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Q: The Super User Blog -- now officially blessed!

Jeff AtwoodGreat job on the blog! After a call today with Ivo, we decided that the Super User Blog is now sufficiently awesome to be highlighted in the footer! You'll note that the blog link in the Super User footer now points to http://superuser.blogoverflow.com/ And it will correctly update to flag [ne...

which did you want @ThomasMcDonald?
http://superuser.com blog on hybrid hard drives vs. ssds http://goo.gl/Cwwys
@codinghorror Additional tests needed: 1) cold launching Photoshop. 2) copying a bunch of mp3s into iTunes. 3) resuming from sleep.
that comment is good too
> You said you mirrored the drive using Acronis TrueImage; in my experience, unless you jump through hoops while cloning from a HDD to an SSD using any current version of Acronis, the resulting partition on the SSD is not properly aligned, causing mild performance degradation. Did you check alignment prior to running benchmarks? If the partition wasn’t aligned, you’ll see even greater performance out of the SSD after aligning the partition.
Also, someone's moaning about the fact the URLs not nice, and how he registered stackoverflow.blogoverflow.com, although he just registered the username.
and we certainly have to listen to Nathan, he tweets a lot and especially with Jeff
posted on February 10, 2011 by kronos

With the SSD’s on their way from Kingston, I decided to go a little bit more in detail on the what, why, and how’s of SSD’s. SSD stands for Solid State Drive.  This “Solid State” is a term for the fact that the drives themselves do not have any mechanically moving parts.  A typical Hard [...]

posted on February 11, 2011 by kronos

Super User Question of the Week [7 February 2011 - 14 February 2011] With the roll out of IPv6 and IPv4 addresses quickly running out, there will be soon a greater migration over to IPv6.  But there seems to be an issue, your computer’s MAC address may be included with the new IPv6 address.  In comes Arjan’s [...]

posted on February 21, 2011 by kronos

Super User Question of the Week [14 Febuary 2011 – 21 February 2011] Google’s search results have been well… under the spotlight recently, including our very own Jeff Atwood.  Lifehacker did a poll  recently and discovered that nearly 77 percent of their readers think that “Google’s search results are less useful”.     But whether you agree [...]

posted on February 28, 2011 by kronos

Super User Question of the Week [21 Febuary 2011 – 28 February 2011] If you’ve got an HP laptop and noticed that it overheats often, don’t just write it off as unfixable.  You might be suffering from the CPU Assassin! A little bit of background.  Sathya had a problem with his laptop.  As a super [...]

posted on March 07, 2011 by kronos

It’s finally here, Super User’s test comparison of the SSD, HDD and Hybrid drives!  All thanks to Kingston’s donations. Overview: We took one Kingston ssdNOW V 100 series drive and recorded read/write speeds and boot up time benchmarks and compared the results to a Seagate Momenus XT 7200 rpm Hybrrdid Drive, and a Seagate Momentus [...]

Okay, well I'm guessing now is time to turn on that caching plugin I started setting up.
what does it do?
For not logged in users and users that havent commented before it uses an already rendered version of the page. For logged in users and those who have commented it loads the page as normal.
what do you guys think of my suggestion for the blog?
in Root Access, 18 mins ago, by nhinkle
jeff's done a few posts on his blog over the years (like this one http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/07/building-a-pc-part-i.html) on building his own PC, though it's been a while since he's done that. it might be fun to do a SuperUser blog post about how to choose hardware for a PC, then building it, then benchmarking it
great, though I'd need suggestions for benchmarking it
off course it's more fun to have it as a 'community' effort, so it would be more fun if others did some building too
though I have some pics of mine :D
btw I'm going to put up a post on Meta where users can sign up to be editors or contributors
and next to a question of the week (which we haven't had for this week yet ... ) I want to have more attention for some more simple questions
We could have one blog post in which community members would be invited to discuss what we should put in the build, and how to go about that selection process, discussing how to balance price vs. performance, etc. Then, once we all decided on what to get, you could use the SU funds to purchase the parts, then one of us could put it together (dibs?), and run benchmarks and stuff. then either that person could keep it or it could be awarded by some means to some superuser member
sounds like a plan @nhinkle
In addition, perhaps some specifications for various other theoretical builds?

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