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@ThomasMcDonald @RebeccaChernoff I've made a few simple changes to the .css file for the SU blog, but can't seem to install. How do we easily do this?
what do you mean by install?
@KronoS static content is cached via WP Super cache
@KronoS Did you modify the css and it isn't updating in the rendered version?
yea that was it, cleared the cache and the css changes are showing
if you are going to be doing alot of tweaking i'd suggest turning off super cache temporarily
3 hours later…
Sorry @Zypher @RebeccaChernoff If I caused any probs... I just copied the css file and made changes using an editor then copied the changes over...
Not really familiar with WordPress that much
nah no worries ... supercache catches me all the time ... just go into Settings->WP SuperCache to either flush (one or few changes) or temp disable it (many tweaks at once)
nah, s'all good
lol ok... The changes worked so I'm happy ATM
... just remember to turn it back on when you're done :)
dammit @Zypher, stop stealing my answers!
leaves before the God's start throwing lighting bolts
nah, it's cool. whenever you need any blog help, you just ping @Zypher right up. q:
k sounds good...
well... actually it appears that the logo has been lost with my changes...
Also I don't think a direct link back to SU has ever been placed
facepalms for the obvious
logo has been lost?
oh well now everythings back to the way it originally was...
I changed the color scheme
hmm, Chrome was showing me a cached version. I see the missing logo now. (:
It's ok though... I have a test I need to study for... I'm going to concentrate that and work on this tomorrow
.se-network a.se-logo {
	background-color: transparent;
	background-image: url(http;
	display: block;
	height: 77px;
	margin-bottom: 2px;
	text-indent: -9999px;
	width: 250px;
something no lookie right (;
2 hours later…
Q: Why does the Super User Blog have the same styles as the Server Fault Blog?

Lucas McCoyIt seems that the Super User Blog is using the same stylesheet as the Server Fault Blog. Shouldn't we have our own colors? Maybe something like so: instead of what we have now: Edit: After further research I can confirm that they do in fact use the same stylesheets: Server Fault's Styleshe...

thanks @ThomasMcDonald, @nhinkle was asking to install this plugin I guess Youtube support doesn't work on the SU installation?
3 hours later…
It should have done...
Yeah, it's enabled.
room topic changed to Stack Exchange Community Blogs: For anyone wanting to help or participate with the Stack Exchange Community blogs
Right, @JanFabry. The current setup is this:
Interest -> blog on *.blogoverflow.com -> migration to blog.*.stackexchange.com
I'm not sure whether blog.*.stackexchange.com is ready yet, but the gaming blog will be the first there by the looks of it.
Ok, but there is no problem starting on *.blogoverflow.com now. I would like to start with a profile (interview) with the three moderators
*.blogoverflow is currently just used to make sure we can create enough content, I think Jeff has used at least 1 post/week as a guideline, but it's just to stop SE hosting an empty shell that looks bad for the site.
And then highlight interesting questions
@ThomasMcDonald Of course
@JanFabry I assume you are from Wordpress.SE right?
@IvoFlipse Yes, and I think our moderator election that ended yesterday is a good time to start our community blog
(and it would be weird if WPSE did not have a WP blog, of course)
who won anyway? I think it's a great start to introduce the new mods to the world :)
Have you seen the interviews on the super user blog?
oh crap, the other isn't published yet :P
Mike Schinkel and EAMann were re-elected, and Rarst joined them as a new moderator
I made some generic questions that I can tweak to interview our users
Yes, that is something I want to do too
@IvoFlipse You're next in line for an interview ;)
well I'd make a call to arms on MWP and start looking for something like a Question of the Week :)
I already tried something like that with attempts at humor on the (too quiet) meta site
Q: Is MikeSchinkel a company?

Jan FabryBased on his activity, I have come to the conclusion that MikeSchinkel must be the anonymous facade of a company. It must consist of at least: One developer thinking up the solutions One UI person creating the layouts and making the screenshots One copyeditor writing the answers One judge moder...

Q: Can Amoebae evolve into ponies?

Jan FabryOne and a half month ago, a new species arrived on our site: an Ambitious Amoeba. And ambitious it was: with two questions and 66 answers, it reached 1686 reputation and is still growing. Growing so fast in fact, that it seems to have changed species and is now a One Trick Pony. Since the Biolog...

But not everybody got the joke :-p
I thought it was rather funny.
I like your writing style ;)
But I wonder if it's too not obvious that you want to start a blog for the site
@IvoFlipse Wait, I don't get that last sentence. What do you mean? (En ik wist niet dat je Nederlander was?)
I thought your last name looked somewhat Dutch, but apparently it's Flemish :)
I mean that because your post was so funny, people forget the fact that you honestly wanted to start a blog
Ah, ok, but I also had more serious proposals, and it was part of my election "campaign"
well look at Thomas, you don't have to be a mod to valuable to the community! even better, you can help the whole network!
Indeed! That's why I want to start the blog, so the moderators can focus on the stuff only moderators can do.
Thanks for creating the account. Now if someone could rename it "WordPress" with a capital P I'd be even more happy :-)
Doh. How did I manage to do that?
(I doubt we can even write "Wordpress" in the posts, unless you disabled the capital_P_dangit filter)
I think it still needs configuring to match the others, but I'll get that done later.
Sorry to bounce you around like this @AnnaLear, but if you want any help with a Programmers blog, this is probably the place to be :)
@IvoFlipse Good to know, thanks.
your welcome :)
I'm sure there's a couple of users that want to wrap some of those questions up to solve them
the good thing about programmers, is that a lot of questions spark one-liner snippets of awesomeness. Wrap them up in one post and you have gold ;)
oh hey @RebeccaChernoff did you get my email?

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