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so, can you justify the L-mino?
Okay, so the challenge in the bottom right corner is to place something that fulfills the rules of the 1 and 2 blocks - the ? block is important because it blocks you off from the obvious thing you would try
the O can't be placed there because it breaks the 1 block rule
but you can place the L so that it fills 2 of the 2-block and 1 of the 1-block
which makes the ? block 2
how about T?
...oh, shit
or for that matter, S?
yeah, never mind, i'm dumb
but at least i know there are squares that can't be tetro, which i guess is good
you've got part of the way there - there's only enough room for one tetro, and you need to figure out which one fits
but L, T and S could fit??
you have to consider both the 2 and the 1 clues together
and throw in connectivity logic
but L and T could both fit on the bottom, i don't know which one it is
no, wait, the T breaks the 2 rule
try placing both. does either break the clues?
then it's L
so i wasn't dumb i guess
you weren't, just hadn't fully justified it yet
it's a very neat deduction if I do say so myself :D
i like "what's the only thing that can fit" logic, but it makes me question myself constantly :p
okay, so what does your board look like now?
now, can you see anywhere else to work at?
this puzzle was designed with two different entrance points, both of which are required for the Big Break In
you've gotten one of them, time to find the other
top left?
try whatever you can find, see how far you get
> Mines must be grouped into tetromino shapes.
Two of each tetromino is used. Rotation and reflection are allowed.
Tetrominoes may not touch orthogonally (on a side). They may touch diagonally.
the tetromino rules, for reference
i'm worried , i don't see how this is going to work? there's too many numbers and not enough tetros
trust me, it all works out in the end
do you want another nudge?
consider the 6 with a 3 next to it, and the last tetromino rule
... see it yet?
this can't be right
i ran out of tetros
2 of each type!
i think this is still right, though
yeah. this is still right
okay, so i got here:
that is right
not sure how you got there, but it's right
with the 6, those dark gray squares were the only way you could fill 6 squares and not have them touch, right?
was that the intent?
okay, so then i knew those had to be either Ts or Ss, right?
and then i realized that with the top left 2, the cube was the only way to fill that and also obey the rules of the 3s next to it
so i put the cube there
yeah, that works
so then i had the O there, and i said okay, now the 3 next to the 6 has to be happy
the only way for the 3 to be happy was if given those dark gray squares, one was an S and one was a T, but both can't be S and both can't be T
does that track?
i think but my brain isn't braining very well right now
from there i filled in that grey square because the cube can't touch, and then i knew the T had to be the top one and the S had to be the left one. so i filled those in. and that's where i currently am.
i hope that made sense and wasn't insane
well, you at least didn't go wrong anywhere
in a different way: the 3 next to the 2 was also key because it told me: a) if that bottom piece is an S, it can't poke out left, so it must poke down and b) if that bottom piece is a T, it can't make sense with the 5
therefore it's a down-poking S
i'm guessing this was not the intended way to find those pieces but i hope it's still valid logic?
there's supposed to be logic with the middle and right
i can go back to where i put the L and try to do middle logic instead
your stuff also seems fine, you could read Deus's answer to see the intended path
no, i don't want to do your puzzle the wrong way, i'm gonna try and figure out what you intended
i don't want to have it again where i did all these weird leaps of logic and did it the wrong way, i want to do it your way
there are no wrong ways to solve puzzles (except logic-by-uniqueness and deep brute-force)
but my way always has logic leaps and dumb stuff in it
you and bubbler can do it through pure logic, i want to learn that way :p
it's how baby birds solve puzzling, by jumping around
baby bird wants to be a good logical bird
did i do the 6 thing wrong too?
6 thing was mostly right, you identified that there can't be a run of 5
logic goes down diagonally from 6->3->2&4 above it
... any updates, birdy?
birdy got too anxious and is taking a minecraft break
poor birdy
okay, birdy is calm, birdy will do the 6 thing right this time
is the problem that i filled too many squares?
yeah, you filled 2 more squares than intended
is it just those four vertical ones?
no, it's the runs off the 3
so not R4C3, and yes R5C4
or, try this logic: if you make _ square non-mine, then the rest must be mine. would that cause problems?
i'm still trying to count rows and columns, hang on
so not the one next to the 3?
next to the 3 must be non-mine
did you try the proffered logic?
what problems are caused by the rest being mine?
can you have 5 mines connected?
oh, wrong thingy. yes, now i get it
so that has to be mine
@Sciborg minecraft breaks are Good Things
i built a lava bath right next to a very tall staircase
when i get too frustrated or feel dumb on puzzles i take minecraft breaks :p
i make puzzles because then i can put as many clues as i like
so the one sitting on the 6 and 3 has to be mine, so i've got that one
speaking of making puzzles, statyu park?
(once you're done with this, of course, mick)
and that means the one on top must also be mine right?
either give RC notation or picture
it's fine, i'm probably wrong
you are smart baby bird
smart baby bird feels very non-smart right now
that is ok
also, i'll (finally) post doggo picture in TSL

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