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@amWhy, @AlexanderGruber: why was the ice cream served after I left for sleep :(:( To beat this I will serve real homemade chocolate ice cream some day in near future. Keep waiting!
12 hours later…
@ParamanandSingh ;D I saved the upper two in the freezer in the cafe! You're welcome to one!
@amWhy: thanks!!
Instead of one I will take both
As I need one for my kid too
@ParamanandSingh Go for it!! ;D
@AlexanderGruber Let me assume that you'll give one to me. Thanks, though I am vegan
Just kidding, it is hard to be a vegan
Looks like they've all been replenished! So feel free to select!
Hahaha! There is enough stock in this café.
@ParamanandSingh ;D
Ok today I got the Guru badge. I wasn't aware of it. It is given for any accepted answer with good no of upvotes. I think getting a badge alongwith ice-cream is great.
@ParamanandSingh @Alexander gifted some more, plus a cow for the Cafe to have always available milk. He's even volunteered to keep the cow fed, get her out to graze freely, and clean up after her! He's our resident "cow boy"!
@ParamanandSingh Indeed!
Sounds cool! Thanks to @AlexanderGruber for their generosity.
i don't like where we're headed as humanity
@amWhy can I ask or you doing something?
@soupless What's your question?
Can you define what 'generating functions' are? I am not sure, but I think it is a function where the numerical coefficients form a sequence
@soupless Pretty much. Have you read this?
English is a good language
But t can beest bett'r
Thanks again for gifting the Cafe a cow, and committing to taking care of it, @Alexander!
1 hour ago, by amWhy
@ParamanandSingh @Alexander gifted some more, plus a cow for the Cafe to have always available milk. He's even volunteered to keep the cow fed, get her out to graze freely, and clean up after her! He's our resident "cow boy"!
@soupless what a great excuse to link one of my favorite math books
@amWhy most definitely ma'am
@AlexanderGruber Aye i eke liketh t
@AlexanderGruber Yes! There was an older post on math.se about suggestions for books for gifting to a student: I posted generatingfunctionology!
@AlexanderGruber Very cool!
@amWhy ahhh yes. by the venerable sam handwich if i recall
that answer's why i got the book.
@AlexanderGruber who's in your avatar, looks like a doctor😂
@Anthony it's me, curing the site of PSQs
@AlexanderGruber aha, a man of culture as well ;)
2 hours later…
@AlexanderGruber I like that look on you, @Alexander! Some day, I hope to see you don this look as your identicon! Even better, where the tassels, strings, or whatever they are on the brim of you hat, below the badge, inscribe "math.se" or "moderator"!
3 hours later…
@quid What do you think about "cowboy/Sheriff Alexander" pictured above? ;D I like the look!
Some users on this site are already in Friday.... all of us will be there.... Happy Friday wishes to all. @quid, your less than an hour away from Friday!!! The "one and only best day of the week! :P"
@amWhy excellent.
I think instead of the star, there should be a blue diamond, and on his brim, "math.se" or "mod". But it works well, as is!
@quid About the best day of the week, I think we need a meta poll: I will advocate for Friday, and you can advocate for Monday! ;D
@amWhy you bet I will.
I suspect, though, @quid, such a meta post will be closed quickly as "off topic"!! Unless we make it relevant to meta.math.se. ;D
@amWhy I'll vote for monday and lock it ;D
@quid ;P Hah!

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