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@bobble Quick math clarification
bobble here
Is cos(2arccos(x)) just 2x?
Or is it cos(2)*x?
It's the former, right?
I don't think it's either?
well, can you help me with the entire problemo then?
So, we're dealing with parametrics. x=cos(t), y=cos(2t)
I'm trying to get rid of the parameter and get a rectangular equation
Oh, wait, I think I see the solution path
Thank you!
I really need to get a rubber ducky -_-;
bobble is a yellow crown, almost a yellow duck
1 hour later…
My school's off onto Playoff round O_O for mock trial! Basically, it's single elimination - the winner of each round gets to progress onto the next match
I am... very nervous
My trial is tomorrow
You'll do wonderful!! Good luck <3
i had the most amazing Monday session today, decided to save the +5 Sword of Endurance for next time unfortunately. (named such because you literally have to endure it.)
Wait we can think of a name right now
What are the actual properties of th sword?
I thought it was a funny name because it sounds cool, but is actually deeply cursed
No, something even more subtle
The actual properties so far are basically everything we wrote: stops you from concentrating, causes random Wild Magic effects, etc.
"Soul crusher"
@Sciborg Bwahaha
Like I just KNOW my rogue is gonna pick it up like "oh dude sweet i got a sword called the Soul Crusher!!!! gnarly!!!"
You think you're crushing your enemy's sword?
Oh no, you aren't
i look forward to when the realization slowly, ever so slowly dawns on him whose soul is actually being crushed
It at least restores health and spell slots during lost rests right?
Because that's a tad mean if it didn't :P
it does, but it's really petty about it :p
Ah :P
"Oh, so you're ignoring me, huh? Is that what you're gonna do?"
it also likes to espouse its views on why it is positive the planes are flat
i cannot wait
And of course, it gives disadvantage when you try to use any other weapons
i decided to call that trait "Passive Aggressive"
it also has a trait called "Voice Mimicry" where it specifically chooses the voice that the character finds most emotionally upsetting
for example, it could suddenly start talking in a high-pitched annoying orange voice, but then switch to their disapproving dad
Instead of cursing it so that the sword just returns, it should just scream and deals irresistible thunder damage that deals half of someone's max HP
beautiful :p
but i saved it for next time because this session was the conclusion of a big story arc and it had to be Serious
Or actually even better
@Sciborg Ah, I see
This is going to be so funny
what could be better than thunder damage that halves your HP?? :p
So your rouge is going to think they got some cool new gear for the next story arc?
oh, absolutely yes, he's going to be thrilled...... and then so, so angry
the best part is that this is the edgy edgelord rogue who has trouble with his emotions, so this sword is just gonna be the icing on the cake
i give him, like, eight minutes
@Sciborg It should be thunder that deals quarter and psychic that deals another quarter :P
will the other players and/or characters be laughing?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr my players would just leave the call if i did that, honestly :p
@Sciborg Bwahaha
oh yes, we will be laughing
Oh, you should have it so that they get the sword from a lich's lair, except it's empty and there's SWEET LOOT (namely, just that sword)
that's just cruel, North :p
The backstory is that the lich made it from the soul of a hero he killed, but that hero was so annoying that the lich just ditched the sword and ran away
Or it's inexplicably abandoned on a path somewhere
i'm a DM, not a monster
I thought they were synonyms
They don't have to fight the lich
my current plan is that it's going to be found clutched in the skeletal hand of a long-dead hero, lying in a cave on the edge of a cliff. strangely, the skeleton appears to have been trying to throw the sword off the cliff
@bobble i feel personally attacked
This article contains such gems as this:
> Let’s say some bandits burn down your home village. Chances are the GM expects you to do something like swear vengeance on them. Hah, shows what they know. Instead, you should declare your undying love for the bandit leader. After all, now you can develop that land into highly profitable housing units. The stupid village was holding you back.

Does that seem random? Good. A consistent character is something your GM will use against you, and we can’t have that. Instead, it’s best to always choose the most off-the-wall and inappropriate reaction you can come up with, just to make sure the G
"ignore plot hooks" "murder important NPCs" hnnnnnnngh
It's just an empty lair that used to belong to a lich
Here's the article for how to defeat PCs: mythcreants.com/blog/three-tips-for-beating-your-players
@Sciborg Bwahaha
Are you anticipating Character Growth for the rouge?
More like character loss
RIP Edgelord Rogue 2021: Died from a sword that wouldn't stop talking
@Sciborg What if I start employing these techniques?
Bobble, you have shared valuuuuable information
Astrid will hit you over the head with skunk smell and drag you along
You're coming to help get Efren, elf
I anticipate Character Growth and also a great deal of Player-DM Violence
are you going to have the other characters hear the sword?
On an unrelated note, it turns out WiFi stops working in blizzards so... phone time
The sword can choose who hears it, but it chooses the most annoying possible scenario
when it talks to multiple people at once, do they hear the same voice or specially-tailored different ones for maximum annoyance?
@bobble Yes, but Lae would like to terrorize flirt with some of the acolytes first
Tailored for maximum irritation
The "I'm-so-disappointed-in-you" talk
The rogue has severe parental issues and felt unloved by his dad growing up, so i’m gonna have the sword occasionally do his da’s voice
Just to really mess him up
Yikes. That's so mean
It’s a running drama thing we do where his dad issues are constantly popping up
have you prepared the terrible nicknames?
Oh yes, yes I have
are you proud of these nicknames?
I feel like I should be concerned about my safety
I mean, I was the main inciter and a big creator of this sword :D
You are the one I’m blaming, of course :p
“Don’t blame me, blame my chatroom friends who enabled my terrible imagination”
WiFi is still out >:(
Dangit snowstorm
My memes are more important
"Cease cows, life is short"
This needs to become a meme
I don’t care that the entirety of West Michigan is buried under a mountain of ice, i need to spread the message of cow-ceasing
In your next session, you should just subtly bring that up randomly
Like the sword just says, "Cease cows, life is short"
Or they see slogans every once in a while that just randomly sees this
I accept my new life as the Prophet of Cows
I love how you so subtly incorporated a way for Lae to learn that dwarves are obsessed with rocks
Very subtly
verrrry subtle
I'm going to make sure Lae NEVER mentions rocks
Just kidding :P Maybe depending on how tolerable Astrid is being :P
I don't really like Mythcreants trashing on my rangers though ;-;
As I demonstrated with my optimal multi-build ranger just how overpowered Gloom Stalker can be
Ahem clears throat
Level 15 Ranger, Level 3 Rogue, Level 2 Fighter. Gloom Stalker extra attack, plus extra damage, second attack, sneak attack, two fighting styles, and Action Surge plus all crits? Need I say more?
Expertise on stealth allows you to basically succeed all stealth checks
Greater invisibility for kicks and giggles
Would you rather Quora trash on rangers? Or Reddit? Or RPG.SE?
Hush, youngling
17 hours later…
oh, i get STRONG Hollow Knight vibes
this is really good
the part where it picks up, just.... ahhhh
Thank you ~
@Sciborg I'm not sure if I want that part or if I want to make the song more grandioso
that second-to-last bit could literally be in Hollow Knight as an ambience and i wouldn't even know
like around 1:00ish
that whole part 0:40-1:00 is my favorite bit
Oh, I love me some good indie game music
@Sciborg Yeah the chords work really well together there
it actually reminds me a little bit of the part where the Hollow Knight learns his origins, lemme find the song
Hm, I'm really contemplating whether to have the part where it picks up be the climatic point of the music, or to have that as where it picks up the tempo
Not sure yet
Can you tell I listen to a lot of indie game music
this is totally an indie-game soundtrack song and i love it
i showed bobble the first draft of one of the tracks i threw together for a game, i hit draft three on it but i'm still not happy with it. i always hate everything i write :p
@Sciborg Aww :(
It takes a while
It took me like... 3 years before I got to this point?
My first few compositions were pretty trash. But after you keep on doing it, you hit a point where it becomes easier
i'm still in the trash phase, lol. but i have fun even if i suck :p
I know this will sound weird, but try to like hum/sing the part as you go, literally making it up as you go
Also, find some chord progressions you like
hm, that's interesting advice
humming is fun
It helps me, at least. You naturally gravitate towards resolving any tension, and it'll help to put to work a lot of the subconscious musical knowledge you acquire from just listening to music
Also, making up songs as you're humming helps to build your musical memory (so remembering parts that you made up that were good) and obviously helps you to compose and stuff
Or at least, that's what it does for me :P
I like that advice, thank you :)
No problem :)
Couple of other tips: when dealing with chords these are the notes in order of most important to least important: root-->fifth-->third
That's more useful when you're dealing with a lot of instruments
The last thing is to learn composition theory. A lot of music theory is genuinely bs, because it teaches you how to write music like how a bunch of baroque people wrote it (rolls eyes) but there's a couple of good stuff you can pick up along the way. It's mostly figuring out what sounds good and how to execute it. Everything else is music theory is just fluff and a waste of time :P
I learned a lot of general music theory when I took piano, but i wish i had learned more composition theory - my training was all how to play existing pieces and the structure of existing songs.
Ah, yeah
Song structure is actually kind of useful
Though, I never really ended up strictly following a structure, but it does keep your sections organized
Honestly though, at least a lot of introductory composition theory is a load of garbage
There's like some 20 rules about what NOT to do
You do learn some pretty cool cadences though like
V-vi is known as a deceptive cadence, and is a really good psyche, gotcha progression
(That's Gmaj-->Amin on the piano)
Yeah - I always loved cadences
We had to memorize all the words for them
i've forgotten like 80% of it
Authentic, plagal, deceptive, picardy third, Phrygian something, half(?)-authentic?
Idk I don't really remember all of them either
yup, that's all the ones i remember
authentic, plagal, deceptive, Phrygian
All I know is that Vmaj --> I or i is always very good
my music teacher did study groups with us to prepare us for music theory tests, and we always complained about having to memorize all the chords
it was boring :p
@Sciborg Lmaooo
i was the kid who loved playing super loud bangy songs and i didn't need that theory shit
gimme Rachmaninoff any day
analyzes the deep theory behind Rachmaninoff
I still love Rite of Spring, but I can't figure out how to write creepy parts
i should see if i still know my favorite ones, actually. i haven't tried playing them in forever
aw man, Rite of Spring is so creepy
I know it's about dissonance, but I can't get the dissonance quite... rite (cackles in Starnvinsky)
laughs in Brahms
i used to love Brahms because a) loud and bangy and b) had the CRAZIEST chord progressions
hang on, i'm gonna see if i still know how to play these
yoo i can still semi-play some Rachmaninoff kinda
the one that goes DUNN DUNN DUNNNNNNN
They all kind of go DUNN DUNN DUNNNNN
Prelude op 3 no 2
Hehe, I was just on that one
super slow but i can still play it, yay :D
do you want me to record my epic beautiful playing so you can admire my bad fingering
Hey, at least you can fully play the piano :P
I would love to see you try this
Oh god not even a chance i could do that
Now you have me going through my old piano books and playing stuff
It's nomfloof!
Gray, what do you think of my composition up there?
currently re-teaching myself my favorite brahms song because now you have me missing it
i like it because it’s hella loud and i remember making the audience jump when i performed it :p
@PrinceNorthLæraðr nice! it sounds like... the heroic end of the battle after the boss is defeated and they are kinda doing the "but what cost? and will they ever be the same again?" panning across
@Graylocke Hahaha
"the heroes have triumphed.... or so they thought"
well - it is kind of the same in any "end fight". you don't leave unwounded ;p
sighs in all the piano pieces I can't play
@PrinceNorthLæraðr same
Can I just say Rchamaninoff and Stravinsky look identical
ooh, conspiracy theory? :p
Get rid of the glasses and they literally look the same
pads off for a meeting -.-;
@Graylocke sends good vibes after you
They're literally the same person
oh my god, they kinda are thoughhh
Okay, no cap, Rachmaninoff is pretty saucy when he was younger
ehh, not my type
Not bad though for how Russian he looks later
true, true
Stravinsky does not seem to have changed over the years
Older him is literally younger him with wrinkles
And really old him is younger him without hair
I come back and we're discussing the hotness factor of old white guy music people???
hey, North brought it up, not me
@bobble Well, I was inspired by 'borg's fanboying of actors from earlier
i was not fanboying :p
Oh geez, Bartok looks CREEPY as heck
Just look him up on google and go under images
Those eyes stare directly into your soul
@Sciborg were you fan-personing?
angry muttering
Why do so many Russian composers look so grouchy
because they're Russian?
I think it's a law that you have to be grouchy if you're Russian
Also, Shostakovich is real life HP
none of these composers are my type, i must admit
Not even
@Sciborg Neither for me, but that's probably because no guy is my type :P
you're.... whispers straight???
and narrow?
naw, trees aren't narrow
they are straight
Just look at this for a moment
unless they're bonsai or weeping willows
@PrinceNorthLæraðr honestly i can't argue :p
I would make the joke "I'm as straight as a rainbow" but I don't want to send mixed messages
@Sciborg i hear he is cis as well
@bobble NO
we have a cishet tree over here
this is a rainbow-only grove
I shall infect you with my cis-straightness
out! out!
sprays disinfectant
... he's a room owner
Hold up, I made this room
actually, Deus made this room
you just took over later
oh my god, you're right
Look, in order to have true diversity, you need at least one straight, cis, male
Just like how you need at least one white dude in every Hollywood movie
i guess you can stay.
Otherwise all the white people get offended for not being represented
just don't go spreading your straightness, we can't have it spreading
I'm linear, you're angular
is 'borg... acute?
i'm a cutie <3
they could also be right
i don't think they're obtuse
I love Reddit my gosh
@PrinceNorthLæraðr HERESY
Reddit already has a comparison??? oh my goddd
Stack Exchange is much better
@bobble I love reddit for the memes, and only for the memes
what are these memes you speak of
uncultured innocent child over here
north, this is a pure bobblecrown. they have not been immersed in meme culture
'borg, have you spread the message about cos ceasing?
we must preserve them
@Sciborg I have only been partially immersed
we are too late, but bobble can be saved
I love these Asian parent memes though
"An A minus is an a minus my love for you"
(okay not really but sometimes she does this)
I shouldn't be laughing but I am
this is kinda my mom too
"You're going somewhere??? Where?? Who's taking you?? Do you have a new boyfriend??? TELL ME EVERYTHING"
I'm literally just dying over here to these asian parent memes
Okay one last meme before I need to start getting ready for my trial
Too relatable
"is this obesity" lmao

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