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ah, this is actually spam
6 hours later…
A: Microsoft Outlook email subject - how to stop auto hyperlinks?

AxleThis is how in Outlook 2010.. File > Options > Mail > Spelling and Autocorrect > Autocorrect options>Autoformat as you type. Then change the Internet and network paths with hyperlinks option!

That answer describes almost exactly the same method as the other answer to that question..
For future reference, does that count as 'not an answer'?
4 hours later…
@Bob I asked a similar question just 24hours ago. @Sathya even answered it ;)
A: What would be the regex to use to find a potential space at the very end of files with Notepad++?

Oliver Salzburg Please note, this seems to only work in Notepad++ 6.0 (or above). Version 6.0 included support for PCRE, which is required for this to work. Search for \z (That's a space, followed by a backslash, followed by the letter z). That should do :) \z marks the end of the file. If you want t...

I was wondering whether these comments should be cleaned up. I think they should.
yesterday, by Sathya
@OliverSalzburg yes, if it's a dupe of an existing answer
@iglvzx In contrast to dupes of non-existing answers ;D
4 hours later…
@Sathya ok, and sorry about the delayed reply. So a mod's action does not automatically reverse the opinions of +10k users, even when the same post is flagged. I can understand that. But surely voting VLQ was the best-fitting flag option in this case, specifically because the post fits the "severe formatting or content problems"?
Unless you happen to be able to read the language it was written in, you wouldn't be able to tell whether or not it answered the question - so it wouldn't fit the "not an answer" option. This is sort of splitting hairs really. I just think it was obvious that the answer should have been deleted, and that it's very petty to dispute my flag, when I reckon it would have been ultimately helpful in guiding a mod to the best action.
plus, I hate seeing "1 disputed" in my flag record :)

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