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12:15 AM
google used to let you google a stock ticker symbol and it would display the day's results with clickable stuff for weekly, monthly, etc. in a specially formatted window ahead of search results. as of a week or two ago, it doesn't seem to do this anymore.
random rant
@leslietownes Argh!
12:45 AM
google still does some cool stuff from the search prompt. they intorudced 3d graphing a while ago, better than wolfram alpha (when it works, which is less of the time than wolfram alpha).
@leslietownes Yes, indeed. I think they also have Google Scholar.
google scholar is great. there are islands of goodness within google.
@leslietownes Agreed.
one of my friends is trying to get a job there now. the interviewing process is really slow. i can't tell if that's because she's not a priority, or if something is broken on the hiring end. i really hated that aspect of finding a job.
you never know if someone's made a decision and they just aren't telling you, or if it's really just slowness and stodginess on their part.
1:00 AM
@leslietownes Indeed! Transparency seems to be scarce these days.
when i was in academia, people wouldn't even respond to job related emails or phone calls. it's fine if i don't get the job, but maybe tell me, so i don't bother anybody again about it.
we're very transparent in my current job, the instant a decision is made, an email goes out. it's autoformatted, and somewhat impersonal, but it's provided immediately.
no guessing games.
@leslietownes Yay. I am not fond of games people play, and certainly not guessing games. The thing is, that also Corporations pretend to be an "entity", that boils down to people, at every level. But I don't have to tell you the legal benefits afforded that "entity".
nope! :)
my daughter threw my wife's laptop on the floor yesterday, and the display no longer works 100% of the time. this would be funny if it also weren't potentially expensive. (it's still funny.)
this morning there was a line of stray pixels across the bottom of the screen, this evening there is a kind of strobing effect.
@leslietownes Yikes! Yes, expensive! Yikes.
1:17 AM
it's a mac, too. this means the dreaded apple store may be involved.
apple is such a scam, haha
Scam Nation/Scam World --- it's everywhere!
daughter had a great time at day care. she and a friend, apparently named donovan, cajoled the aftercare (3-5:30pm) person into giving both of them cups full of cheerios.
she's learning the value of persuasion, and how to work a system.
she has a 'best friend' at day care, a girl named reagan. i'm not looking too deeply into that. the day care is in orange county, a hotbed of conservatism.
@leslietownes Haha!
@leslietownes Yes, indeed.
imagine naming a defenseless child Reagan.
i have a feeling about her parents.
@leslietownes Poor child! But naming a child "Trump" is downright felony child abuse!!
1:26 AM
i think so. as bad as trump is, he's over when he's over. when he passes, everyone he knows is going to tell on him. it's somewhat already happening.
i don't think we need to worry about trump jr ascending to national office. it's all over when daddy isn't there.
@leslietownes Yes, I've seen the same.
@leslietownes Fascinating: the interview given by one of his nieces, about Donald senior and his children. Not at all flattering.
the impermanence of anything represented by trump makes the willingness of certain GOP figures to cater to him all the more incomprehensible, and disgusting.
@leslietownes I know!! I think some up and coming wanna-be's envy his base, and want to inherit his base when he's gone. But if we've learned anything, If they've learned anything, Trump adores, then kicks out the door. He'll throw anyone under the bus. He is loyal to no one but his ego. So I will enjoy the end of careers of all the kiss-butts ...
yeah. nobody will inherit anything from the wreckage.
@leslietownes No. They won't.
Ah, yikes, I've got to fix something to eat (8:30 pm my time), and get work done before tomorrow.
1:37 AM
enjoy. it's dinnertime here too.
It's so refreshing talking with you! Enjoy dinner, as well!
16 hours later…
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