I have an impression that becoming a Christian or Muslim is a piece of cake. In order to become Muslim, one just has to announce that there is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet. In order to become Christian, one just has to announce that Jesus Christ is lord and savior. (Funny how it's lord and savior rather than "master". )
I find it hard to imagine that Christianity stemmed from Judaism. Although Christianity certainly includes the Torah in its own holy book, the two religions just seem to contradict each other. It makes me wonder how they started in the first place. :P
I also wonder how Christianity became so big. Seriously, there are Christian hospitals, Christian schools, Christian seminaries, Christian orphanages, Christian iconography.
Christian icons of Mary, Mother of Jesus, usually make Mary so plump and cute, sometimes holding Jesus as an infant.
If I were a Christian, then I would probably attend a church with lots of pretty icons. :)
@Anonymous I'd invite you to heck out just about any church to find out why its so popular :) You can learn a lot from your books, but as John himself said "I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." It's not a head thing. It's a whole new heart
@AffableGeek I think the secret is to not be the first to VTC. That just makes it show up for other reviewers. That, and keep the Review page open and check it every 5 minutes. ;-)
@DavidStratton So, what was your Catholic lifestyle like? :)
@DavidStratton I wonder what it must be like to have a Catholic grandmother. I have heard that there is a Catholic mother stereotype... or wait, is that the Jewish mother stereotype?
@DavidStratton How Catholic was your upbringing?
@DavidStratton Was your Catholic grandmother on your mother's side or your father's side of the family?
I'm 16 years old and am terrified of death only because I've always worried what's on the other side if there is one. And I've gone my whole life wondering what religion to believe in, what if it's the wrong one, what if there is no heaven at all?
I just need an answer please? Just so I can liv...
This question looks like it's asking for pastoral advice. So, I rated it down.
I would probably recommend that the user (1) visits a counselor, (2) visits a psychiatrist, (3) visits a local pastor, or (4) consults the issue with parents and friends about the issue.
It sounds like a person who has a phobia of going to hell or heaven.
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I have a deep concern in the future of our beloved Christianity.SE. As many of you know, Christianity has been losing steadily to reason and logic, and even to some degree those who identify with it: we call them apostates, but they prefer the term atheists....
I really don't understand some people. If I had that many downvotes, then I would delete the question. Plus, this person uses his real name. Apparently, some people have no sense of shame.
I also don't see the point of identifying as Christian when you are not. Personally, I think the term "Christian" has a lot of negative cultural baggage that I don't want to be affiliated with. :P
@Anonymous for one, he actually can't. Once it has an upvoted answer he can't do anything about it. Secondly, his intent is to stir up trouble, he doesn't really care.
@Anonymous there was a time, and there are still plenty of places where identifying as a Christian provides a great many social benefits
note that we've never had a President who didn't claim to be a Christian. We've only had one who wasn't a protestant
@waxeagle In the Chinese language, there is a phrase, 不要脸, which means chinese.yabla.com/…. Literally translated, it means "does not want face". For more information, please check out the Wikipedia article on the sociological concept of the "face".
@waxeagle There have been rumors that Barack Obama is Muslim, even though he has confessed that he is Christian and has formed a closeknit bond with the Black Christian community.
@waxeagle I lived in New Orleans, Louisiana in the '90s. I guess New Orleans don't count, maybe because it's urban, and my family and I were already immigrants.
@waxeagle I wonder if Obama raises his children Christian. Hmmm...
@waxeagle There are also several places where it is just unsafe and life-threatening to identify as Christian, because in certain areas of the globe today you can be persecuted as a Christian either by extreme Hindu nationalists or extreme radical Muslims.
Anytime I have a problem such as money, weight, being judgemental, martial problems...etc... Friends tell me to pray about it but I feel extremely guilty to pray about any personal problema b/c everything seems so petty compared to bigger problems such as children being raped and killed all over ...
This is yet another pastoral advice question. Sigh.
But this time, I expressed myself in a friendly, helpful voice.
I still flagged it, though.
However, I think this question can be made better by my question proposal:
Since the questioner is Catholic (there is a catholicism tag), the question can be thus: "Why do Catholics pray for other people?"
And the answer will probably be about Catholic intercessory prayer and the reason for it.
I don't mind praying for people. I think it's an affectionate means to show someone you care. However, when people claim that "prayer heals" and really don't do anything like offering medicines or seeking professional medical advice, that's when I think religion gets a bit crazy.
Then again, I suppose the doing part is covered by Catholic works. I suppose that's one reason to go Catholic, whereas Protestants seem to prioritize faith over works.
If I understand Sola Fide correctly, it seems to be saying that *By faith alone in Christ, you are saved," and works are somehow not required in salvation. I think the Catholic response is that works is the necessary and required result of faith in Christ. Therefore, good works is a must and can help you achieve salvation. I wonder if good works include actually giving medicines and not just "praying the illness away".
What is a "child of God" from a scholarly perspective?
According to Dr. Donald Fairbairn's book Grace and Christology in the Early Church, it describes "To be a child of God is to remain a finite, mortal creature by nature but to share by grace in that very fellowship and life that characterize ...
Interesting. I would guess most people wouldn't necessarily approach a pastor if they were interested in converting. Most people in that situation probably are outside of the church setting. But if they are inside the church fellowship, I suppose it could seem pretty intimidating to try to approach the pastor.
Maybe the answer will pinpoint exactly which questions will be expected in the conversation, like "Why did you choose to become a Christian?" and et cetera. A prospective convert would probably prepare ahead of time on how to respond!
In reference to this question, a person, maybe because of the security of anonymity, came to this resource to seek an answer to a spiritual question that thousands, if not millions of people wrestle with all the time. And yet, instead of offering even a modicum of support or comfort, we are goin...
I have heard that rabbis are particularly trained in handling this type of situation, and Judaism discourages conversions. They are more about quality than quantity.
@RSW That's the "Community" account. it was renamed for this site for fun. It's an automated account that performs certain automatic tasks, such as posting links on new posts in Meta to this chat room.
@Anonymous I would think any follower of Jesus (pastor or not) would be thrilled to have someone approach them with this kind of question. As far as being trained to respond...the Holy Spirit gives just the right words for each occasion
@DavidStratton Cool, thanks! (would never have figure that out!)
I have been thinking recently about something a friend of mine told me years ago...
He said "Pride is like spiritual body odor"
Pretty simple statement, but pretty profound, I think
@RSW In Christianity, specifically in the Roman Catholic tradition, people are expected to confess their sins to a priest, and only the priest can absolve sins.
None currently. Been affiliated with Baptist, Assemblies of God, Presbyterian, Calvary Chapel, and even the Shepherding Movement (before it went bad) back when I was a kid
The Shepherding Movement (sometimes called the "Discipleship Movement") was an influential and controversial movement within some British and American charismatic churches, emerging in the 1970s and early 1980s. The doctrine of the movement emphasized the "one another" passages of the New Testament, and the mentoring relationship described in 2 Timothy.
It began when four well-known Charismatic teachers, Bob Mumford, Derek Prince, Charles Simpson, and Don Basham, responded to what they saw as a moral failure in a charismatic ministry in South Florida. Witnessing this failure, the...
Yeah, I don't know where the Shepherding Movement is today, but when I was a kid, it was where my family got saved, basically, and I remember some of the most powerful presence of the Holy Spirit there even though I was just a small kid
And even though I didn't even know what following God was all about (we never set foot in church before that point)
I'm truly thankful for what it was at the beginning...again, just from a simple kid's perspective...but it did get bad at the end when they were telling my parent's which house to buy and what time my mom had to come clean the leader's house
@RSW However, I admire the Roman Catholic Church, just because of its affiliations with the Middle Ages and scribes illuminating manuscripts all day long.
And I admire the Eastern Orthodox churches for their iconography. (Again, they make me think of the Middle Ages.)
@Anonymous This link lists a series of Bible verses that give a flavour of God's definition of 'accepting Jesus': Biblically that would require more than just regarding him favourably (but that is a good thing too imo), particularly that you believe the testimony about Jesus rising from death.
That's the crucial pivot around which everything else revolves: for me deciding whether the new testament resurrection accounts had any integrity was so important
@JackDouglas I think the NT Resurrection is a mystery. The most eerie feature is that somehow this resurrection is believed to be real. One explanation is that Jesus was resurrected, as many Christians believe; another explanation is that Jesus was never crucified in the first place, as many Muslims believe.
@Anonymous a third possibility sometimes mooted is that the body was stolen: this one is mentioned in the Bible. Do Muslims believe there was no crucifixion or that Jesus survived one?
The issue of the crucifixion and death of Jesus (Isa) is important to Muslims as they believe that Jesus will return before the end of time. Muslims believe Jesus was not crucified, but was raised bodily to heaven by God, a belief also found in the Gospel of Basilides [citation needed]. However, this view is disregarded by Christians, who accept only the four gospels contained in the New Testament as genuine.
Depending on the interpretation of the following verse, Muslim scholars have abstracted different opinions. Some believe that in the Biblical account, Jesus' crucifixion did not la...
@JackDouglas I recall that the counter-argument for the stolen body is that it is an early apologetic claim of Christianity.
@Anonymous database work is semi-orthogonal to those categories: my job combines administration and 'programming' using SQL. Set-based languages are very different to algorithm-based languages though.
So my programming is not like most of what goes on on Stack Overflow
I still think the resurrection of Jesus is an unsolved mystery that may never be solved. In order to accept the resurrection of Jesus, I think one must reject the philosophy of naturalism.
Plus, modern-day Western atheism is based on naturalism, rationalism, and humanism.
@Anonymous naturalism is just the sum of our normal observations: that does not (scientifically) preclude events that don't fit the normal model
but of course you'd want proper evidence before believing any such claim
The Biblical point of the resurrection is that it is provided as evidence of the veracity of Jesus claims: he said 'I will prove my ministry is from God by doing something impossible'
in other words it had to be something extra-naturalistic or it wouldn't be evidence of his association with a supernatural power
(none of that means it actually happened, just that it needed to happen to fit into the plot of the Bible)
@JackDouglas No, programming doesn't come with the major. However, my academic advisor has told me that learning how to program can greatly make me more marketable, as some neuroscientists may construct computer models of the brain. I found this website through a Google search, led by my side interest in biblical studies and theology.
@JackDouglas It seems to me that Wikipedia is associating naturalism (philosophy) to Irreligion, whereas the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy seems to portray a neutral view of naturalism, giving me an impression that the authors of the Wikipedia article may be biasing naturalism in order to favor Irreligion rather than taking an approach that people - nonreligious or religious can all use naturalism, because it works best to explain the causality in the universe.
In its old incarnations (VB6 and prior), Visual Basic was a melting pot of different calling conventions, bolted on features, and incomplete class structures and error handling.
With the advent of VB.NET, most (if not all) of those objections are gone. VB.NET is a pretty good language, and it...
@Anonymous Not many , all Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified a staggering 1.3 billion people believe that Jesus was not crucified and soon in a few decades this number is God willingly to become majority view
In this article was the following.
And the bold line surprised me quite a bit because here it says that some christian factions are for both Sunni and Shiite parties. Am I mistaken in my understanding?
But why is ...
@Islam as best we can figure you suspended yourself. It seems you changed your chat parent to this site following your suspension. If you didn't then it was a bug and you were correct to contact SE to have it fixed. No one changed your chat parent for you.
@Islam if your chat parent account is suspended then you are suspended from chat. Best we can tell something happened and your chat account was associated with your C.SE account which is suspended.
@Islam your chat account is associated with a single site (currently the Islam site). Somehow that was changed, and changed back. We're as puzzled as you are on this one.
@waxeagle Me to guessed it as a bug\hack , coz I saw my "Jesus Bought Islam" Id in Islam chatroom without me being inside the chatroom before suspension
@Islam there have been bugs before with chat parents randomly changing. I've had it happen to me several times where I've lost my mod privileges in chat.
@JonEricson does the entire SE team know about me? It seems they know what is going in chatrooms, besides the revocation they also comment something like "please dont antagonize other religion sites...."
@Islam My suggestion would be "stop getting yourself suspended from any site" rather than allowing yourself to get indignant about the injustice of a bug that got you a chat-ban. Do you see my point?
@Islam The point of a site ban is to get someone to change their behaviour: I don't know the details but this would have been explained in the suspension messages you received. I presume the year ban on C.SE wasn't your first ban there?
Who are the Community Managers?
There are currently eight community managers. They are:
Robert Cartaino
Grace Note
Anna Lear
Tim Post
Jon Ericson
Popular Demand
What do they do?
They help you out. No, really. But yeah, that's about the most generic non-answe...
There are way too many Daniels here. There are Daniel Stratton, the other Daniel, Dan the Orthodox, the other Daniel that is not the aforementioned "other Daniel". Sigh. We need to do something about repetitive names.
@AffableGeek That sounds like me. Whatever I do, I almost always use academic scholarly journals, because they are usually written by professionals who study specific areas of expertise all day long for a living.
@AffableGeek Using academic journals, I think, also makes people look smarter, because readers may think, "Ooooh, look here! Anonymous has read a publication by the well-known author and expert, Dr. Blank!" In the academic world, credentials are everything. o_o
@AffableGeek Are you really really really a pastor? Did you really really really go to seminary? What seminary or divinity school did you attend? What was your favorite subject in seminary/divinity school? Did you score all A's and graduate with honors? Did the school require you to apply for a research thesis before you graduate? Do you have a Master's or PhD in Divinity?
@AffableGeek I have taken a look at your resume, and your resume looks so very impressive. You seem to be a very well-rounded person, supplying both computer programming service and pastoral service. Wow.