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This is for Rime
Im adding a third player
My party received ownership of the dilapidated Inn in Lonelywood, Im gonna have them find the new guy squatting in there.
New player
Is the player asking for suggestions?
He's into the squatter idea and wanted suggestions for classes.
Ah; what's in the party already?
Light Cleric and Thief Rogue
THey really could be anything :)
Do they have an interest in a class?
Coming up with why they are a hobo is pretty simple.
especialy for Rime
I'd suggest a Goliath Barbarian, given where the adventure is located ... who's been out of work for a while ...
I like that. Fits the theme really well.
That's funny, he uses a goliath barbarian when we play one shots.
Is this an experienced player?
@NautArch DM of my main campaign.
I run Rime whenever we cant get the whole group for our main game.
Dwarf Vengeance Paladin who is between revenge jobs?
maybe a guild artisan background, but guild was disrupted by something related to pub adventure?
Light skinned Duergar warlock who got kicked out for being to light skinned?
heh, why not?
"If you can't afford the electric bills for the sun lamp, you can just leave!!!"
@ThomasMarkov Since they like Barbs, do they like the martial classes? Do they want to try a caster?
@NautArch Is Xardorok a hexblade?
@ThomasMarkov based on stat block, doesn't seem like it
DM said he wanted to play a monk
I'm kinda liking my hexblade, but it does feel a little limiting
the drunken master hobo really does work well
The wandering monk (of any subtype) is definitely a thing
I really liked the Kensei the short time i played it
...way of the shadow monk
Would be really powerful
"At 6th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of the turn."
So always
Do you force perception checks at dis?
@NautArch Nah
Then I probably give the shadow monk that
iF there's no negatives to being in dim, then the positives shouldn't be there, either.
he just asked if he could play an aaracokra
hard pass buddy.
flightless aarokocra?
like a penguin?
also geographically relevant
Hmm, what class would the penguin be?
mastermind rogue?
Penguin Aarookra, replace flying speed with swimming speed
^That isn't a bad idea.
good for fishing!
should they want to do that
but otherwise a minimal impact and thematic
aarokocra monk?
also doesn't make as much difference with a monk and their unarmed strikes. Not giving them access to more weapons in the water then they'd normally use.
Looks like hes settled on a Tortle
still monk?

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