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Q: Boss demanding I "tone down and redact" my LinkedIn profile

BassI keep my LinkedIn (professional social media platform; sort of like a glorified online resume/CV) and my CV current every month (just a minor change if needed, make sure I didn't miss any typos), just in case I ever find myself out of work (paranoid about being laid off due to surviving 8+ round...

Is your boss your manager / supervisor or the company owner?
@gnasher729 My boss is a couple levels above my manager, but is not the company owner. I think my manager is 4 "levels" above me, and his/my "boss" is 7 levels above me. The CEO/owner is maybe 12 levels above me.
Your question strongly suggests that you want to keep your current job (as it pays more than competition), but the comments show substantially more cavalier approach. What is that you want out of this whole mess as a result?
@TymoteuszPaul Keep my job, and keep my employer from making unreasonable demands about my personal life/property (including linkedin profile). The company has no social media policy, so there's no precedent or rules for this debacle of theirs.
@Bass they can add a policy like that starting tomorrow, is that going to make you happier somehow? I would urge you to stop for 10 minutes and think about what do you want to achieve before going further down the war path.
@TymoteuszPaul My interest is in asserting my individual rights and showing my employer where the line is. If they fire me, I have 18 months of severance pay (lump sum), and if they change that policy, it wouldn't be hard to claim a unilateral contract change, ergo constructive dismissal, and get severance and damages. I'm looking for a more constructive way to draw a line in the sand before I have to go that far. Labor laws in my country are not bad from the perspective of workers, and abusive practises by employers are treated with contempt (and lost $$$) by the courts.
this seems like a crazy rant and there isn't a real question here. Unless the question is "should i do what my boss says" or along that line - which is a pretty pointless question to ask. But more importantly, if you actually want to :work your way up the ranks" you need to stop viewing the management structure as some vast enemy for you to fight against. You got promoted, well done. If you want a job then do what everyone else does and apply for jobs. You don't need some active linkedin profiel for that.
You have every right to put whatever you choose on your LinkedIn profile, without regard to whatever your boss says. Of course making your boss unhappy can have repercussions. Unhappy bosses tend to make things unhappy for instigators. But it's your choice to make. Seems like you enjoy tweaking your boss. Good luck with that.
“my boss "lets me off easy" by giving my the 5% raise and not escalating the issue any further” what issue? The issue of you asking for a raise?
Many people in this environment are getting fired, furloughed, or having their pay frozen or cut.
This might cost you your job. Are you willing to go that far?
"Keep my personal life personal " By having a public profile for the world to see you have chosen to make your personal life pubic.
I’m voting to close this question because it borders on being a wind-up or just a rant. No real actionable question.
"You have every right to put whatever you choose on your LinkedIn profile" .. @JoeStrazzere that's certainly not true at all. If I posted somewhere that I am "Senior VP at J. Strazzere industries" and that was completely false, you'd never even heard of me, you would take legal action. I get the sense of what you mean ("the boss can't tell you what to do") but one certainly can't propagate anything at all at will .. about the boss or other parties. Indeed in this fantastical question riddled with secret tapes and daily salary triplings, the essence seems to be the co. is being misrepresented?
@Fattie - you can lie as much as you like on LinkedIn. Just as you can lie on Facebook or your personal website or here. Perhaps you'll face repercussions, perhaps not. If you want to post that you are Senior VP at J. Strazzere Industries, go right ahead. I could use a laugh today. (The OP doesn't seem to be planning to lie anyway)
@Bass - you could point your boss to the official way to complain about someone else's LinkedIn Profile: Perhaps that would get him off your back.
@mcknz so? We all should be happy for whatever scraps a business will give us because some people don't have a job at all? That's absurd. If the company is performing well (and plenty of companies are making record profits) and OP is creating value for the company then they deserve to be compensated.
@kat not what I said.

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