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Ok we about ready? Do we need to ping anyone?
@terdon What surprises me about it is that I don't get the same result in ksh and zsh, which support recursive globbing with **. But perhaps I'm making a mistake somewhere. I'll try and look into it further after this class.
@terdon On my system info ls has:
 For each directory that is listed, preface the files with a line
 ‘total BLOCKS’, where BLOCKS is the total disk allocation for all
 files in that directory.  The block size currently defaults to 1024
 bytes, but this can be overridden (*note Block size::).  The BLOCKS
 computed counts each hard link separately; this is arguably a
@BeastOfCaerbannog Thanks, but I meant a reference to official documentation. I don't doubt that it is the blocks, I just can't find where it is documented. But Eliah just did, so great! (and I'll shut up now and let Artur continue with the lesson)
Thanks for joining everyone!
@ArturMeinild I'm ready from "Sun Oct 25 19:32:49 +0330 2020"
So I'll try and walk you through the following:
- Basic SSH usage
- Basic Rsync CLI usage
- Basic usage of Rsync with cron
- Using SSHFS to mount remote folders
And it will be rather basic - just ask if in doubt of anything
Hope mods can help as well
I should say that I have a handout on Pastebin, that's also my session guide
I'll share the link afterwards so you have a full reference
Also, for the purpose of this session, the following example objects will be used:
User: artur
Host: myserver
Source dirs: /home/artur/documents, /home/artur/pictures, /home/artur/videos
Destination: /mnt/backup
Just fyi
@ArturMeinild woo awesome
We also have a small exercise somewhere in the middle ;-)
Ok first SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. SSH can be used for many things, including:
- For login to a shell on a remote host
- For setting up automatic (passwordless) login to a remote host
- To backup and copy files efficiently and securely using SCP, SFTP or Rsync
- Plus many other things
SSH operates with a keypair of a private and public key, so you can login remotely without using password (you can check the .ssh folder in your homedir to see if you already have a keypair with: ls ~/.ssh)
ls ~/.ssh
Please report back if you already have a keypair in ~/.ssh
no such file hehe
@αғsнιη No keypair
yes, already have id_rsa and id_rsa.pub
I have one:
ek@Grr:~$ ls ~/.ssh
authorized_keys  id_rsa  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts
I have the same
I ahve
If you don't have a keypair you can create one with the command:
For me, this would create the files id_rsa (private key) and id_rsa.pub (public key) in the folder /home/artur/.ssh
it did
Now, if you have a remote host that you want to connect to, you can copy the public key with this command:
ssh-copy-id user@host
For me that would be ssh-copy-id artur@myserver
After this, I could login to a remote shell (if SSH server is running on the remote host) without a password using:
ssh artur@myserver
got it
This was just to give a very basic understanding of SSH keypairs
If you want to script and connect remotely, passwordless is the way to do it
This post explain some more details:
note that if you don't have a remote host handy, you can use localhost instead and still follow this tutorial.
@terdon Thanks terdon
And that's actually it about SSH - the very basics
much appreciated
thank you
So on to Rsync ..
rsync is a somewhat advanced copy/sync/backup command with lots of possibilities
However, the basic syntax is simple:
`rsync [Options] [Source(s)] [Destination]`
rsync [Options] [Source(s)] [Destination]
For now, don't mind the options - we'll come to that
Let's see the source and destination syntax
Syncing locally: rsync -zav /home/artur/documents /mnt/backup
Syncing from local to remote: rsync -zav /home/artur/documents artur@myserver:/mnt/backup
Syncing from remote to local: rsync -zav artur@myserver:/home/artur/documents /mnt/backup
For remote path, notice artur@myserver: is prefixed
And that's it
does rsync just copy stuff over?
or does it zip stuff or something?
It can compress during transfer
But yes it copies over, but in a smart way, so it only copies the changed parts
oh, so it is better than cp in that way
And can compress - so that's why it's much more bandwidth efficient than for instance SCP or SFTP
So again, prefix for remote paths is user@host:
The username is the user to log in to the remote host with SSH. Typically, this would be the normal user (in this case artur) or root.
The hostname of myserver can be either an IP address or a FQDN (fully qualified domain name). For instance, if I had local DNS, and my domain name was arturmeinild.net, then a FQDN could be: myserver.arturmeinild.net
^^^ Makes sense?
hope so
@jokerdino Hehe :_)
And as mentioned, adding a public SSH key to the remote host is the preferred way to login - alternatively a password file can be used.
Yes with the examples provided
@ArturMeinild It doesn't need a fully qualified domain name. Anything that is understood by ssh (including aliases set up in etc/hosts or ~/.ssh/config) can be used by rsync as well. It just needs anything that can be identified as a remote machine.
@terdon Correct
So as you can see, there are many options already - but we can focus on the basic stuff still :-)
Ok I'll just fly through some of the more useful options of rsync - all available as reference afterwards - so you don't need to remember now
Note I had the -zav option in my examples
But we take a few at a time
(also the manpage has them explained in detail)
-t, --times                 preserve modification times
-p, --perms                 preserve permissions
-o, --owner                 preserve owner
-g, --group                 preserve group
This block of options preserve different attributes
got it
    --delete                delete extraneous files from destination dir
-x, --one-file-system       do not cross filesystem boundaries
-v, --verbose               increase verbosity
-u, --update                skip files that are newer on receiver
(The layout is better in my handout)
Oh thanks
Should have thought of that :-)
@ArturMeinild just copied my playroom stuff to /mnt/backup directory
@αғsнιη Hehe nice
@αғsнιη most important stuff
Then you also noticed that rsync wil create directories itself
If a dir doesn't exist, it gets created
yes, I wanted to ask this question also
Ok final block of options for now - again just to give you an idea about possibilities:
-r, --recursive             recurse into directories
-l, --links                 copy symlinks as symlinks (preserve)
-n, --dry-run               perform a trial run with no changes made
-z, --compress              compress file data during transfer
-a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (-D are more special filetypes)
Hmm I can't get code format to work xD
But some useful options here, recurse into dirs, preserve symlinks etc
@ArturMeinild Click the 'fixed font' button
When composing or editing a message that consists of multiple lines, a fixed font button appears (to the right of upload...). Clicking that automatically indents every line by four spaces, which makes it render as a code block.
@EliahKagan Thanks
As I mentioned earlier, notice the -z option that compresses during transfer
and the -a option, that is a collection of a number the other preservation options
So I usually use -zafor options - and add -v if I want verbose output
I get the -v and the -z
and the -a option, that is a collection of a number of the other preservation options
-a is archive
It preseves times, permissions, user, group and symlinks
so it's just a collection of other options, in short
the same as for cp
also has an -a option
I see
I hope you're with me - there are plenty of material, and now we move on again - to cron
Still, the very basics
yes, please
And with cron, we also do the exercise - so you can try out for yourself
this is what I need help with most hahaha
There are generally 3 different ways to run a command or script with cron:
- Add a cronjob definition in crontab
- Add a cronjob definition file in /etc/cron.d/
- Put a script file directly in /etc/cron.hourly/, /etc/cron.daily/, /etc/cron.weekly/ or /etc/cron.monthly/
At least that's the 3 ways I know of
is there a minute option?
There are also user crontabs.
That's the first bullet
Sorry, I thought you were referring to /etc/crontab.
so, what's the difference?
Yeah ok - see there was another option
@jokerdino not a dedicated "minute" file, no, but you can use the first bullet point (run crontab -e) and add a job that will run every minute, yes.
Well, actually I didn't plan to explain all the different options, just say that each method can have advantages for certain usecases, or sometimes it just comes down to personal preference.
In the following examples we will add cronjob definitions under `/etc/cron.d/`
@ArturMeinild May I suggest you use crontab -e instead so the format doesn't require a user name and the command doesn't require root access?
@terdon We can do that - just be aware then , that if you would like to create a script as root, then you would need root crontab, or the other method
(just thinking that using /etc/cron.d/ might make things more complicated, especially for those on WSL)
But as long as you just need to do things as your own user, let's go with user crontab, that's ok
But as you can see, several ways to accomplish things :-)
ok I am on crontab -e
Under user crontab, a line has the following format:
here, I have a situation that I think cron can help me
[Minute] [Hour] [Day of month] [Month] [Day of week] [Command]
@jokerdino There are many situations where cron can help you :-)
The time and date fields are: (first 5 fields)
  Field          Allowed values
  -----          --------------
  Minute         0-59
  Hour           0-23
  Day of month   1-31
  Month          1-12
  Day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday)

In addition, for all fields * is wildcard meaning any value.
Ok and now it all comes together with a couple of examples - and then the exercise!
I should just mention, that to edit your user crontab, use this command: crontab -e
You may be asked to select an editor
@terdon Although I agree with the benefits of crontab -e, I wouldn't expect it to have any specific advantages on WSL. If cron isn't running, none of the techniques will work. If cron is running, it should work with /etc/cron.d on WSL -- it is present, and sudo/sudoedit work fine in WSL. Unfortunately it seems cron is not running by default on WSL.
I selected nano
how do we check whether cron is running?
yes, unfortunately I selected nano which I'm not familiar with it, forgot to use "ed", anyone knows how to change it to "ed", please?
For a cronjob that runs rsync for a single folder each day at 22:30, this would be the cronjob definition to put in crontab (notice the PATH must be included in the job file as well)
You want to use ed?
@EliahKagan OK. I don't know how WSL works and I was thinking that might add an unnecessary layer of complication. It's also a generally good idea to not use the system-wide files unless absolutely necessary.
@αғsнιη You can't use ed, it's a stream editor, not a file editor.
but it was in suggested editors:

Select an editor. To change later, run 'select-editor'.
1. /bin/nano <---- easiest
2. /usr/bin/vim.basic
3. /usr/bin/vim.tiny
4. /bin/ed
For a cronjob that runs rsync for a single folder each day at 22:30, this would be the cronjob definition to put in crontab (notice the PATH must be included in the job file as well)
30 22 * * * rsync -zav /home/artur/documents /mnt/backup
30 22 * * * rsync -zav /home/artur/documents /mnt/backup
^^^ this would go in user crontab in this example
Minute is 30, hour is 22 - and the rest of timefields is *
And the command is rsync -zav /home/artur/documents /mnt/backup
whaaaaa? Anyway, you should be able to change it by running "export EDITOR=/usr/bin/ed" and/or export VISUAL=/usr/bin/ed
@ArturMeinild full path needed?
@jokerdino Yes I would very much recommend so
Cron runs with no environment whatsoever
@αғsнιη run the command 'select-editor`
So PATH is always needed, and always use full paths for files
@ArturMeinild (with a very limited environment, including annoyingly, its own PATH which is hard coded in the cron binary)
@terdon Yeah, result is the same ;-)
PATH is only needed if you're using a program that isn't in one of /usr/bin or /bin. So it isn't needed in most cases, but it's never a bad idea to add it just in case.
I see
@jokerdino Yeah, better safe than sorry I say
Also @terdon
Ok so maybe we should do the cron exercise to see if cron works for you
yes please!
yes :)
yes let's gooo
So if we're going with the crontab -e option, please add the following line:
[Minute] [Hour] * * * echo "Hello" > /home/[User]/hello.txt
Where you replace [Minute] and [Hour] so the script runs 15 minutes from now in your Timezone, and [User] with your username
thanks, next time I should read title line also :D

Select an editor. **To change later, run 'select-editor'.**
@αғsнιη xD
The above line will (in the time you put in) create a text file in your homedir called hello.txt
@αғsнιη XD
When you've edited your crontab, save end exit from editor
It will then say: Inserted new crontab (or simething like that)
crontab: installing new crontab
Thats it
Ok earlier, I gave an example of a simple crontab line that ran a single rsync command at 22:30
no hello.txt created for me
However, if you have several dirs you want to sync to multiple locations, and/or multiple hosts, it might be an idea to create a simple bash script
@αғsнιη What time did you set it to run?
to see the crontab, use crontab -l
* * * * * echo "Hello" > /home/user/hello.txt
maybe cron is not running
@ArturMeinild and then have cron run the script?
@αғsнιη You need to define minute and hour in the first 2 fields - and replace "user" with your username, so it's the absolute path of your homedir
@αғsнιη that will run the next time the current minute changes. If it hasn't appeared after 50 seconds, then your cron service isn't running.
@Zanna Yes
And what Artur said: /home/user/ doesn't exist, so that will just fail.
@terdon How do we see cron service is running?
I just assume it is xD
'sudo service cron status' probably
Someone said it isn't on by default on WSL.
systemctl status cron
* cron is not running
Is the default on Ubuntu I guess
sudo service cron start
Try: systemctl start cron
Add sudo to that
@terdon yes, was not running ...
@ArturMeinild gotta make that script executable?
@αғsнιη OK. But you also need to change the /home/user as Artur explained.
I hope you can get cron running then?
@jokerdino We'll come back to that script very shortly I hope
@terdon yes, I did that already, problem was "cron" was not started, now I see hello.txt
Ok nice
Zanna any luck with cron?
she scheduled it for 15 minutes from then
As you can see, 1 minute is the shortest cron interval
I've set full hour so I'm still waiting but it seems it works
@maria oh no
As I said, if you have more folders, you might want to create a script, and run that from cron
@ArturMeinild active (running) here (and a lot of other text) (I'm on Lubuntu 20.04 FYI)
I could create a bash script in my homedir: /home/artur/rsyncbackup.sh (remember to make it executable with: chmod +x ~/rsyncbackup.sh )
Script example:

rsync -zav /home/artur/{documents,pictures,videos} /mnt/backup
rsync -zav /home/artur/{documents,pictures,videos} artur@myserver:/mnt/backup
@jokerdino yes, I'll check it in ~7 minutes
1st line is the bash "shebang" (so system knows it's a bash script)
Next I put two lines with rsync commands to 2 different locations
Notice I used the brace expansion for multiple source dirs, like Zanna showed last week :-)
Now I would add this bash script to my crontab

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