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12:02 AM
@leslietownes But they didn't charge Trump. It seems justice is sought primarily at a the levels below Trump, with too many states fearful to take on Trump. All his hired help on trial should unify and name the One Who Instigated It All. Trump has used and abused everyone in his circle.
All I can hope for is that he dries up his pool of folks, potential staff, etc, who know it is in their best interest to avoid Trump at all costs.
12:28 AM
we'll see. there have certainly been people who were unpleasantly surprised by how the trump aura of invincibility did not rub off on them.
@leslietownes Indeed. Remember all the "patriots" prodded to "storm" the capitol? so many convicted to serve jail time, but their perceive "leader" left unscathed? And currently, the right-wing Supreme Court is reviewing whether he has immunity from such charges, given his current candidacy?? We all know he stacked the supreme court... It's all beyond me...
1:04 AM
right wing blogger filing for bankruptcy because of lawsuits. apparently, you can't just talk nonsense about everybody forever without consequence.
free speech protections in america are actually pretty good. you have to try to talk yourself into a bankruptcy like that. and definitely an example of someone thinking that because donald trump could do it, anybody could do it.
think again.

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