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Little righteousness comes from the Thronbush King. He is cut down and thrown into the fire.
One day the Thronbush King looked upon a fellow and sat inside his mind. The man grew to be very annoyed. And started saying things to annoy others. He wanted others to feel what he was going through. Another man was listening in on the conversation and felt compassion.
He felt compassion for those that had to receive the sayings of King Thornbush.
So he killed the man ruled by King Thronbush, and threw him into the fire as well.
A servant heard this plan and called out to those with King Thornbush ruling in their head. "Quick! Forgive and clear your mind of these annoying things!" The master is coming to throw you into the crematory.
When the master arrived some had cleared there mind and so they where saved.
And those that did not did die. For little righteousness comes from the Thronbush King. He is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Q: Declined flag on the first document case of praying to dead saints question

curiousdanniiI flagged this answer as not an answer, which has now been declined. The question is asking for evidence of the first (or early) examples of Christians who prayed/asked the saints to intercede for them. This answer gives a quote, and here's the full version from the website it links to: If ...

1 hour later…
Sometimes, I read my old posts on this chatroom and the Christianity.SE and get a laugh at how ignorant I was. I am a lot wiser now, but I still have a lot more to learn!
christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/36921/… christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/37004/… These two questions are the same, but neither can be closed as a duplicate because they don't have any answers. What should be done in this case?
Q: How is this not a truth question?

Mr. BultitudeDid Jesus commit any sin pertaining to the Sabbath? I flagged this question as a "Truth question" and it was declined. Why? It seems like a classic Truth question, in the vein of "Is X a sin?" It doesn't specify a specific denomination. Any Christian denomination that believes Jesus to be sinle...

@Islam Are you positive that Muhammad pbuh is not saying the same as I?
Q: Is Homosexuality really a problem of humans and paganism

osman khanDear fellow users (all religions and beliefs valued- some less than others lol!) For some time now my belief in religion is dwindling. There are a few questions I have which have basically ended my belief in Islam. I have done extensive research (but by no means consider myself an expert) and fo...

2 hours later…
@TheProphetElisha The opposite and equal reaction to giving anal sex is what? "Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." (Romans 1:27 NKJV)
The truth may be hated. Yet this is plainly obvious.
3 hours later…
Q: Should this question be answered?

kutschkemHow many people saw Jesus raised from the death? The question shows severe lack of research (literally, the answer is in the same chapter as the one OP cited) and also citing scriptures out of context to make his point about false witnesses. However, my first impression is that the question "How...

4 hours later…
@DoesElishaspeak? I do not understand why questions are strained out? If the person is wicked and asks a question that is twisted with lies in it. The Lord expects us to shine the truth without condemnation. For example if the question was "Why did Mary have sex with a bunny?" The answer is "Mary never had sex with a bunny." Denying a person the right to ask a question however causes many to fall unnecessarily. Do we not want the sinners to repent and be saved?l
Should we scoff at the Lord's Patience? Should we expect the same from the Lord to us concerning us and sin?
4 hours later…
@Onlyheisgood. The purpose of this site is not to bring sinners to repentance. Nor is this a church and question closures are not based on the possible spiritual ramifications of having a question addressed or not.
I just flagged a comment in meta.
I should have flagged a different comment in the stream, but I think it's already known why, I just don't want to upset the person whose comment I flagged...lol
@Malachi meh
comment flags aren't going to concern anyone
@Malachi It's okay, that needed cleaning up anyway. It didn't belong there.
@Caleb cool.
pro-tip mods aren't untouchable when it comes to flags.
after I did it I realized whose comment I flagged...lol
in fact, please flag us when you see us doing things that are out of line
be vewy vewy qwuiet, I'm huntin' mods
lol JK I think I missed and hit chat....
heh :)
@Onlyheisgood. DoesElishaSpeak is an RSS feed here in the chat room..... go post an answer...
6 hours later…
Did I have a comment deleted from this? christianity.stackexchange.com/q/37015/6071 I can't see why, it's not like it has many comments, and it was a genuine clarification request.

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