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@amWhy hello, after lurking for many years on the main site and now MO, I am finally getting into chat
@JoshuaMundinger Great to have you! I started out on math.se strictly lurking for a few months.
I've got to head to bed, @JoshuaMundinger, or I'll risk collapsing from exhaustion on my key board! Please comeback! You're welcome here! See you!
10 hours later…
Mike Ernest It is plagiarism to submit a solution or proof that is not ones own. Period. Doing so is academic dishonesty, and I have no problem with deleting questions which seek answers for the asker as their own. Please due not try to blur the lines of what's ethical. — amWhy 14 hours ago
@ParamanandSingh @Peter @TeresaLisbon: ^ This should get more upvotes!
@user21820 Sorry , I do not want to upvote this. As long as I can think , I was annoyed by all those laws about copyright and CO. Nothing good came from such laws. I accept those laws , but contrary to my belief.
@Peter This isn't about copyright; it's about attribution. CC licenses are also based on the same principle of attribution.
I too don't like copyright in most cases, but my belief doesn't contradict that comment as far as I can tell. Am I missing something?
Of course, I'm just expressing my opinion that it should get more upvotes, so you don't have to be sorry if you don't agree.
Perhaps I should be sorry for not being clearer that it's just my opinion. =)
Well, since you have the opinion that amWhy's comment should be upvoted , I drew the conclusion that you also agree to the copyright. Apparently, this was a fallacy. I can live with the convention that a user should mention a source , if he/she quotes a proof , the problem is how can we know that it actually was NOT her/his idea , independently from a possible other source ?
Just an example : I composed a chess problem and later found out that Pal Benkö invented exactly the same problem long ago. Everyone would have concluded that I had the problem from him.
@Peter Concerning "copyright", I was unaware that it was implied by the comment, and searching for that term on that whole meta thread doesn't yield any occurrences, so I'm actually unsure how it's related. Anyway, (I think) all amWhy is saying is that honesty tells us that we should not submit something as our own if it isn't, and that's all I was reading from it. Concerning the possibility that the source we know of isn't the original source, yes it may be, but it's not our responsibility.
@Peter Ah that's a good test question. My answer is that as long as you believed it was your own work then it is not dishonest.
Regarding posting on Math SE, the asker knows that the answer gotten from Math SE is not his/her own work, and that's the key point that causes it to fail the honesty principle.
Ok then, I star your post then, since I have clarified in which sense I agree. Am why's post itself is probably a bit difficult to find.
@Peter Actually the "14 hours ago" is a direct link to the comment on the meta thread. But please don't feel obliged to do anything because of what I say. I'm just trying to clarify my viewpoint as much as possible to avoid misinterpretation here. =)
@user21820: I upvoted that. Stealing any kind of credit for something done by others is really unethical.
Yea. Except for stealing credit for dumb mistakes. =D
@user21820: in a corporate environment stealing credit is common and is very painful to the victim. Unfortunately that's how it goes. I hope academia is a bit more ethical than corporates.
@ParamanandSingh Hmm yea I've heard it happen a lot. Even to the point that comic strips are made about the problem being commonplace.
I hear Dilbert in your comment.
Hahahaha yea I read a few strips of that before, though I prefer more 'fun' comics than 'daily-life' comics. (Don't we have enough of that outside of comics?)
@ParamanandSingh I also was thinking of this:
That was really funny
I have up voted the comment, but at this point I'd like to say I've done THIS : let's say I found an argument in a book or a paper that I'm concerned is too difficult or not well written (not well written means with respect to the level of OP asking that question, not in general), and with those hints I'm able to complete the problem. Then, giving credit to the author I do, but I too wish to claim some credit there. So what I do :
is , yes, I give the source (paper of Erdos, book of Rudin, etc.) but I present the argument in a way that is basically :
MY way, in the sense that I decide what I can leave for the user as an exercise, what I can expand on, what I can say that the author perhaps has not said in terms of links to other subjects and stuff. So what I'm trying to say that I may not claim credit for the answer, but I write things in a way that I think will suit the OP, especially for proof explanations.
I don't think THAT counts as plagiarism, although yes, what Mike was suggesting would certainly count, given that it's being submitted to a scientific institution.
Oh no, another off topic rant. Delete the above.
No that isn't plagiarism. Unfortunately many don't give attribution and say that the complete work is their own. Ramanujan discovered his continued fraction himself and proved many of its properties and later found that it was already discovered by Rogers. He immediately contacted Rogers and due credit was given to Rogers. In fact the name Rogers appears first in Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction.
"very painful to the victim" ? I would like to have explained this a bit more detailed.
@Peter Just because one can get away without citing the source (i.e., present another's work as one's own), doesn't make it suddlenly "not" wrong. It is wrong to do so because it is dishonesty, an attempt to dupe the system, it is game playing, whether or not there is a law against it. To me, plagiarism is well defined, as I use it, and not dependent on the act of "copyright infringement."
I am talking about intentional acts of getting someone to answer your question, and then presenting the answer as one's own.
@TeresaLisbon No it's not off-topic! Plagiarism is a complicated issue and there are many cases, so hearing you describe one case in detail of course helps others to understand your viewpoint. =)
@amWhy I think Paramanand was responding to Teresa and concurring that what Teresa does is not plagiarism.
It's a pity chat messages without the reply-arrow can be confusing.
(My guess is based on Paramanand's clear stance against cheating and lying that he had previously expressed in chat, maybe in another room.)
@user21820 That makes sense. Yes, or even messages, without reply, and no @username to whom they are replying, can be confusing.
@amWhy Yea.
I'm going to be away for a while. Back later!
@user21820 See ya!
@amWhy: it's purely my fault. I should have used the ping feature to ensure that other readers know the intended recipient of the message. It was intended for Teresa. And I don't see any disagreement between me and you over the issue of plagiarism as discussed here on in that meta thread.
@Peter: In a typical corporate scenario, stealing credit has financial impact in terms of salary raise and promotions. Moreover this is done in a rather smart way that even the victim is not aware until the promotions (or any other benefits) are announced.
@ParamanandSingh Thanks. And No problem. @user21820 suggested what he thought your comment referred to. I should have assumed so earlier, because it immediately followed Teresa's post. But these days we have three, four, sometimes five users discussing a topic.
@Peter: and there is another fraud to cover this up. Many big corporations have a dedicated committee to deal with unethical behavior. That's just sham and actually they don't do anything.
@amWhy: I understand and that's why said it's my fault. Often when you are interacting with many people one should take care not to leave any chance of misunderstanding, but yes maybe I got lazy at that time.
@user21820: thanks for helping me in my absence.
@ParamanandSingh No problem. I try my best! And yes I'm always disgruntled with the large fraction of conglomerates that have some kind of 'ethics' board that does nothing. They often deal with unethical behaviour only when it gets found out, and even then they try to minimize their loss rather than their wrongness.
Recently when looking up Pfizer, Moderna and other vaccine companies, I found it disgusting how all the companies behind the biggest suppliers have very regularly shady history. And yet we are morally forced to get a vaccine from one of them if we can and are in a country with the virus not under complete control, simply because not doing so would be more immoral.
@user21820 In India they are using the vaccine developed by Oxford astrazeneca and there is another by Indian firm BharatBiotech.
@ParamanandSingh Yea I read about astrazeneca. Right now some countries are temporarily halting the use of it under 60 years old due to concerns that there may be a significantly higher incidence of abnormal blood clotting after vaccination.
@user21820 Ditto for J&J, who just settled a massive suit against them for talcum powder they sold.
Yes that problem of blood clot has been detected in India also
Our govt is giving vaccine to all those above 45 years of age. So I may have to wait a bit longer (myself just crossed 40)
@amWhy Exactly. So sad. (I had used their powder since I was a baby.) I actually had the impression J&J is a "good company", until the powder fiasco. But their vaccine seems to do okay.
@ParamanandSingh and @user21820 Just read the same issue being examined in J&J. Perhaps those vaccinated at greatest risk for blood clots, should receive small doses of blood thinner for a few weeks after the shots.
@amWhy Oh I didn't know that J&J's vaccine also had blood clot risk. Do you have an article link?
@user21820 Unfortunately, the problem ingredient (talcum) was used in many companies products.
@user21820: In India J&J talcum powder is still valued as premium because many people are not aware of lawsuit. Here majority go by tv ads and majority in India means a really huge number of customers
@amWhy Yea, and it's their iconic product! One would have thought they would do a better job of making sure their most famous product was well done!
@user21820 I might be able to find it, but I got the sense there is a precautionary panel, independent from J&J, that is set up for documenting, etc., given the occurrence of the problem in other vaccines.
@amWhy Well, I went to the temple. I did not bail. I specifically mentioned that I up voted in my last line.
@amWhy Ah okay thanks. Let me know if you find any evidence of a link for J&J's vaccine, because it may become available in my country later and I'd like to know when I become eligible for a vaccine.
@user21820: I assumed that both you and @amWhy are US citizens. So "available in my country"?
@ParamanandSingh I try my best to remain anonymous, so I never mention my actual location or identity on Math SE.
@amWhy "A hint of cowardice" perhaps you may think so. I don't. You already misinterpreted that I bailed. I left a long message to complete my conveyance of the matter and up voted. Kindly find yourself not misinterpreting me in the future, if you have anything to say against what I said then do tell me. I said that what I've done sometimes is not plagiarism, and I've described what I did in the earlier comment.
I also mentioned that the comment of Mike is not the same situation as mine, since I work hard to work out and explain key parts of arguments made in papers and books, which I duly reference and do not call as my knowledge. However, I also, with my ability , supplement this with information that I think will benefit the OP, looking at their background, and also leave out key parts of the argument for them as exercises. I have done this with a paper of Erdos on this site.
@TeresaLisbon I was not speaking to you, I mentioned two out of three of you... because I did not want to single users out. A kindly find your self not misinterpreting me, or reading more than I say, into what you think I'm saying about you.
@amWhy I see, sorry. Delete those comments. Misinterpreted. But if I did not myself clear then I can do so further if you wish.
"Funny how everyone's bailed: Peter, Teresa, and now Paramand" I think this was what I was referring to @amWhy.
@TeresaLisbon Yes, and I apologize. It just seemed, first coming into the conversation, that after posting their take on things, they had all left. Of course there are any number of reasons for fading out in this chat, or leaving it altogether. I just wanted to clarify those last comments, and no one was, at that time here for me to respond to. Not an excuse... I should not have used the word "bailed"... but simply "left". Please accept my apology.
@amWhy Great! That's all I needed, it's good now. I have already mentioned that I up voted your response to Mike's answer!
@TeresaLisbon Yes, and thanks for that.
@amWhy Another small thing : if you do a word challenge tonight, I will be more than happy to participate. Let me see if I can suggest something.
@TeresaLisbon Suggestions are always welcome! ;D
@TeresaLisbon How about HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE?
@user21820 Let's do it! I was thinking about FASTEST GUN IN THE WEST, Haha!
But we will stick with yours.
2 messages moved to ­Trash
So we have HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE, which has three words HAPPY, WORD and CHALLENGE. We lose plurals, there's no S!
@TeresaLisbon Alright, let me see what I can find!
Hello, but can I ask what is happening, please?
CHALLAN (common word in Indian English)
@soupless A happy word challenge is happening, where you try to happen upon words formed from the letters of the chosen phrase, and to participate you just post your word[s] in bold, by using the syntax "**bold**".
@user21820 Oh, if in case, can I join?
With 2 E's and 2 o's, and two A's, we need some challenge. We don't want to create a word search that good go on for a week? O do we!
@soupless absolutely!
@soupless CHARGE right in!
@amWhy Well, let's restrict to 6 letters or more.
What about PROBLEM STATEMENT QUESTION? (All vowels present, and an S)
Great! So we resrict to six or more letters, and with that, ALLEGE, ALLEGED would be nice.
@user21820 That's fine, that could work!.
Please decide the phrase. Is it final?
I don't want to go on word hunting
So happy stays
@ParamanandSingh We'll table PSQ, spelled out.
@ParamanandSingh Yes let's stay HAPPY as long as we can first. =D
@amWhy That can run as well! But once we terminate this chase!
@TeresaLisbon That's what "table" means; it means "put aside temporarily". (Note that in some dialects of English it actually means "put on the table for discussion"!)
@ParamanandSingh There is only one 'C', I think?
@user21820 I see, had no clue!
@TeresaLisbon It's alright that you had no clue (see my bracketed remark and meanings 20 and 21 for the verb here)!
LEANED, is this valid?
@soupless Indeed it is!
@soupless And WEANED
ANGLED it is!
@user21820 Ah, i see, and CLEANER!
@Peter, @Xander, @quid, @AlexanderGruber, @Asaf, @an4s, @vitamind, @AnyUserWithGame! Please join our word challenge: HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE
CHAPPED (lips).
@ParamanandSingh Nice!
Lots of words ending in ed (past participle)
@user21820 Nice!!.
Plenty ?
@Peter Yea there's no "T".
Many eyes watching. Mistakes will be detected soon so need caution.
for HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE, eligible words must be six characters in length!!
^^^JUst for pinning purposes.
PLANER @TeresaLisbon
@soupless Very nice. Even HOWLED works!
I tried to find GROUP but it turns out I had GROPED in the dark.
What kind of words?
@SafdarFaisal Any word formed from at least 6 of the letters in "HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE".
CLAWED @ParamanandSingh Yes, both are correct , right?
Great job everyone, so far.
Coward was really nice @amWhy
@user21820 As long as you don't grope inappropriately! ;P
@Peter Nice one!
will that work?
@soupless Yup! Ten letters, at that!
@ParamanandSingh Nice!
Are duplicates allowed?
@soupless Not on the main site, at least!
@TeresaLisbon You got me there :D
@soupless Of words? It always happens, especially as the list gets long. But if there are two A's you can only use at most two A's. If a word has n of a letter#, then you can use at most #, n times.
@soupless Nice.
@TeresaLisbon You're on a roll today!!
@amWhy Yeah, so true! Lovin' it!
Well @soupless @ParamanandSingh magnificent!
@soupless 11 letters!
@ParamanandSingh 9/10 letters.
@ParamanandSingh Awesome find!
Someone needs to break 11 letter record of @soupless
@ParamanandSingh That's going to be very unlikely! Let's see.
Any anagrams @user21820
COLLEGE in modern times is often about being GRADED (PAPER/ORAL), and not about becoming GENERALLY LEARNED.
WHOPPER if it has not yet be mentioned.
So @soupless is declared current record holder. Congrats
@user21820 AHA!
@Peter Nice!!
This might not be the best word but what about CRAPPY :)
@vitamind Were you seeing some PSQs?
@vitamind Indeed, and fitting sometimes to describe PSQ questions on this site.
@soupless Another ten letters.
just going through the prefixes haha
@user21820 I love the themed sentence with four qualifying words!!
Even then I admire your word hunting skills @soupless
@amWhy Yea I was trying to find one after finding "COLLEGE".
PYRENE! Haha, never know those organic chemistry naming conventions would come back to help! (Although yes, it is a proper noun)
HYDRANGEA (I've got spring on my mind!)
I tried using the "re-" but then I realized that there are others such as "poly-"
Did someone mention OPENED yet?
Does someone like LAPLACE transform?
Nice, y'all!! It's a good thing this challenge doesn't have an S!
@amWhy I'm using the "page find" feature to search for duplicates, I don't think it is one! And so isn't HANGER
And there is LAP DANCE
It is amazing how many words related to math, or this site, we find in various words. Or perhaps we're prone to notice them more than non math people?
@TeresaLisbon I found PROPANE (i wish that this was not mentioned before)
@user21820: very nice
@soupless No way it was! And because of dear chemistry, PROPENE and PROPYNE come in too!
@ParamanandSingh Between your lap dance, and @user21820 's groped... ;D
@soupless Alkane, alkEne, alkYne!
@TeresaLisbon: chemistry was one of my weelak areas and i was afraid of it during my JEE
@TeresaLisbon Nice! Math and chemistry teaming up on this spelling activity
@TeresaLisbon: chemistry was one of my weak areas and i was afraid of it during my JEE
@ParamanandSingh Haha, let's hope we don't find any more chemicals here!
I kind of want to stop because I am having a HEADACHE typing on a CELLPHONE, but if I will do that, I will be ENRAGED
@ParamanandSingh Funnily enough, I scored highest in chemistry and lowest in math, but there wasn't much of a difference between them, probably about 5 marks I think. I managed to get a decent enough rank without any coaching. I've got like 40-50 kids now with my number, and they call and ask me for advice, because somehow I scraped the KVPY exam! Like the attention, and I'll tell them to remember stuff for word challenges!
SHOPPED, and the rabbits HOPPED around vigorously this morning, in my yard.
@ParamanandSingh Sorry, but it seems that there is still an ORGANELLE
@soupless Haha, time for some biology now!
I didn't realize that it was biology instead of chemistry
@soupless An organelle is a specific part of a cell that has a mini-function, examples include mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, nucleus and so on.
@TeresaLisbon I don't know if ENCEPHALOGRAPHY exists, I just noticed it by trying possible anagrams with "-graphy" in the last part and biology was mentioned
So: Organic chemistry, it overlaps with cellular biology @Teresa ?
Biology is another area where I am weak. But now I don't have to give an exam for these subjects. :D
@soupless You are a genius!
Did I count that right! 15 letters???
@amWhy Yes, that's good enough I'd say to be honest!
I admit that I have no hope for beating that 15 letter thing whatever that is.
And I even know very well what it means. (encephalography).
That is amazing. That wins word of the day hands down!
@soupless Wow!
I want a word with all the letters of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (sp?)
What was that!!!
@ParamanandSingh I think it means "excellent"??
@amWhy I think it was supercaligrafilisticexpialidocious.
Sorry people, need to take a break for dinner. It's already later for dinner for me and wife
@ParamanandSingh It's a made-up word.
@amWhy How about that place in Ireland? llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
how about titin?
@soupless Yes, of course, I think ANY word would come under the chemical name of titin!
Every word would probably come twice!
@soupless Doesn't have a single z! I can't believe it, you make such a big word and there's not even a z in it?
No q either
no x either
While checking the spelling of titin, I felt for a moment that my device was hacked and a bunch of letters just filled my entire screen
@TeresaLisbon Isn't it Wales?
Please, be correct, my geographical guess
@soupless You are ..... CORRECT! Haha, my bad here.
I should have guessed, to be fair Irish pronunciations don't have so many Ws and Ls in them!
Anyway, I'll step out for some time, probably onto CURED or something , see you all soon!
Well, me too. I forgot that I have homeworks to do. See you, guys!
@soupless See you!
@ParamanandSingh The best I could figure out was how to WHELP DRAGON CHEAPLY.
@TeresaLisbon IIS banglore i guess?
@Anthony Was from there! Haha, finished a few years ago there. Still in Bangalore, though.
(I hope you mean the Indian Institute of Science)
@TeresaLisbon yes yes
@Anthony Yes then you are absolutely right!
In the sense, I was there for five years, now onto better things, at least as far as math is concerned!
i wish i clear KVPY this year
last year online classes didn't amount to much :(
@ParamanandSingh finally someone like me :xD
@Anthony I cleared it a few years ago, I think in 2013. Wishing you the best. If you are on MSE, that 's the best for math for sure!
dunno what i'm gonna do if i don't thb
@Anthony Don't be discouraged. How is your situation on JEE?
@TeresaLisbon chem- pretty bad, rest good
@Anthony I see! I don't think advanced has happened yet, but you did qualify, right?
i got in 12th now
yet to give JEE
this year
@Anthony OH, I see. You've got a year. That's great. I would say, there is time for classes, but you should prioritize JEE. For starters, try the past papers and see what you can get. Get onto chemistry questions, make sure you know each and every question and how to solve it for chemistry. You have time, go one paper a day or something, and I would say :
visit the websites of Resonance, Bansal and so on. I used only one little Resonance package back in the day, it was quite cheap. When I got through the KVPY they asked me to send a photo. Needless to say I did not send Lisbon's photo, instead choosing to send something that could be printed on a prison register. (Yes, literally)
@TeresaLisbon i understand 😂, i look like a talibani terrorist in my photo for school pamphlets
@Anthony I swear, then they put it in the Rajasthan Patrika, and I got an e-copy, first page advertisement and my photo is in there! For that alone, you should do well in the KVPY!
@Anthony @ParamanandSingh: Just to let you both know, for a student to "give an exam" is specific to Indian English and incorrect in Am/Br English, where we say "take an exam" instead (and it's teachers who can give an exam/test). If you already know this, then I guess ignore me!
@user21820 it was new to me, i'll keep that in mind :)
@TeresaLisbon let's get to some work then (not pumping iron;)
@Anthony Sure, I have some work too, so see you!
See you all!
@user21820 See you!
@user21820 I have also heard "I have to sit for an exam", meaning "take an exam" in Am/Br, or "give an exam" in Indian English.
@amWhy Yes indeed. I like grabbing the exam from the proctor though!
@user21820 Hahaha!
And actually, I just looked it up, and it's even simpler than "I have to sit for an exam"; it merely "I have to sit an exam"
Nowdays, we could suggest "I have to keyboard an exam".
@amWhy Interesting. I have only known it as "sit for".
Maybe it's an instance of auto correction to what makes 'more sense'.
In the far future, it will likely be "I need to telepathize an exam." ;D
Just "I need to exam." Saves so many characters.
Let's just cut to the chase: "I exam today"
You know @Xander would love the last two comments; he's likes to verbify nouns! ;D
@Xander ;P
@amWhy "Today, exam!" Just like in some languages, the 1st person verb form can be the shortest!
@user21820 Haha! It also sounds like a user ready and eager for the exam! Others might write, "Oh no, today, exam. :("
@amWhy That would become "Today exam, arghh!"
Ok I should stop fooling around and go now. =P
@user21820 ;D Ha ha ha!
@user21820 See you!, take care.
2 hours later…
Mar 25 at 13:05, by amWhy
^^ recycle
Other than that the service here is poor as usual. I'm glad that I brought a thermos with some tea else I'd stay thirsty in this so-called cafe forever. What's up there @amWhy ;D
@quid ;P What would you like, sir?
Have you ever had a "Long Island Iced Tea"? ;D @quid
@amWhy that was quite popular when I was young, where I was young.
@quid What are you hankering for?
4 hours ago, by amWhy
for HAPPY WORD CHALLENGE, eligible words must be six characters in length!!
@quid Same here, along with a drink called "root beer" which very much tasted like root beer.
@amWhy I like root beer.
I always drink some when I'm in the US.
@amWhy sorry I did not see that. At first I thought I'm completely dump, but it's at least a separate message.
@quid Have you ever had a root beer float? Root beer poured in a tall glass which leaves room at the top, which is then topped with vanilla ice cream!. Very much a summer treat!
@quid No problem. A lot of contributions, one word with 15 letters!
@amWhy no
I'm not sure I'd like that mix, but why not try.
^^^@quid Enjoy! I'll get you a long spoon, too, so you can sip creamy root beer and savor some ice-cream. The one I am serving you is special: a malted root beer float!
@amWhy oh wow.
Ironic the soda pop is called "root beer", because it's non-alcoholic.
Root beer is a sweet North American beverage traditionally made using the root bark of the sassafras tree Sassafras albidum or the vine of Smilax ornata (sarsaparilla) as the primary flavor. Root beer is typically but not exclusively non-alcoholic, caffeine-free, sweet, and carbonated. It usually has a thick and foamy head when poured. Since safrole was banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1960 due to its carcinogenicity, most commercial root beers have been flavored using artificial sassafras flavoring, but a few use a safrole-free sassafras extract. Major producers include A&W,...
@amWhy I assume the idea it being a substitute for actual beer.
@quid Sort of. It was around before prohibition in the US, and the original creator used to call it "root tea". But during prohibition, law abiding citizens celebrated with what they called root beer (which was formerly known as root tea). (But even my great grandfather was a bootlegger, during those years; people left to their own devices gonna do what it takes for alcohol. Not condoning him. I never knew him, only through stories.)
@amWhy now I know why you are such an outlaw. ;-)
@quid Hah! That a good one, @quid! ;D
Turns out, I'm roughly 1/8 th Irish, 3/8 th's German, and 1/2 Polish. But there is an obscure 1/16th contribution I have of French.
And some of the original ancestors from Poland and Germany, were located outside of what we now consider Poland and Germany.
Sorry, @quid, I don't want to bore you. But like most Americans, I'm a mutt! ;D Not a purebred.
@amWhy no wonder you like beer
@quid Hah! ;P
Do you have "Barbarians" available? it was a six episode "series/movie" originally produced in German. I may have mentioned the series before. It was set at a point in history that the "Barbarians (a bunch of tribes in what was then Germany) defeated the previously intimidating and abusive Roman army. I find I am really fascinated with history! (Maybe I need another major and PhD! ;D).
(Btw, it was the Romans that called non-Romans Barbarians.)
Or maybe I need to transfer to History.SE (if it even exists!)
@quid Thank you! I'm now registered and hence have 101 rep.
@amWhy I think I heard about it. Maybe from you.
@quid It very well could have been from me. I think I even proposed a word search given the word BARBARIANS. (I really need to keep track of all the words we've used!)
With respect to holidays, I'd also like to honor significant holidays in other nations other than just the US, @quid.
@amWhy you can start a habit of announcing national holidays.
Fun fact, today is the 100th day of the year.
@quid Like independence day in Mexico (which will be Cinco de Maya : May 5th), or any host of other nations' national holidays? That's great.
It's the Day of the Builder in Azerbaijan (or to be precise was as there it's already the 11th now)
I'm also hesitant to use Religious based holidays, even if they're also largely secular, and particularly those of the US; but it is hard to ensure religious holidays of all major religions is featured, let alone tribal religions across the world.
@quid Indeed, as you also just entered into the 11th! ;D But actually, time zones, and difference in languages, etc, I think I am far more aware of international differences in time and languages and customs, in large part to my participation in international chats, international sites, and international conferences and symposiums.
@amWhy @quid It's not that I object to religious based holidays, but I don't want anyone to perceive this chat as focusing primarily on one nation's religious holidays, or to feel under represented.
We might encourage everybody to share their holidays
@quid But I do not intend to keep you here, if you (and you likely do) have other matters to wrap up before retiring for the night/morning. Our recent discussion is nothing in need of immediate attention. But I've enjoyed the time you spent here already, @quid.
@amWhy :-)

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