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@studiohack, I found a sneaky spammer:
This user's posts are written so that they don't look like spam, but the actual content is in fact copied from another answer, and promotional links are added to the bottom of the posts.
@DragonLord Good catch!
Nothing escapes the Dragon Lord's eyes... ;)
Hey, are any of the mods here? I've got a really sneaky spammer on my hands...
@DragonLord Flag all the posts as spam. A mod will take care of it when they're online
They're all flagged as spam.
@DragonLord Ah. Then us mortals just have to wait...
annnnd SH is in the house.
Thanks! See you later.
@DragonLord - deleted and cleared.
who is stupid enough to post wedding dress ads on a geek website??
@studiohack We got hit by a bot the other week advertising wedding dresses
lol @iglvzx
3...2...1.... user destroyed. poof!
Wait. link rot potential. one second
there :D
double effect. :P
Since y'all are here. Delete, please:
Q: need a solution

Tiffany WalkerI need a cheap video card with dual output displays that does not need additional power. I have to output to a project and a simple display screen. just need something that works.

FYI @iglvzx - we'll leave that for at least 12-24 hours before we delete
gives the user a chance to revise and get back to us on the question if he has questions - it's too soon to delete
@studiohack Makes sense. :)
cheers @iglvzx :)
now for some Psych
13 hours later…
Did that user delete and re-post several of his questions? They sound so familiar.

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