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A: Difficulty with: If $P,Q \in \mathcal{L}(H)$ and $0 \leq P \leq Q \implies ||P|| \leq ||Q||$

Shivering SoldierFor a self adjoint $P$, we have $$\|P\|=\sup_{||x||\leq 1}|\langle Px,x\rangle|.$$ Take $x\in H$ with $\|x\|=1$. Then \begin{align*} |\langle P x, x\rangle|^{2} &\leqslant\langle P x, x\rangle \cdot\langle P x, x\rangle\\ &\leqslant\langle (Q-(Q-P)) x, x\rangle \cdot\langle (Q-(Q-P)) x, x\rangle\\ &

Thank you so much! Could you please add any examples where $0 \leq P \leq Q$ doesn't imply $||P|| \leq ||Q||$ ?
Did you write that correctly? Because there are no counterexamples. (Why?) $\ddot\smile$
Yes, I think that there may be a counterexample if the operator isn't linear or isn't self-adjoint? Unless I am interested in the proof where we don't use these two assumptions.
I'm not familiar with operators that aren't linear. Sorry $\ddot\frown$
what if $| \langle (Q-P) x, x \rangle| \geq |\langle Qx, x\rangle|$ Do we still have the last inequality?
Did you get my last comment?
I don't understand the question. Why do we need that assumption? Are you discarding some other assumption?
I think it would be better discussing it here.
you used an inequality like the following one
if a and b are positives such that b is bigger than a so
(a-b)^2 \leq a^2 right?
Did I? I only used that if $a$ and $b$ are positive, then $a-b\leq a$? Oh, ok, I did use.
But I never claimed that $b\geq a$.
great! so this is not true when the value of b is bigger than a
yes, you didn't claim so, but the inequality isn't true always, it fails when $ b \geq a$
oh no, it fails when $b \geq 2a$
anyway it is not always true
Let $a,b$ be positive elements. Then $a-b\leq a$, right?
yes this is right
All I did was to apply this.
Is there anything wrong with my solution? I can't see any
there is a problem, yes
what you did exactly is the following
$(a-b)(a-b) \leq a^2$ right?
do you thin that this is correct?
for example let's take a=1 and b=5
Ok, I see your point
lemme think
ok. Thank you for your time:)
I think I have an answer. Let me write.
I will delete my answer
I am always scared when I see it is easy to deduce!
Hopefully, someone else will answer.
I hope so. I appreciate your help
Ok, goodbye!
I planned to do my assignment lol
great, do you mind contacting you privately?
Hmm, I don't think that's necessary.
Yes, it is not. Bye

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