Re: the limit of number of chain puzzle chains: is it okay if it becomes 4 instead of 5? I have no objective reason why, but it's just that 5 seems very slightly still too many.
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yes, it's Blokus (specifically the colours come from Blokus Duo but the precise variant - like with TTR Europe, Clue/Cluedo, or the recent Trivial Pursuit has no bearing on the outcome here
@oAlt I actually originally wanted to say 3 but upped it to 5, being half of 10 in case 3 made it too exclusive. Happy for more people to express an opinion then go with consensus.
Exclusive as in 'clique-y', that is
Oh, and given the high level of activity on this I will break my usual 48 hour first hint rule and give it after 24 if still unsolved.
i see @Stiv. Upon seeing the limit, i also considered 3 but my reason for not saying that instead was because it seemed.. very slightly still too few hahah
I'm not sure a limit necessarily needs to be imposed - we'll see how many there are naturally, and if there are too many at once they'll likely be downvoted
That's probably true. If there are too many open at once people won't want to engage, like how we have many members who pretty much instantly muted affix-riddle when the tag went live, judging by comments made since
There was one board game I played with friends that had a long, complicated rulebook so they made me read it. I told them the rules they absolutely needed, then only revealed other rules when it would benefit me :)
They would usually say, "But I didn't know we could do that! That would have helped me before!" and I would reply "Well, you should've read the rulebook".
I tried splitting up the games by whether the number was more than, less than, or equal to the maximum number of players. If you do that then the n-th letters are T (more than), LEKNSI (less than), and HORK (equal to), taking in order of appearance in the latest list. Am I overthinking this?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yes, it's Blokus (specifically the colours come from Blokus Duo but the precise variant - like with TTR Europe, Clue/Cluedo, or the recent Trivial Pursuit has no bearing on the outcome here
Damn it! I put the right answer on a test, overthought it, ended up guessing different answer, and I got it wrong when if I stuck with my first answer I would've gotten it right
mostly looking for Nth char, ROT N, or player counts but they haven't led to anything obvious yet. Possibly Theo something or other, Risk, or Carcassonne
@jafe I would love to see that - it's only ever appeared in one puzzle before now, and only as a passing mention
@LukasRotter And I'm excited to see what you've got here :) I really wanted to steer you guys away from some of your dead ends last night but had to stay impartial!
@LukasRotter (I meant that as in "oh no you didn't" (make it 10 letters in the way I think), not as a "I already knew that", in case it came off wrong)
Can't make it work with the vague ideas I have. My main idea is this: Scrabble stands out as being a loner in this picture. If we take the scrabble tile as a clue, we could make some things work using Scrabble letters, maybe.
Some problems: Taking the scrabble score of the game names doesn't work since that would rely on the specific variant of the game, also leaves the count unused (unless we add the count, then mod 26 and convert to A1Z26 or something). Taking the count as the scrabble score of a letter doesn't work because there's obviously multiple letters with the same score. Only thing I noticed that the first letter of 7/10 games has scrabble score 3, probably a coincidence.
Also I'm gonna address the elephant in the room: We all think the answer is Backgammon now, don't we? :)
(this all assumes the scrabble tile is nothing but a clue for how to decode the rest of the 10 games, of course)
@bobble I wouldn't say 'struggle' :) It truly is fascinating though to check back in and watch your thought processes at work! I'll tell you now that all the relevant board games have been identified in this thread and there have been 2 very pertinent observations made in passing that might prove helpful to be developed further...