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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

@Sciborg, I'm back
Hello :D
How was your bike ride?
I was greeted (when I got back from biking) with an email saying there was an update on reach-school application, so I logged into the portal, navigated through several links, and finally found a standard rejection letter. :(
Aww. That sucks :(
bike ride was good at least
i got stuck trying to figure out how to re-deduce, my initial global deduction was wrong but i'm not sure what to do instead
since now U, V, P and T all make sense in those spots
my mom has declared that reach school is a bad school and is making hot chocolate
this is good
they didn't deserve Bobble anyway
well, let's do some local deductions
how about the top group of 3 dots?
can you place a piece there?
has to be either N or... oh, just N?
well, P too
you don't have N
oh you do
N or P, i think
well, can you place an island?
i guess yeah
this will be useful
some oceans too
i think i can do some ocean logic now
how many oceans?
right? because the oceans have to connect
so now i know the T has to go there
and now i can do More Things :D
I shall let you fly for a bit
the reach school didn't deserve to have a Bobblecrown, your bobblies are guiding you elsewhere
they are also stupid expensive
Sometimes it's just not meant to be, and that's okay :)
you'll get into tons of other great ones
I applied to... 9? I think?
3-ish that are reach, 2-ish that are safety, 4-ish that are target
but there's reach and there's REACH
and I didn't get into REACH
That's okay! you probably weren't expecting to anyway, so no big - i applied to an Ivy League school when i was applying just for the hell of it, even though i had no chance, i just wanted to take the shot.
you'll be fine <3
my REACH school was MIT, in my case
you agree that there's reach and there's REACH?
For sure, there's "reach but i could have a shot" and then there's REACH
anyways, you chugging along on the Statue Park?
yup :)
(also, only on Puzzling: a grid-deduction solving conversation is punctuated with emotional support)
We've turned every chatroom into a supportive therapy place and that's valid
i have a friend that rants to me almost every day on Discord in my DMs because he can't afford therapy and just needs somebody to talk to, and at the end he's always like "hey you don't have to read any of that, but i just needed to know there was someone on the other end" and i relate to that so much
feels like everyone in Generation Z needs therapy :p
I have therapy-induced panic attacks, so getting help the "normal" way would be tricky
oh :(
well hey, i'm usually around for midnight SE/Discord rants if you want some unlicensed therapy!
disclaimer: mick is not a doctor
do NOT, we repeat do NOT, take any pills prescribed by your friendly cyborg not-a-doctor. We are not responsible for any damages or injuries arising from following their advice
legal note: mick is unauthorized to prescribe medical treatment, such as "blanket burritos" and "hot chocolate breaks"
will Triumphant Solve Picture be coming soon?
Almost :D
drat, now i have Problems
oh, there we go, i solved the Problems
saying Problems exist is the #1 way to figure out their solution
A spot had to be either X or U, and i placed the U and realized it caused Problems, so therefore it had to be the X
...but now i have nowhere to put the U..??
beak-extraction squad at the ready
i feel like i screwed up somewhere again
where the heck does the U go??
You did not screw up
wait... does it go somewhere that there isn't dots???
do you want me to tell you where it goes, or do you want to look more?
does it go on the dots somewhere, or is it outside the dots?
count the shapes left and count the groups of dots
is it possible for there to be a non-dot shape?
there are 8 pentos to use and you have 8 groups of dots
therefore, all shapes use dots
but the U doesn't fit anywhere??
it does
that took me an embarrassingly long time
you're just not used to pento reasoning yet
crap, now what
what pentos do you have left?
i have a lot, because of my two pending pieces
but i can at least do some oceans
because i'm not sure what the top and bottom right pieces are, so i can't really eliminate
nudge time?
i guess so yeah
can you make any deductions with the two dots below the T?
has to either be P or N, just like the top thingy
ohhh, so the bottom right can't be P
there you go
also wait can it be both P or N?
so now i can place L
because P and N must be the left ones
35 secs ago, by bobble
also wait can it be both P or N?
no, it must be P, because otherwise Problems
and Problems bad
Yay :D
i'm gonna take a quick break to check something, my game updated on Steam and i need to see if it fixed a bug we were having. then i'll do #23
got it
it's the game-breaking bug i posted about on Gaming SE yesterday :p
hoping that today's patch will fix
from what I've read on Gaming.SE meta, they don't like tags in titles unless you can work it into a regular-flowing sentence - so your initial title was bad, and the current title flows better
That was my bad, never posted on there before
game is still broken so oh well
back to puzzles
this puzzle has an important deduction related to the piece bank
have to leave for dinner now, will ping when I get back?
will do, i'll work on the puzzle :)
#23 solved :)
@Sciborg, I'm back
yay on 23!
Almost done with 24 too, i'm on a roll :D
How was dinner?
dinner was leftovers
I played Dutiful Child bobble and did the dishes afterwards
yay on #24!
wait, did i screw up, the oceans don't connect
yep, somewhere went wrong
which step did i do wrong?
why is bottom-middle pento an X instead of an F?
because the X wouldn't go anywhere else without blocking oceans
picture 5 (first on second row) is the first one that boxes off an area of oceans
oh wait that wasn't a placed pento
that was a "does the S go here or here" potential pento picture
bottom caused Problems so it went on the top
why can't it go in the other two quadrents?
wouldn't fit
oh, wait
but then where does the X go?
picture 7 is the first that has blocked oceans
i don't have the energy to start over from pic 4... argh
is pic 4 correct at least?
pic 7 is wrong
i'll go back to pic 4 and leave it for when i have energy
looks like that's the first that's wrong
so just back up to 6 and you're good
no, no, i didn't have the basis to place the Z, it could have gone in more places
no it couldn't
oh wait it could
but you said it could have gone in the other two quadrants
it could, there wouldn't be Problems
only the top two don't cause Problems
yeah. i'll have to just start from pic 4 i guess
i was so proud and then i looked again like "wait"
try doing as many oceans as possible? looks like there are some oceans in 4 that aren't fully extended
tired 'borg sounds
do you want to try a different puzzle?
no, brain has committed, i have to finish this one or it'll bother me :p
extending oceans
oh wait i see something
oh wait i don't
can bottom-row dot be extended?
by the way, the very helpful hint for this puzzle:
> Place the I and X first. There are only a couple places left for the Z; think
about the row of black circles on the left to eliminate one of them.
I think you already did that
but i'll re-do it correctly
can't go top left, causes Problems since row of black circles would help block
which row?
no matter if it's L or Y, it would block oceans if that was where Z went
the row on the left
couldn't it be Y downwards?
wait then I think the bottom-left quadrant can't be any of the pieces left
i was about to be like "shit"
so it has to face upwards?
hmm yeah the left-row can't go down yeah
yeah. because if it faces down, no valid piece can be placed under it
will put an ocean there
so then Z goes top right?
so now the issue is F
has to go top left right?
show picture?
I'm working off your pictures here
the F can't go on the bottom
why can't it be on bottom-right?
wouldn't it cause Ocean Problems?
... no?
how problems?
okay, so it can go in either of those two places
how about the W?
bottom left must be U, because W and F don't fit there and that's the only pieces left
so now i have to figure out if W or F causes Problems where i put them
well it's like they have to go here
but i don't know which
wait why did you ocean around the rows/cols
they have to be L or Y
you don't have tetros, you have pentos
WHAT, oh, god, i'm tired
completely forgot, hang on
oh, so now i can place Y and L
isn't there ocean trapped upper-left?
no, but then the F blocks ocean there too??
i'm so confused
there's an orientation of the F you haven't considered
(the F is the most complicated pento to get a hang of, it has so many different orientations & reflections)
bold of you to assume i can spatially flip that monstrosity
here, bobble's Guide to the F Pentomino:
make a straight line of 3 blocks
add a block coming off one end to make a tetro L
add a block to the other side's middle
in other words, merge a T and L along the 3-block line
and ta-da, that's an F
i hate F pieces so much
literally had to take it in MS Paint and flip and rotate it around
#27 and #28 don't have Fs
but #25 and #26 do
sounds like i need to not do those
but are you really going to skip puzzles?
also all of the full-pentos have Fs
angry mick sounds
also, there are so many hexomino pieces that they ran out of letters, so some are numbered
they have so many orientations
i don't know if i have the willpower to keep rotating F pieces today
we can skip to 27
this one looks wild
it's literally one dot moved one space away from being perfectly symmetric
what do i even do :p
where does the I go
I think some counting is in order
which pieces can use 3 dots?
you there?
there is struggling happening
which pieces can use 3 dots?
L can if it goes on the bottom
um, W
hmm, but oceans
you should be able to do some oceans to connect top & bottom along the aisle
i should?
well for example can R3C3 be island?
wait, no
i see
the "middle" diagonal line in the aisle has to be oceans
like that?
how about along the bottom? and the top?
to connect aisle to triangles
brain is trying
another way to think of ocean connectivity: you can't have a line of islands (diagonally or side-by-side) connecting two spots on the edge
anyways, once you got all the oceans here go back to considering which pieces can cover 3 dots
i think i am rapidly becoming too sleepy
mind if we break?
sure, you can break
12 hours later…
@Sciborg, I'll be here most of today if you want to come back to the Statue Parks
2 hours later…
Good morning :) i'll take a bit to have breakfast, shower and run some errands, but then I should have the energy to rotate F pieces
resists urge to make a profanity joke
A profanity joke? how dare you
but I didn't make a profanity joke
I simply pointed out that there was one to be made
of course :p
I'm catching up on the week's news. Spoiler alert: it's tiring
Yeah, I've just turned the news off at this point. Makes me too depressed
1 hour later…
Aight, I managed to run my errands despite my car having a frozen windshield, I'm ready to solve some Statue Parks
#27 time
Time to rotate them Fs
Do you want me to go back and do the F ones first and come back?
Oh, we were skipping them?
I had skipped #25 and #26 yesterday, but I can do them today
Just have to set them up, one sec
You have to do them eventually, better to do them when you're not dead tired
I got some sleep and had a nice latte so I feel much more awake
Those Fs are cryin' for a rotatin'
and reflecting
on my life choices
I cannot see any reason to doubt the path which led you to solve Statue Parks with a watchful bobbling crown
This is true
Okay, set up #25 - doing some starting moves
I think this one has an interesting middle ocean deduction, because that middle ocean must connect
So I can't block it off with pieces
yeah, you have to squeeze a buncha pieces into there as well
you should be able to identify which pieces go in the center
yeah. i'm just pondering which ones
because i'm not convinced of how all these dots connect, it feels like there are a couple ways
take the pill, Neo
is it N, Z, W and F?
those are not the correct pieces
(some are correct. not all)
i don't know how to tell
would you like a nudge on the wrong one?
can you explain more how you figure it out, because i don't get the shape-cramming logic
well each piece has to use two dots
and most will have to sneak outside
ohh, wait, yeah. they can't go across because it would block the middle ocean
i don't know why i was considering that as a possibility
so they HAVE to have that corner-y shape
because pentos are hard?
pentos are hard
well, these specific pentos, i guess
so it can't be Z
could the Z sneak out?
oh wait, yeah, it can
N can sneak out too, in some of the spots
W can sneak out
F would have to go inwards i think
so not F?
you can have one that goes inwards
then which one is wrong?
can you place any islands? that must exist to connect the given dots
well, yeah
do that
those islands
now you should be able to see which of your pieces is wrong
oh, N
(have to run out quick to walk doggo - see if you can figure out the correct 4
N is the wrong one, it touches other islands
so W, F, Z and something else i guess
didja figure out the "something else"?
you've determined that F must go inwards, so you need a piece to escape
I, U, V and T don't work, so no idea
one of those works
it only works for one of the areas, but it works
oh, wait, U works in one spot, i see it
oh wait it works for two areas
W, F, Z and U, got it
U only works in one spot right?
never mind, i see the second spot
no, no, but then it causes Problems, so just the one
i'm placing it
in the other spot it blocks oceans
so now i know W, F and Z go in the remaining spots
W could go in all three right now, so that's not the key piece
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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