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@TomWijsman you don't happen to be around do you?
oh hey! cool. I'm having pointer issues
Looking at DFS():
// Depth First Search with Statck
const void Graph::DFS()

	// Initialize Color and predecessors (leave Pred blank):
	for(list<Vertex>::iterator init = mInternalGraph.begin(); init != mInternalGraph.end(); init++)

	mTime = 0;

	for(list<Vertex>::iterator it = mInternalGraph.begin(); it != mInternalGraph.end(); it++)
		if(it->getColor().compare("WHITE") == 0)
// DFS Visit (Modified)
const void Graph::DFS_Visit(Vertex * aVertex)
	mTime = mTime + 1;
	for (list<Vertex *>::const_iterator it = aVertex->getEdges().begin(); it != aVertex->getEdges().end(); ++it)
		if((*it)->getColor().compare("WHITE") == 0)

	mTime = mTime + 1;
The address of it being passed into DFS_VISIT != the address of aVertex in DFS_VISIT
that make sense?
for example my first node in the mInternalGraph looks like this:
0x0131e6d8 {mName="Root" mColor="WHITE" mEdges={ size=3 } ...}
    [ptr]: 0x00442598 {mName="Root" mColor="WHITE" mEdges={ size=3 } ...}
    [Raw View]: 0x0131e6d8 {...}
That passes the address.
Vertex * aVertex is a new address that points to the passed address.
So /me wonders how you're obtaining the addresses. :D
0x00442598 {mName="Root" mColor="WHITE" mEdges={ size=3 } ...}
    mName: "Root"
    mColor: "WHITE"
    mEdges: { size=3 }
    mPredecessor: 0x00000000 {mName= mColor= mEdges={ size=??? } ...}
    mDist: 0.000000000
    mFinish: 0.000000000
    mInputs: { size=0 }
    mOp: ""
    mComp: {mName="REG" mOperation="=" mDelay=0.500000000 ...}
so they are the same then... :/ 0x00442589
Hmmmmmm.... then why aren't the edges properly coming through :/
[ptr]: 0x00442598 {mName="Root" mColor="WHITE" mEdges={ size=3 } ...}
       0x00442598 {mName="Root" mColor="WHITE" mEdges={ size=3 } ...}
Looks the same to me.
hang on just a sec... lemme get to the problem and print it out for you:
Oh ok... ya... here's the problem
		if((*it)->getColor().compare("WHITE") == 0)
The code inside is never executed, because the edges within it are never colored
Code coverage... <3
So that tells me that My Graph isn't correct... that the edges aren't really pointers to elements within the graph :/
(Although I don't use it in personal projects yet)
I don't see why they wouldn't be.
Here lemme show you what I see:
Oh wait.
for (list<Vertex *>::const_iterator it = aVertex->getEdges().begin(); it != aVertex->getEdges().end(); ++it)
		if((*it)->getColor().compare("WHITE") == 0)
Would const_iterator change the pointer's address? I'd think not at first since it's supposed to be compile time.
And that should still not make it point to a different object...
Ok ALL Vertices within the graph are colored WHITE, but the edges within those Vertices (who should just be pointers) aren't
does that make sense?
and they are pointers... just not pointers to the actual vertices within the graph... if that makes sense...
so theres duplication of data floating around here somewhere.
so how do I add these to each other:
// Add a child node to the parent.
void GraphReader::AddChildNode(Vertex * const aChildVertex, const string aParent)
	for(list<Vertex>::iterator it = mParsedVertices.begin(); it != mParsedVertices.end(); it++)
		if(it -> getName().compare(aParent) == 0)
			it -> addEdge(aChildVertex);
Most of the time I call this function like so:
AddChildNode(&mParsedVertices.back(), lParsedData);
Your else if in that function does no color.
Where &mParsedVertices.back() is the Vertex that I just added to the back of the graph
And there's no & in that else if eitherin the procedure you just mentioned.
The AddChildNode?
Oh no, that's okay, then just the fact that there's no color in the else if might be interesting.
@TomWijsman I'm not sure where you're talking about
2 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
and I think it's not the coloring... it's the way that I've created the graph
@KronoS: Well, I'm just saying I think some branches in your code don't assign colors hence that's why they might be empty.
Maybe it's the lack of sleep, but I'm not making the connection how that file has anything to do with coloring. that the file that processes the graph
@KronoS It calls AddChildNode?
That doesn't
It might be interesting to put an assert in AddChildNode to trigger the child nodes that aren't colored.
that's the reader
Wait... that does call AddChildNode
sorry got confuzzled for a sec there. but there's no coloring involved here.
It's either sleep or coffee, take your pick. :D
ok we are on the same page then. The issue is how I'm adding the child nodes (edges)
Well, I thought there was because of here: bitbucket.org/KronosKoderS/ece-474/src/…
@TomWijsman Oh, that's entirely so that I can keep track of later where the terminating nodes are... I then later point those to a NOP so it's easy to find the end of the graph
it hasn't nothing to really do with coloring for the graphing algorithm
So, just to summarize it: I think that they're still "" since they aren't set at start, aren't initialized at some point and they aren't visited either.
@TomWijsman But that shouldn't matter... these should be pointers pointing to other vertices
which are getting colored correctly
You see what I'm saying?
1.Edges[*2, *4, etc,]
so when I make changes to 2 or 4 the pointers should reflect those changes, since all they do is point to the address of the vertex within the graph
The edges are pointers, right?
Yeah, correct.
yes... they are... but I think they aren't pointing correctly
but I could be way off
lemme push out the most recent code as well.. bitbucket isn't updated
Might be handy to print out the graph.
Then on insert you could print the address you insert.
And after all the inserts you could print the graph and compare the addresses.
Or perhaps do this with the debugger with some careful breakpoints.
ok I pushed it out
Does it matter I posted the URLs here?
no I don't care...
well actually this is a homework assignment.. though I doubt anyone here will be taking this same class anytime soon
Hmm, I don't see any major change that would explain this.
So it probably existed before this.
I think you're right... just wanted to make sure things were updated on your end
ok so here's the general approach I take to adding these edges:
I first add the vertex to the list of vertices that represent the graph
Another nifty debug technique, or something you might even consider doing explicitly always, is to define a copy constructor and an assignment operator.
Then I add any edges that I detect are children:
You can then define their behavior and more specially tell which one is getting called by inserting a simple cout there.
But you think you just create the tree wrong, so has nothing to do with the addresses being wrong? Then what I just said might be non-sense.
lol... It's all good... I'm kinda talking out loud as well... and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong TBH, that's just my gut feeling
Going to sleep in a few minutes.
I always add the child after I've added it to the list:
AddChildNode(&mParsedVertices.back(), lParsedData);
const void Vertex::addEdge(Vertex * aEdge) {mEdges.push_back(aEdge);}
Returns a reference to the last element in the container.
That looks valid...
That already returns a reference, dunno if a reference of a reference might somehow be different but I suppose not.
If I take off the & intellisense blows up on me
not saying that intellisense is god and all, but still
Odd, but yeah, keep it then. An alias of an alias ain't bad. :D
is the .back() the right thing to call? It's not pointing to a null pointer or anything is it?
3 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
Returns a reference to the last element in the container.
ya last element
Well, dunno, I think your tree is okay. Writing something that can concisely output the whole tree and then calling that after each small step could maybe reveal something.
I'm running out of time :/
it's due tonight
at least I got the verilog functioning
Doesn't sound good.
Well actually this part (the graphing) was a chance to redeem myself
for_each(yourList.begin(), yourList.end(), printBlaBla);
basically a regrade... but still haven't been able to get it working fully
Wouldn't take long to make a print function, but yeah, might be overkill if you need to do much more.
If you can get around through debugging instead it might be better.
Got to go sleep now, hope you debug it in a way that yields you the actual problem in a fast way.
@KronoS: Might be handy to try to obtain the smallest example for which it breaks first, so you can opt to just step through the code, making notes on a paper or a rubber duck (for instance, last digits/letters of pointer addresses) and finally seeing where exactly it goes wrong.
@TomWijsman no this is it... getting the graph to properly parse, and finding the critical path
@TomWijsman thanks for the advice man, and seriously, you've been a life saver all day...
Avoiding an extremely big graph just avoids it from looping over and over and only looping for what you need to identify the problem.
These graphs aren't that big... only about 10 modes max
This debugging approach might be faster than the typical output comparison trick, since output makes you see less what's happening and might not make you think about the problem.
See you later, good luck on finding what's going wrong.
And don't be too focused on the pointers, write down colors as well and so.
20 hours later…

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