Looks like I've picked up a groupie (aka serial downvoter). Seems to be somewhat knowledgeable and trying to work out the vote reversal triggers - two downvotes two days ago at 09:49Z, then four more today, suspiciously at 03:38Z.
Should I wait the requisite 36 hours, as per this meta answer, to see if the script picks it up, or would it be better if a Mod steps in early to head this off?
Also, is it appropriate/useful to post a screenshot here of my reputation tab showcasing these votes?
@JourneymanGeek Thanks. Will do. Just waiting now for the next batch of downvotes in two days time ;-) (Unless the script catches the current ones and the big stickcarrot stick is used.)
@JourneymanGeek Oh, forgot to mention. The first two downvotes two days ago were my top two voted answers, downvoted in that order, and the last batch of four downvotes were my latest four answers, downvoted in precise reverse chronological order (most recent post first). All are good/very good, comprehensive answers.
@JourneymanGeek Oh, I didn't mean to imply I was asking for help. I just thought you might be interested.
BTW thanks for that bit of info. I was aware that mods couldn't invalidate votes, but I was also under the impression you couldn't see the votes. So specific votes on specific posts are hidden but you have tools to see user vs user voting patterns. I did wonder why that meta post suggested contacting the mods. Now I know why.
@JourneymanGeek I sympathise. Just like it's frustrating for me not being able to see deleted posts. I had an inkling who the serial downvoter might have been, as I noticed the first two downvotes almost as soon as they happened, and they occurred not long after I did a review on a post by a user with a few hundred rep (which is unusual). When I went to track down the post, it had already been deleted :(