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Moderator Daniel Beck closed my question: superuser.com/questions/454125/… I don't think it's justified.
@shrx your question is offtopic, Super User doesn't do programming questions.
@shrx Questions about programming are generally considered off topic.
I've seen other questions for javascript here. Should the question be moved to stackoverflow?
@shrx care to post some examples?
@shrx Most questions about Javascript here have to do with user scripts or anything where people don't actually program using it.
@shrx If you want to ask the question on Stack Overflow, you're free to do that. I'd however suggest you show what you've tried or researched already — this is something most users on Stack Overflow will expect you to do.
@sathya looks like most similar questions are closed, too.
Note that the downvote on the question is automatically cast by the system when it's closed.
@slhck I did the research, didn't find my answer. Can I transfer the question or should I delete it here and make a new one on SO?
@shrx Not a personal offense, but I think this question is a little too vague as it stands, therefore I wouldn't migrate it. You're free to ask it yourself on Stack Overflow though, I just can't promise anything :)
What do you mean vague? It's a very specific problem - automatically styling only numbers on a website.
@shrx Just my personal opinion. I'm by no means a Javascript expert. But have you tried some coding already? That's what I mean.. like parsing the HTML for numbers, and then adding spans around that, styling those? Something like that?
No, I don't know any javascript, I want to know if someone else has done this so I could use it.
@shrx Oh, okay. Well, I don't know the Stack Overflow community too well, but if you don't know any Javascript, then let me just say that they don't like "Please gimme teh codez" questions at all, and I'm just warning you that the question might be downvoted or even closed.
But again, feel free to ask, there's nothing stopping you from doing that :)
cool, thanks for help
@izzy I've marked your flag as helpful, but in the future, please don't flag questions for migration when they're on-topic here. Ubuntu questions have always been — and will always be — on topic for Super User. The OP can choose whether to migrate their question themselves if they really want. If a question is on-topic here, it should stay here.
Please see this question for more info:
A: Is it okay to inform users to stop promoting Apple.SE when a question is fine to stay here?

nhinkleI've noticed this too, and it's an annoying trend, so let me make the official policy clear: If a question about an Apple product is on topic for Super User as defined in the the FAQ, then it should stay on Super User If a user comments saying that questions about OS X should be moved to Ask D...

2 hours later…
@slhck OK, tnx!
are there any mods here?
@kinokijuf How can I help?
Yes, we've seen your flag. Thanks for notifying us. We're still discussing what the best course of action is. Please be patient :)
It offends me personally as a Catholic.
We understand and we hope to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction.
@kinokijuf "Oh and my Gravatar has nothing to do with my religious beliefs, it is simply a band logo."
If you are offended, go complain at that band
@kinokijuf or block the URL.
3 hours later…
@pnuts Which tags do you propose? Note that you can suggest an edit to the question. No need to flag for moderator attention ;)
The fact that it’s a band logo does not change the fact that it is christianophobic.
@martinthompson I've marked your flag as helpful, but won't migrate the question yet again. It is not our duty to shove questions to Raspberrypi.SE. We have our own tag and these questions are on-topic here, thus should not be migrated away unless the OP requests to.
Please see the following question:
A: Is it okay to inform users to stop promoting Apple.SE when a question is fine to stay here?

nhinkleI've noticed this too, and it's an annoying trend, so let me make the official policy clear: If a question about an Apple product is on topic for Super User as defined in the the FAQ, then it should stay on Super User If a user comments saying that questions about OS X should be moved to Ask D...

So, in the future, please don't flag questions for migration to other sites when they're on-topic here. Thank you!
@kinokijuf We are in contact with the user, but if it really bugs you to see it, why can't you just block the image?
@slhck Because I don’t want to install an additional ad blocker.
@kinokijuf So you say it doesn't bother you this much, but instead flag the user twice and ask on chat too? I mean, he wasn't personally attacking you, right? Nevertheless, we're investigating it.
@kinokijuf Please refrain from continuing to flag that user because of his avatar. The situation is being investigated. Please give the user time to respond to our inquiries. Rest assured that your complaint is taken seriously.
@kinokijuf as a devil's advocate would you be offended if someone put a cross as their avatar?
some people might find that offensive
@KronoS I wouldn’t be offended if someone put a symbol of their religion as their avatar
but this is definitely hate directed towards Christians.
@kinokijuf not exactly... he's had that avatar for some time now, and as a christian myself I haven't felt any hate from him (though my interaction with him have been small)
just as an FYI this is the band that he's referencing:
Bad Religion is a punk rock band that formed in Los Angeles in 1979. They are particularly known for their use of soaring 3-part vocal harmonies (which they refer to in their album liner notes as the "oozin' aahs"), guitar solos, sophisticated and intellectual lyrics, and political or religious commentary. Their lyrics often relate to matters of social responsibility. The band's lineup has changed several times over its lifespan, with lead vocalist Greg Graffin being the only continuous member. However, the band contains 3 of the 4 original members. Bad Religion has released fifteen stu...
> Despite the name of the band, or the band's logo, the members do not consider themselves antitheist. Singer Greg Graffin states that more often than not, the band prefers to use religion as a metaphor for anything that does not allow for an individual's freedom to think or express themselves as they choose.
> In this way, their songs are more about anti-conformity than anti-religion.[65] Contrary to popular belief, Greg Graffin does not identify himself as an atheist, but chooses to identify as a naturalist.
This makes me laugh:
> It was created by guitarist Brett Gurewitz by drawing it on a piece of paper and showing it to the rest of the band. They supposedly thought it would be a good way to annoy their parents.
Anyways @kinokijuf my point is that not everyone is out to destroy Christians, but have differing views. As good Christians ourselves, we should respect that fact
@KronoS … and even if the user didn't like Christianity, that'd be his freedom of speech, right?
@slhck exactly
I could understand if the avatar was NSFW or pointing out an individual on the site and saying that they hated them.... but I don't feel that this is the case
@slhck I don’t think freedom of speech covers cases like that.
@kinokijuf: why not?
and why are we comparing a possibly phonographic image to a band logo?
@JourneymanGeek Because this user’s avatar is discriminating people based on their religious views.
Hey guys, I heard that Windows 8 is the worst OS wever made? Anybody using it or having the same experience?
@JourneymanGeek we aren’t
@EinsteinsGrandson wrong room
@kinokijuf: But not allowing that avatar does the same
@slhck I thought [excel-2007] and [excel-2010] would be more appropriate than [microsoft-excel] for SU 166097 but because of the answer rather than the question. Apart from (possibly!) the tag, both Q & A seem fine, so was not inclined to interfere there. I’ll seek guidance from someone who understands StackExchange better then I do. (Maybe I should just have commented on the answer … or butted out?) Sorry to bother you - & congrats!
Would you allow an avatar with "GOD HATES FAGS" on it?
and Its in this case micromanaging if we start saying 'these avatars are fine' 'these are wrong because someone MAY get offended'
@kinokijuf: If he was mocking fred phelps, maybe
@JourneymanGeek Who is Fred Phelps? Some user of this site?
if it was doing it specifically to troll, then we'd have to get a mod to talk to him
@JourneymanGeek I was talking about things that arent' allowed IMO
@pnuts Thanks! And just suggest an edit and I'm sure it'll get accepted if you explain why :)
@kinokijuf: the specific example you gave is something he'd put on a sign
@KronoS: Very apples and oranges here ;p
one is clearcut, against the rules
the other is personal expression, and he's bothered to explain why he has it
agreed... just trying to make that distinction
@EinsteinsGrandson your question would be better suited in Root Access
@JourneymanGeek But if christianophobic avatars are allowed, why not homophobic?
Its a band logo.
@kinokijuf: question is really, is it his avatar to offend or does he have another reason?
@JourneymanGeek So I’ll make a band called God Hates Fags.
@JourneymanGeek Yes, I have only problem with his avatar.
would i get offended if someone had a anti hindu or athena logo? Maybe. I'd talk to the person concerned and see if i could get it sorted
only you seem to have a problem with his avatar
@kinokijuf It's alright to say you're offended, you're just making a big fuss of it and it's hard to take you serious if you flag the user three times (!) and ask on chat, and you even refuse to install an ad blocker.
@slhck I have had bad experience with ad blockers.
I cannot live without them ;)
@JourneymanGeek I didn't know you were hindu....
that's pretty cool :)
@kinokijuf how often do you really see this guy on SU?
@KronoS That’s not important. The thing is that such hate is even allowed on SU.
@kinokijuf but he's not being hateful
@KronoS His avatar specifically offends Christian users.
@kinokijuf have other user complained about this specific avatar?
@KronoS: I am. ;p
Though, i have this wierd thing where athena keeps turning up everywhere, so I informally adopted her as well ;p
@JourneymanGeek lol that's quite the interesting combo :P
If that user had this as an avatar:
I bet he would immediately get suspended.
@kinokijuf not exactly
he would probably be approached in the same way that his user is being approached
could a moderator superping Kyle?
@kinokijuf the mods are handling it. You should wash your hands of this, and let them do their job
@KronoS Ok, I’ll wait a few days.
@JourneymanGeek you around?
3 hours later…
@akira Rather than posting this link as a comment to every post, which is somewhat spamming, can you please add a little context, or just an answer of your own to the question? Thank you!
@MyMods on the commenting Not an Answers is it easier for me to move them to comment and then flag for delete, or to have you handle in case you disagree
@KronoS Come again?
@slhck when I flag an answer as not an answer becuase it's a comment
@KronoS Oh, you mean if you should use a custom flag reason?
do you want me to copy the comment to the right place then then flag for removal or just leave it to you
@slhck I only use that unless I feel it need more explanation or because I love typing Burninate or if I feel that you guys could use a good laugh
Ah, no, since we can migrate anything to a comment, no need to post it yourself
@KronoS But if you feel something should be a comment add that to the flag reason, it's easier to digest for us. Extra bonus points for adding the ID of the post it should be migrated to ;)
@slhck Ah ok... will do that then
@slhck Unless it's the ID of the question itself
@OliverSalzburg true.. but I've come across some answers that were comments to other answers
@KronoS In that case, yes, having the ID of the target answer is beneficial :)
Ya I think that's what @slhck was saying
If you're grabbing the link from that share thing, it's annoying, but don't forget to take off your user ID from the link to the post
1 hour later…
@KronoS now i am ;p

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