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Have you seen our blog yet?
Can't say I have
well, Jeff (Atwood) wants to switch it to an official domain, because he likes the idea, so the layout will be inline with blog.stackoverflow.com
but I've noted your enthusiastic involvement since you've became a member!
cool, some nice stuff on there
and I wanted to use our new officialness to put you in the spotlight :P
thanks ;)
I do have quite a large amount of knowledge and experience and I do like to share it around.
let's just say I think we have to cherish when we get new 'rockstar' users that work as hard as you do
Well, I have nothing else to do but sit here waiting for the phone to ring, which is sadly not very often...
well I can assure you, if you gain 2k rep on SU in 14 days, you need some knowledge, because we have a lot of human BS-detectors walking around here
Q: Super User Questions of the Week #8

KronoSNow we're into week 8 post 8 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any question that you feel is of worth and the reason why. Try not to promote your own questions or answers for publicity sake. We...

we try to find a question of the week every week
good idea
so in case you're really bored, I can set you up an account for the blog, then you can pitch in with writing up something nice
but my main question for now was that I wanted to do a small interview, just as a 'get-to-know-you' post
What sort of things are you looking for on there in particular? reviews? how-to's?
Q: The Super User Blog -- now officially blessed!

Jeff AtwoodGreat job on the blog! After a call today with Ivo, we decided that the Super User Blog is now sufficiently awesome to be highlighted in the footer! You'll note that the blog link in the Super User footer now points to http://superuser.blogoverflow.com/ And it will correctly update to flag [ne...

emphasis on the last sentence of that post :)
the biggest focus is to put great content on our site in the spotlight
Ooooh, so you could pay for me to review a Cray? ;)
lol, let's just say we have some options
and off course the more we produce, the more likely we can ask companies for stuff to review
Become bigger than Tom's Hardware?
technically speaking, I think we already have more traffic than them
Across the whole SE system I could well imagine.
Actually with just SU :P
the dots are a rough estimate of tomshardware I believe
so we are roughly equalling TH on 90% Q&A alone?
Once the blog becomes the size of SE then TH will be pushed into oblivion
well I'm sure the guys from TH will manage :)
but it also offers us opportunities to collaborate with more sites, because by now we're becoming the juggernaut, not the other way around
but we would be focusing on stuff that's 'hot' in our community and make sure we inform them about that
we don't have to be the zillionth benchmark blog
I would probably focus more on actually using a product and what problems you might have with it
if only we would ever get popular enough to test an eyefinity setup :P
Trying to forestall any user-level questions?
well next to testing it, we could perhaps convinces OEMs that we also answer troubleshooting questions about their products
so it's beneficial to let us mess with it and hopefully even keep it
Well, I would imagine we do take quite a lot of support queries away from their tech guys
would you view that as something positive or negative? ;)
Positive whichever way you look at it. It reduces the load on them, so reduces their running costs, which reduces the cost of their products which means we get to play with more of them and learn them more which increases our knowledge which increases the number of people we help which decreases the load on their tech guys which ... ad infinitum (until we rule the world)
hehe, we're clearly not at that point yet
and probably software startups are easier to convince to team-up with, but I'm all ears if you have any suggestions :)
Well, once we get big enough it wouldn't surprise me if some companies approached us with the possibility of out-sourcing their support to us.
and btw, we might get youtube support (like Gaming has) if we make more video's
Videos are good for reviews and tutorials certainly.
that's my end goal off course, but the team wants to organically get there
well like with showing how to do some UI thing, a video is so much clearer than messing with bullet points
and a side effect off course is that it might attract random youtube crowd too :)
Personally I think we should do a tutorial on how to use Google to find answers to your questions - I have noticed a lot of the questions are answered in the first google result if you know what to put in the search.
well that would be a great one
the other thing I want to organize is that every SE site get's started on this
and your suggestion is great for us, but it's also on-topic for web apps (if you use some nice google-fu!)
cross-fertilization is important for making us more ubiquitous
Absolutely. There are certain grey areas between some of the sites, and the migration facility is great. A global blog split into areas that mirror the SE sites maybe?
well probably we'll get something like meta, only then with a blog for each site
it's fine if they simply repost the same blog post, though it's probably better if they tailor it to their community
It would be nice to have it integrated into the SE system. Maybe earn the privilege to make blog posts? And how about migrating questions into the blog?
Or when you ask a question it searches the blog as well and tells you of any relevant blog posts that may help you answer your question?
that would help against dupes
we try to highlight the question and/or answer that sparked it, which hopefully leads to some extra upvotes for that user
I think it will be bound to rep somewhat, but initially it will probably just the mods who have publish rights, but we could let users propose blog posts and others edit them and then 'push' them to the site
if you let me know you're preferred username I'll setup your account
Sort of a moderated queue? Let people with enough rep create a post but it won't go live until it's been reviewed by the mods and/or peers?
something like that
we'll have to see how it goes off course
personally, I feel we're like ehow and those other content farms
Of course. These things always take time to get working just right.
We're better than them - we don't have as many adverts in annoying places.
with the one big difference: if we only write blog posts about popular questions/answers, we know that it's decent content, rather than some SEO crap
that too
You can set me up as 'flibs' if you like.
only thing we need to be careful about is republishing other ones content
Oh yes, all content has to be your own original work, or be fully credited.
Kind of like Wikipedia
gah - my phone's going mental now with new emails ;)
I'd prefer to enable original work, so if that means getting some users additional licenses, then that's a no-brainer
It's been a while since I last used WordPress - I'll have to re-familiarise myself with it.
no worries :)
I have to slope off for a bit - it's time for me to hit the kitchen and start preparing food.
no problem, I'll catch you again later, thanks for the chat though!
's ok - I'm usually around most hours of the day or night ;)
Hey, back from the kitchen now (for a bit)
lol awesome to see Matt add his answers in real time :)
I'll wait for some others to have a chance to add some more questions
we don't have to be all serious :-)
I have a good sense of humour
I noticed, you and you're average sized humor
That's me ;)
Shame that's not all that's average sized.
I'm talking about my belly here...
I'm planning on trying to get a blog running there too
I tried doing the fitness thing but it was too exhausting
it's not about the weight lifting fitness
it's about everything related to being or getting fit
I even joined a gym and got a fitness programme organised but that got boring
you need something that fit's you
Yeah. Most of the things I like doing fitness wise are outdoor and the weather is sh!te at the moment. When the good weather comes again I will be out and about more getting fit.
I have the same problem
but I decided to man up and wear double layers of clothes and just go out
if it's only for 20-30 mins, I can stand some rain
But that's 20-30 minutes you could spend answering questions on here... :P
in my case time I should have been working
I'm also self-employed, but trying to learn Python
should have been reading all this time :P
I looked at python once
I still have the scars to prove it
lol, it's easier than c++
It reminded me too much of Cobol
with its strict indentation and such
it makes the code readable though :P
unless you only use a command line, in which case you'll get stick of pressing space
I have had no need to use it though so I haven't really looked into it much. I know it's a very powerful language and a lot of people swear by it
But for most script-based stuff I use either Perl or PHP (or shell scripting if it's simple stuff)
well I'm slightly worried about it's limitations for making powerful GUIs
Just use Qt?
yeah, but I'm a Windows user by heart, so I'm not used to shell stuff
poor documentation and more aimed at c++ than python
2 hours later…
@KronoS have a look: docs.google.com/document/d/…
@ThomasMcDonald, when you're about, we need to get an export of blog.SU. The SE2.0 sites will be a multi-site setup, but blog.SU needs to be separate.
what do you mean by multi-site?
because of the domain stuff?
we're not superuser.stackexchange.com?
WOOO HOOO! We're gonna be an official blog now!
@IvoFlipse those questions were awesome! who did you interview?
<<<---- me
(lurking in the corner)
@MattJenkins howdy! you gonna join in on the blog efforts
I want more interviews, we can just schedule them to be released on a certain day
Apparantly I am ;)
@IvoFlipse well QOtW is supposed to be on mondays
we can interview John T, our top user, Harry MC, our bounty hunter, Chris F, our network generalist
Why don't we try to have an interview every two weeks? on a wednesday?
we'll make the QOtW a weekly thing on Mondays
we could do that :)
and then I was thinking that we could do a Top question/answer of the quarter and that's where we give out prizes
@IvoFlipse multi-site from what I can tell means that there's just 1 install of wordpress, but I can map folders on the server to different blogs. So blog.cooking.se and blog.photo.se can be the same wordpress install. And yes, blog.su needs to be separate because it isn't blog.su.se
BTW @MattJenkins you've been an amazing addition to the SU site. thanks for your expertise
You're welcome. Glad I can spread the love and the knowledge around.
I guess it would be far too much pain (now) to get every blog a theme based on the site's and personally I think it's enough if they look like the SO one
sadly, I have to go for now, but we'll get back to it soon enough
@IvoFlipse cya... I'm just working on other blog posts
@RebeccaChernoff Can do, but I would have thought it could be mapped alright.
If everyone's okay I'm going to export the blog as is now.
@KronoS you're not editing atm are you?
@RebeccaChernoff Did you want me to upload this somewhere?
no @ThomasMcDonald
well I am on a local copy
I'm not sure how well that will work with the change of XML-RPC address.
@ThomasMcDonald shrugs I'm told because of the current web server setup, blog.SU needs to get trilogy treatment. Just the messenger on that one.
@RebeccaChernoff Fair enough. I'll send this over in an email, with some notes etc.
@RebeccaChernoff I managed to send it with no subject, mostly because I wasn't paying enough attention. :)
received, thanks (:
5 hours later…
pokes @IvoFlipse and @KronoS with a sharp stick q: Either of ya here?
@RebeccaChernoff OUCH!
Try to log in to blog.su...can you get in?
what's my user and pass... same as other? @RebeccaChernoff
@ThomasMcDonald gave me an export that I imported, so yeah, should be. (:
Doesn't work for me... went to reset as well and no username was found for that...
I'm guessing it didn't transfer over the users and pass
The users are there, but I guess not the passwords.
can you reset?
Looks like it just transferred over names, but not emails or passwords
do you need my email?
I can pull your email from your SU account...then you can change if you want?
That's fine
Ok, try now using your ip as your password lol
Creative password ftw q:
and then there was the xml-rpc setting we toggled - that was for Windows Live Writer I think? I presume you can create a draft to test that?
appears to be working
Ah, cool. We weren't sure if the firewall would be nice. (:
yep worked just fine. Was able to pull up old ones, and upload a new test one
Hmm, last modified is see is yesterday
Ah, trashed. (:
Do me a favor and poke around and see if you see anything that needs attention before we officially bless this?
the markdown looks messed up, but for the rest it looks pretty good @RebeccaChernoff
but it's because of the bullet points, it adds indents that look really bad
oh and I can't login
I have to setup your account, sec.
pass = ip (:
If you figure out a css change for bullets we could probably do that. (:
it's working
I suck at CSS or websites in general, so I can't propose anything :P
I'm a user ;-)
interesting, I can't view drafts, which probably means I have contributor status or something like that
Everyone's an author. I dunno what the different roles are. q:
I should be an editor... I believe
Ah, editor?
changed (:
Ya that way I can mod comments and stufff... also add users
oh thanks!
we all have to be (at least the current 'users') because else you can only propose and perhaps edit
I don't have to be admin, that's for WP guys like @ThomasMcDonald
Ya I don't think I need to be an admin either... unless @ThomasMcDonald thinks I should be
can you imagine @RebeccaChernoff? me? not wanted to be an overlord somewhere?
Yeah, I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. q:
Are you feeling alright?
no, I should go to bed
and when I wake up, I'll be a mod on fitness!
@IvoFlipse like mod mod? or mod tools?
already have the latter, I want to delete stuff :P
I mean come on: Choosing a chair for good posture
Ya I saw that
I just got a new office chair. Bye bye crappy chair I've had for 6 years
Lol... My office chair is a plastic outside chair at the moment... with a 'butt' pad
oh the joys of college life
I think the bullet points look fine, what's wrong with them?
@RebeccaChernoff 0_o "bullets"

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