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hello sir
@sheltonBenjamin hi
sir are you familiar with formula
d(b vector)/dt=d({b})/dt(unit vector along)+omega cross b vector
{b} is magnitude of vector
Where does the equation come from?
its a general formular for finding rate of change of any vector whether it is rotating or non rotating
i was wondering how to derive centrifugal force and then came across this one
Can you link the source where you found the equation?
i will try my best
its a hindi class so..
Oh wait, I think that's just expressing db/dt as a sum of the radial and tangential components.
The length of the vector is |b| so the radial component is v_r = d(|b|)/dt
And the tangential velocity is the usual v = rw, which in vector form is v_t = ω x r
Yes, that's just adding the two vectors.
so if you want to workout from non inetrial frame and wanna aply this how to do this do we simply subtract ours from theirs?
I think I'll need to see a specific example to understand what you are asking.
suppose i am on equtor and you are on coaltitude theta
how to apply this?
for finding acceleration on you
from mine frame
I don't know. I'll have to think about it and I don't have the energy right now.
ok sir no problem
just one little question
Yes ... ?
in banking of road
in cases where v is less than or greater than sqrt(rgtantheta)
what force causes it to slide upward or downwards
here image of it
Suppose you have a frictionless road. We'll assume this for simplicity. Then on a flat frictionless road the car will just go in straight line. You can't drive in a circle. OK so far?
Now if you bank the road this creates a radial force inwards towards the centre of the circle. So this will accelerate the car inwards and the car will move in a curve rather than a straight line.
is mg sintheta radial force here
If the banking angle is small the inwards force is small and although the car move in a curve its trajectory is only slightly curved so it still moves away from the centre of the circle.
@sheltonBenjamin yes
that ncostheta grows?
for smalll angles
taking away from centre
I'm not sure what you are asking. n cosθ is the force normal to the road surface.
I need to break off for a while. I'll be back later.
i mean what makes it move away from centre
ok sir
can i met on 12 uk time or tommorow?

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