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Since some of the users mentioned they'd like to contribute to a SU blog, I would love to give it a try
turns out is taken
so I'd just recommend people to first try and make a draft on their own accounts
and then share those here or through some other means
my idea would be to have multiple users try and write posts, but have others edit it to ensure some level of quality (unless you blog like Jeff)
and to only actually post articles when they're deemed SU-worthy
apparently the WP.SE community has set up a domain: where they would want to host all unofficial subdomain blogs
so to start off, I would like users to bring up some topics on which they think a blog post should be written. e.g. a SU question that is so interesting or long that it would require a whole post to explain it properly
19 hours later…
Q: Your home backup strategy

David PokludaWhat is your recommended backup strategy for home computers? I have two computers - desktop and notebook. All the important data is store on the desktop computer. I am currently using Mozy to backup my data from desktop computer to Mozy servers. What do you use?

Hmmm and I should write about starting to use Evernote
especially since I'm a geek that owns a livescribe pen!

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