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@JourneymanGeek OK. Here's something weird for you. At 03:01:48Z today there was a voting reversal. I was expecting either two (from Aug 29), four (from Aug 31), or six (from both days). Instead, three votes were reversed!
The two posts from Aug 29 still had a downvote each, so they hadn't been reversed, whereas three out of the four Aug 31 ones had had their one and only downvotes disappear. Interestingly, the downvote on my latest answer, the first one downvoted on Aug 31, at 03:37:56Z, hadn't been reversed, but the next three, occurring in the next minute at 03:38:13Z, 03:38:32Z, and 03:38:47Z, had.
I'm a bit lot curious as to why only three out of the four were reversed. My best guess is that one of the triggers for reversal is for three or more downvotes to occur in the same "minute" (possibly on "good" answers, i.e. ones without any previous downvotes) but the script is not smart enough to pick up on related downvotes from the previous minute (or there's a bug involved).
Any chance you can confirm my hypothesis with the tools at your disposal, or would this require a CM's input?
you can't edit after 5 min so no point ;p
The likelyhood that that first downvote was by a different user is quite literally zero, as the total downvotes against me prior to this had been three - the last one occurring on Jul 4 (and most likely it was also a revenge downvote).
I mean nvm
let me see
@JourneymanGeek :P
Did you send in a CM message yet? ;p
@JourneymanGeek Not yet. Wanted your input first.
I'd prefer the CM contact at this point - it looks screwy from my point of view
That's via the contact support link at the bottom of the page, right?
@JourneymanGeek Oh, btw, it's 2 min. Was trying to test how much time it would take, but someone kept posting and the text kept scrolling, making it much harder to do :P

 Bot Overflow

Room for chatbot-related clutter from Root Access. The bot is ...
is a great room for testing things
let me know if its frozen and we will unfreeze it
Sanity check please- am I being too much of a stickler on this question? On the one hand, sometimes a simple question can have a useful short, simple answer; OTOH it seems like by answering questions that aren't good quality (per how-to-ask) we encourage more of those questions
OTOH, given the level of snark in the comments and the edit revision text and edit reason, I'm not sure this is going in a constructive / good faith direction (I have disengaged as a result)
@bertieb I have an issue with it being an XY problem
there may be better/simpler ways to deal with it
Aye, definitely
relatedly ifconfig.co looks shiny
Quite nice
@JourneymanGeek Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I was using:

 Sandbox/Trash Bin/Something

For stuff not fitting in ordinary rooms
Just found this one:


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
also works
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Well, well, well! I've sent in a CM message. Still waiting for a reply.
However, I just thought you might be interested - by a complete fluke (this'll change to "by an arduous process of hacking/detective work" as I re-tell the story ;-) ) I happened to find out who the serial voter was. (Well, I'm 99.87% certain, anyway.) Has been banned for a month. I honestly had no idea who it could have been until I stumbled across with great difficulty tracked down the suspension. Then it became completely obvious. (-‸ლ)

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