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If you want I can give you a hand. I've processed so many CSV files over my lifetime I hardly bat an eye at them :)
Basically I want to make a map from the order data I can download from Etsy
Is the map data all in one column? Or across multiple ones?
give me a tick and I'll put one in dropbox for you to take a look at
@Allan So, what did you just want to do City/State/Country or the whole address?
probably street city state country as there not all US
Sounds good, I'll write you a small example script on how to pull and process this stuff
You just need to sign up for a key at Yahoo :)
Whats the link again
Got a yahoo account already
So what should I fill in the form? Anything?
@Allan I guess, I've never used this one. Most of the time I have the contractor or employer pay for a Geocoding service
Uh Hu
Web based or client/desktop
uh, client
do you need anything else
I can't see that page
do you need the consumer key
I need the "API" key
that was ...... easy O.o
in the time you took to do all that I about finished the CVS parsing script
Ouch what a newbie X
what next
naw, I've done this so much I have scripts pilled up in a folder. I work part-time for a few democratic offices here doing data parsing and clean up
I just needed to do the geo-code part
Well right now it just dumps the values to a file
Cool, I think I've got it working
What language are you using?
ah ha
It works in two parts. The first is run everytime you have new CSV data. It'll create the static web files for a map. The second part is the static web content
So you can just run it whenever you have new dumps
is it possible to put it on google earth?
probably, just not sure how
I've never played with Google Earth stuff
What do you want the bubbles to say?
Right now they just say the city, state, and country
Its ok I can find out more about about GE later
The parse script is pretty easy to change to output into any format
@MarcoCeppi Thats fine your doing more than you need to already
I'll zip up what I have
thanks brb
wow cool how can you add new data?
Just run ./parse from the folder with the -f flag and the full path to the etsy dump
It'll overwrite the web/locations.js file with the new coordinates
Unfortunately this will only with with the Etsy dump, though I could expand it so you select the columns to be used for the address data (or you could just edit the source slightly)
@MarcoCeppi I can create a super csv no problem is the location.js generated each time you run csv-parse

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