@JourneymanGeek I luuuv pendantry ;-) Thanks. I originally nicked (and extensively modified) that canned comment from some other user. That "Super User staff" was part of the original. I never really paid attention to its inaccuracy before. I've updated it now.
Btw, is there an accepted method to get a user's second account comments-answers moved to a comment? Should I raise a custom flag, or is my canned comment, and letting the user sort it out, enough?
@JourneymanGeek Oh, yeah. Forgot to add that I normally also add a "this is a comment as an answer" canned comment and NAA flag the post. So it looks like I should just keep on doing what I'm doing. Thanks.
@n8te Thanks for your comment about welcoming a spammer the other day ;-) The spam post got deleted just as I finished reading the comment. An explanation: I was giving the user the benefit of the doubt and forgot to check if they had made any other posts. Until the very next review item was the more obvious spam post by the same user (-‸ლ)
It almost feels like a real post except this one line here seems to give it away: "I didnt give up on my pursuit and found solutions that fit in a 200-500$ price range. it would be XP-Pen Artist 12HD,you can check this product on XP-Pen official site ."
But 2 close votes and no spam flags yet so I guess no one else agrees with me
@JourneymanGeek Hey, what happened with those Excel questions by that single user back in May? The one involving fixer1234, Ramhound, Run5k and the Google Spreadsheet? I just found the thread and I'm reading through it. I had a few run-ins myself with the user in question. Got so frustrating I ended up getting my first ever "be nicer" mod message (for the minor-est of all things ;-) ).
In the end I had to basically ignore the user's comments on my answers, ignore the bad suggested edits/comments and keep careful track to limit which answers I was downvoting so they wouldn't be reversed (most of the answers were bad). It was the final straw that made me quit answering Excel questions for a while, and still limits my involvement with that tag. (Apologies for the rant.)