asked if mohammed was supposed to be the prophet Jesus spoke about in the bible. Some one answered back that this is not the place to ask about islam. I dont understand why? To understand my religion and to further it don't I need to ask question? This is the tim...

@BruceAlderman He does seem more concerned with unity than anything else. If the trend continues, we might see one of two things: a pope that changes Catholicism for many centuries to come, or a pope that alienates Catholics and causes division.
Heck, we might see both. He really is an interesting man, though.
5 hours later…
9 hours later…
You spend one small paragraph asking about the policies of this site: perfectly on topic. You then spend two paragraphs ranting about perfidious Islam: absolutely off topic. Hence my downvote. — TRiG 29 secs ago
Maybe I should've just edited out the rant.
@TRiG Meh. It's in Meta. That's where people say crazy stuff and get smacked down for it, right?
3 hours later…
@zod Thanks for your question! I hope we can better understand what you are asking.
You probably saw in your search that Exodus 20:4-5 talks about idolatry:
> You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them
Yes . i saw that ..i edited the question . i am an orthodox christian from south India. i asked the question because Roman Catholics use idols in church and orthodox dont , both follow same bible. dont know whats the difference.
@zod What is the name of your church? Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church?
:-) yes
orthodox and jacobites are there . i believe they both have syrian Damascus roots
@zod The point of difference is what is considered an idol. For example, is an artistic representation of God an idol? Some would say yes, others would say no.
Okay, great. So on our site, a good way to ask the question might be, "Why does the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church reject the use of images in their churches?"
One option (as an example) would be better to specify the objects in question and ask why the Catholic church does not consider them idols.
Yes, that's also a good way to ask.
ok ..will change it... i understand what you are trying to say... if we worship a cow or elephant scultpure... thats wrong.. but gods idol maybe correct..
@zod It depends. Some Christians say that even a painting of Jesus is sinful. Others say that paintings are OK as long as you don't worship it.
yes , we use painting . i dont see a big difference between painting and sculpture.
@zod What kind of "idols" do the Roman Catholics use that your church doesn't? Your church's website says that you do use "icons" or "holy pictures": malankaraorthodoxchurch.in/…
yes pictures are there like malankaraorthodoxchurch.in/…
@zod I gave the question a copyedit and changed "idols" to "sculptures" as that seems to be what you are saying, but I'm not 100% sure. If that is not what you meant, please re-edit and define "idol".
thanks , the question is actually simple . the orthodox churches . not only india, some other orthodox churches dont seem to use sculptures like this . digital-images.net/Gallery/Scenic/Rome/Churches/StPeters_Int/…
i have to learn difference between idols and sculptures. anyway thanks for your time. Happy thanks giving . tc
@zod Well I'm not sure if it is simple. :) The use/non-use of religious imagery was one of the major issues that led to the split of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches (even if it is a minor issue these days). Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

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