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@leslietownes can you get a sponsorship for being good at chess?
me personally? no. i do think some of the best players have things resembling endorsement deals.
and at least some competitions have some amounts of money associated with them.
esports might be more promising going forward. i think i read of some universities giving scholarships for that.
hmm, weird
kinda dumb they do that with streamers but not professional cultured players @leslietownes
i dunno. on some level, none of it makes sense. on another level, it all makes as much sense as giving money to athletes in 'real' sports, which a lot of US universities have done forever.
at least people aren't risking as much physical injury or potentially developing eating disorders to compete in computer games. both things are quite common in the realm of real sports.
true, point taken
thanks for the response @leslietownes
but to your point i don't understand it. i never got money for college except based on financial need (as measured by some crazy formula) and a little bit for academic potential (as measured by stuff like tests).
i'm not sure that any of it makes abstract sense.
I don't know, and I don't really care for it all. When I'm done with high school I'm joining up.
So I don't really mind it all,
i considered something along those lines but was too young. i think it was actually illegal for recruiters to talk to me.
I will admit it would be cool if I got a scholarship for college though.
my dad went to college on a ROTC scholarship and did two years in the army. i think those are a lot harder to get now.
@leslietownes how so?
@leslietownes why would it have been illegal?
illegal might not be the right word. but against policy. i think they're not supposed to begin phoning people at age 12, or whatever. i don't know where the cutoff is.
Hmm, thats weird
it's probably around the average age for college sophomores and juniors. a friend of mine recruited for the army for a while, he should know.
I do know that the our military is an all voluntary force
high school sophomores and juniors, i should have said.
but the recruiters have to meet a monthly quota, so they do lie and exaggerate
also, cool that means I might get a call
yes they will sell you anything. i do remember that.
I'm going to meet a recruiter on Wednesday anyways
should I be warned of anything
my dad went into the military because of with vietnam going on they had a draft and if you got drafted you generally had less choice than if you volunteered. it's all volunteer now.
i don't think so. just, they're in sell mode. helpful to keep in mind.
sales is not inherently dishonest, but it is definitely sales.
I actually tried to convince my school councilor to let me do my jr. and sr. all at once so I could join at 17, but that got shot down.
interestingly enough though, they do provide a course to do that at my school but only a select few can do that.
I was not one of them, which sucks.
@leslietownes I've got to go, so have a good night
@amWhy same to you too, enjoy your night
goodnight and good luck.
15 hours later…
little jolt of an earthquake just now, maybe.
@leslietownes hmmh. That's one experience I've never had.
i don't mind the little bumps every now and again, which is what this was. i don't like longer ones. or ones that keep happening.
i'm not seeing anything on the usual websites. maybe too small to register.
and another one.
@leslietownes I understand.
OK, a handful of people are talking about it on twitter. but still not on any of the usual websites.
at least i'm not going crazy.
oh, apparently caltech takes several hours to process smaller earthquakes in southern california. the USGS might be waiting for that data. apparently humans are involved.
@leslietownes Always good to have one's perceptions validated! ;D
yeah! and i guess i should say, at least if i am going crazy, it is not manifesting itself in the form of detecting phantom earthquakes.
@leslietownes Exactly! ;D
On the other hand, if you tell me "spiders and worms are crawling all over me, and God is talking to me, telling me I can fly" then I might worry a bit! ;P
1 hour later…
OK, i will keep the stuff about my spiders and worms to myself.
@leslietownes Hah! :-)
how you already knew about them, i'll never know.
maybe God told you.
@leslietownes Hah!
3 hours later…
Hello again, @ParamanandSingh One vital question for you. If you are elected mod, will you still, when you can, drop in for a word search? :-)
yes, we need the true facts here.
I would have an extra advantage in word games @amWhy as I would be able to edit chat messages
Also wanted to thank you for last comment on my nomination page regarding usage of close queue.
@ParamanandSingh I just know that you have no desire to close for the sake of closing, and trusted that you and I operate similarly, leaving alone non problematic questions in the queue, to focus on the problem questions.
@ParamanandSingh ;p
2 hours later…
@leslie Sorry, my browser crashed, so I cut out four tabs to chatrooms :(
i know the feeling. i often mess up hotkeys, closing a full browser window instead of just closing a tab.
@leslietownes I use firefox, so usually reopening my browser, after a crash, "restores session".
At any given time I have 10 - 14 tabs open, so when a crash occurs, I am so relieved I don't have find them all again.
i think chrome does that too on a crash, but not on an intentional close. you can have it prompt you if you really wanna close and not restore, but i found i didn't use that so much, so i am one hotkey away from losing everything at all times.
I really can't wait for this election to be over. I'm happy with 2+ 1/2 candidates, and just want to move on.
i've got 10 tabs open now. my wife will do like 20, 30, 40 tabs. which is just asking for a crash.
@leslietownes indeed. And then you have users on this site who have tabs open in each of two or more, side by side computer screens.
I figure, if my browser wants to rein me in, maybe it's time to close a few tabs.
I was just going to ping you, @AlexanderGruber ! Howdy!
But, @AlexanderGruber, you wanted to talk with leslie, I have no problem. I'll leave to facilitate that.

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