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00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

Back from dinner if you would like to puzzle some more :)
Will work on #26 in meantime
2 hours later…
@Sciborg, I am back from my dinner
Hello puzzling buddy!
It was the Weekly Grandparent Dinner
Did you have to endure any Republican Grandparents stuff?
no politics
sorry, no politics
as in, there wasn't any politics
Ah, that's always a good thing
I loved my grandpa but he would get on a real roll about politics sometimes :p
I think my grandpa likes Trump (because he's "strong"), but grandpa is also too lazy to figure out how to vote, and doesn't know enough English to talk politics.
What's his first language?
He doesn't want to try to learn English because he might fail
so, there's some logic for you
Sounds very logical
Cantonese is a neat language though :)
so, how far did you get on Statue Parks?
I got a bit through #26, there has been lots of piece bank logic. Placed two tetros
need nudge?
Trying to figure out some extendability logic, let me show where i'm at
i placed U and L through piece bank logic/extending logic, but now trying to do the others
because obviously bottom right corner is next
but i'm not quite sure where to go
hmm, what happens if the cell above bottom-center dot is ocean?
then that bottom tetro goes 1 right and then up
and then...?
Deus appears
oh hey Deus :D
then, hm, i guess it has to be Z or F
can bottom-center dot and bottom-right dot both become pieces that are left in the bank?
the problem is that the right corner tetro exists and therefore bottom tetro cannot touch it
so no, actually
therefore it has to go up
so you got a new island dot!
i see a step that could be more helpful
yeah :D
and now i can place another ocean because Ocean Connectivity
what's your step Deus?
this puzzle is suspiciously symmetric - what shapes can go in the corners?
when I get stuck I usually resort to trying to determine island/ocean one cell at a time
same, i do one cell at a time when i get stuck
but for the corners, i've already said by connecting logic they must have a 2x1 region, therefore piece bank gives me F, T, N, V, Z and Y
which doesn't help me much
can you actually fit all of those?
well, not N, since it doesn't fit in either of those three spots - blocks oceans and causes Problems
any others that cause Problems?
(by the way Deus are you free tomorrow for Fillomino solving?)
i think not Y either, because it hits other tetros
(sure, i should be free)
so down to F, T, V, Z.
great, I'll ping you once I'm ready
how many corners are there?
i'm looking at the 3 (top left, top right, bottom right) that i haven't filled
and those are 4 possible tetros
hm, i missed one of those, but i think this can still be salvaged with what you figured out
there might be another one that doesn't work, i think they are all workable though in various orientations
no ocean-blocking or Problems that i can see
unless, wait...
none directly, but i think you can do some useful arguments with the bottom now
Z can't work on bottom right for sure, causes Ocean Problems and bothers bottom tetro
V, T and F are all fine there though
oh i do see something else actually
i know bottom right and top left are Important Deduction Areas, but i can't figure out the intended Deduction
from what I remember I may have case-bashed through the latter half of this puzzle
i'd actually not focus on those - instead, you know that your N and Y can't go in the corners. which of the other dots can they go on?
if N and Y can't go in corners, must be top and bottom middle dots
or right dot, too actually
so 3 possible places
hmm, if right dot then what happens to bottom-right corner?
can it fit a piece?
i think so
if Y is on that side, yes, but i believe if N, no
oh i only saw N
yeah Y works
i'm determined to find the intended deduction, there must be one somewhere
bottom middle dot - if it's N or Y, does that cause Problems?
yeah if N is on the right side then i don't think you can fit a piece in the bottom corner. but i can't see a why to extend that so never mind
i think if the bottom middle dot is N, it causes Problems because it blocks oceans no matter what the bottom right tetro is.
and if N can't be on right... N goes on top middle?
well these are pentominoes, not tetrominoes
also i think bottom right can be T
but if we've said N can't be right or bottom, it must be the top middle dot, right?
i'm not convinced N can't be bottom
okay, hang on, i will fill squares
can't it go up-up-right-up, and then put T in the bottom right
....oh yeah. drat
but then does that tell us the bottom middle must go up one more? (3x1)? because 2x1 causes corner issues?
yeah i believe so
excellent, so that narrows something down at least
yay for incremental deductions!
so now we're here
and doesn't same logic apply to top left?
or similar logic at least?
top middle dot could escape right, right?
that's the thing, yeah. top middle dot can escape right so we're not sure which direction it goes
you could put Y in top middle and Z in top left
also I was solving this Statue Park-Tapa hybrid from Grandmaster Puzzles in my head during Grandparent Dinner, and I somehow remembered the board well enough to deduce where I was making a wrong deduction and work out contradictions in my head
help me
i'll put in some ghost squares to remind myself that bottom middle must now be either Y or N
I think I may have passed some point of no return to the Land of Grid-Deductioners
or have you ascended
bottom middle has to be either Y or N now right? no other options?
parents: "why are you staring off into the distance?"
me: "hmm, but this piece could also go here and then... that and this and yay there's my problem!"
it's the Tetris Effect, but with grid deduction puzzles
@Sciborg I believe so
bottom right corner narrowed to V, T, or F, and i think i know the deduction now. since bottom middle MUST be Y or N, the bottom right now cannot be V, because either bottom middle option hits it and causes Problem. bottom right is therefore either T or F. kicker: no matter what orientation of F, it will block off an ocean. therefore, bottom right is T
(also, Mando is starting so I may be distracted at some points)
there are probably multiple Things
are you not psyched that i figured that out????
i'm so happy!!!
have a bunny picture as celebration
:D :D :D
so NOW i have the remaining two corners narrowed to V, F and Z for sure
and it looks like they both work in both places, so will have to do some more Thinking
i'm still so happy about Deductioning that bottom right corner all by myself
want a nudge?
what happens if left-middle dot has an ocean above it?
directions are hard
if right-middle has an ocean over it, it has to go down-left-left
this doesn't work with current piece bank
therefore it goes up
and that means hehehe
clicking sounds
wait wait, this can't be right
it can't go up, because then it has to go left and so does top right?
and i don't have piece bank to allow that either
you don't know that it goes all the way up
but it goes at least one up
it could also go down
but even knowing that it goes one up should let you make further deductions
well yes, because now top right is Z
and right must be V
hm, why not F?
doesn't work now, must be V
oh wait I mixed up directions again
and bottom middle must not be N, meaning it's Y
and now boop, solved
what did you boop?
hmm, wait, un-boop, i accidentally blocked an ocean
there we go
#27 is going to require a) counting b) a bunch of global reasoning and c) probably some beak-extraction, due to the first two items
yeah, i'm gonna need like constant supervision for this thing, i got nowhere on it
worst one
so, which pieces can use 3 dots?
(remembering the ocean along aisle)
i didn't know at the time and i still do not know
i present a visual proof for why it is only W and Z
ahh, that is helpful, thank you
so W and Z
if you have 3 dots in a diagonal line, these are the only shapes which combine them
okay, now: are there any pieces that can only use one dot?
or actually how about no dots?
on this particular grid or in general?
(I think no dots is the actual thing to reason about)
on this specific grid, are there any pentos which can't use the given dots?
the I piece can't for sure
so i'm guessing i will place that last
any others?
i think the rest are okay
(there is one more)
did you do oceans along the top and bottom?
ohh, L can't either, doesn't fit anywhere.
so I and L must go off the grid
actually you can fit L
where? i don't see a spot it can go without intersecting
i guess on the topmost right and bottom-most left
how about the dots at the top of the left-diagonal, or the bottom of the right-diagonal?
but then wouldn't it block Oceans and cause Problems?
???? but it would, you would block the top right and bottom left oceans in those spots
couldn't it go straight up/down?
also, I do mean left diagonal top
the diagonal below the other one, its top dots
blocks oceans
or the diagonal above the other one, its bottom dots
oh. yeah, it could go in those
i was looking at wrong spots, sorry
okay, back to the piece bank
there is one more pento that can't use any dots
well, i'm darned if i know which one
do you want me to just tell you?
yeah, that makes sense
so now we have 2 pieces which use 3 dots, and 2 pieces which use no dots
how many dots are there?
on the grid?
yes, count the black dots
and we've used 6 of them in this hypothetical
meaning i have to cover 8 of them still
how many pieces do you have left?
8 - 4 = 4 pieces left
so the 4 pieces must cover 2 dots each
T, I = off grid, W, Z = 3 dots each, L, P, U, X = 2 dots each i guess
that's the Big Global Deduction
so does that help me place things?
the next deduction: finding two areas which are the only possibilities for two pieces
lots of globals = mick brain aneurysm
well, i know the L must go in those two spots
so that's a thing i guess
any other "2 dots" pieces which can only go in those two spots?
X can't go there, U can't go there
P can, i think
hmm, one of those is wrong
oh, yeah, U can go there
can U go anywhere else?
so those dots are claimed - no other pieces can use them
also, I think you can place some islands
so now i've got next spots
L, U are claimed as two-spotters, so now X, P are left as my two-spotters
now some more counting
how many dots are left for each diagonal?
i hate counting
there are 5 dots left in each
so 3,2 and 3,2 is the layout
now let's place the I
let's do what now
it has to go in one of the triangles
which does it fit in?
we could have done this earlier, but I though you'd want a break after the global thinking
any puzzle that has both heavy global deductions and counting makes me unhappy
what does your picture look like now?
so now I is placed, and bottom left diagonal is squished up
so bottom left diagonal must be a 2-fer
and of my 2-fer options left (P, X) only P fits
but then Oceans are unhappy?
oh wait, there we go
so P goes there
and now i can place L
because Oceans must be happy
so other twofer on right side is the X
and now i know which three dots must have my three-fer, which is now W
and can place U now too
so now other side has X and Z
and also has T floating off somewhere
now how do the X and Z go, hm
ahh, got it
Z goes like that and X goes like this
and now i just gotta place the T so it doesn't cause Problems
seems like I managed the hand-holding to just past the tricky part right?
yup, now i'm at the end trying to place the T
which is proving... problematic
did i screw up somewhere?
where does this stupid T go
isn't bottom-triangle blocked off?
ocean connectivity and all that
i was breezing along all happy, where did i go wrong
the cell diagonally right and up from the I must be ocean
for ocean happiness
so..... P doesn't go there, or?
P doesn't go there
but X wouldn't go either?
why does it have to be a 2-dot?
screw this counting global madness puzzle, i'm doing game dev instead
I shall do some of my own puzzling then
i get too frustrated when i get that far and then realized i screwed up on like step two
nice relaxing code, code can't hurt my emotions
how is your puzzling going
I am trying to make another Sashigane
ooh :D
what kind of sashigane is it?
a pi-themed one
or at least it is before the need to force a unique solution destroys the clue pattern
that's amazing
does it form a pi shape at the end?
no, the clues are (from top-to-bottom, left-to-right) writing out pi
3, then a vertical arrow (for 1), then 4, then a vertical arrow, then 5, then 9, then two vertical arrows (for II in roman numerals), then 6
my puzzles tend to start out with a vague idea and then spiral out of my control
Nifty :D
i would probably be the worst student for you to tutor in a class, you would try to hammer on a point i'm bad at and i would just start crying and/or curling into a ball of frustration
i would wait for you
(seriously, I have experience tutoring some special-ed kids)
i would definitely be a, uh, special-ed kid
also I have a nice reserve of various ways to explain the same concept, so I'm used to switching between them as needed
you're a really good tutor of both math and teaching me puzzles - i'm just like level zero at controlling frustration
strong emotions and sensitive mick often mix poorly :p
I got better at that because my parents kept telling me how stupid it was to feel frustrated, and I didn't want to be stupid
aw :(
i wish more parents and/or parenting books would internalize the concepts of validating feelings and telling kids that actions are bad, but the child and their emotions are still okay and valid.
we're doing therapy again aren't we
we are
point is: your feelings are important
now we can get back to puzzles
so you can back up to where you placed the P
reluctantly, yes
frustration has subsided
now i know it can't be P or X, so it must be one of the three-bys. and Z doesn't fit, so that must be the W?
why doesn't Z fit?
because since the top right corner ocean of I must be ocean, Z can't fit anymore
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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