@amWhy What in that post made you think that I think you fight too much? You are pulling a statement I made about myself, towards for yourself. I also think that the perspective that I am doing too little because I am not looking for conflict is not correct. I personally justify going all out in PSQs, by looking at the greater good of the site, and I don't treat that as any kind of conflict.
Yes, everybody on the site has their way of working, and for their own reasons. I may have a reason for working the way I do,but I haven't explored it yet.
My answer to "is the stress on CURED too much for you?" is that I have always found solace in the fact that I am finding positive resolutions in everything I do. Whether positive for the site, whether positive for the people. Now you may ask, why do I not approach people and tell them their issues directly.
I have not been trying that. It may have to do with a variety of reasons (doesn't work with family members, fear of such talk being redirected at me, opinions forming about me, whatever). If you wish that I change my style of moderation, tell me. I take the above couple of messages as an indication of this effect.
And replying to you is not a chore, it was done in gratitude , and respecting the fact that I started something and was to inform you about it, as a senior member. It is not a chore for me to go through the PSQ crawl and form reports. It is a step in the positive direction. I thought , that for a person who has been on the site you will need all the positivity you can get. That's why I have been replying regularly.
Ok, the whole paragraph above is one heck of an off topic rant, by the looks of it. Get rid if you wish. But it's a large Freudian slip. At least I will think of it that way.
@TeresaLisbon I apologize. I didn't explain myself, and what I wrote fails to express my thoughts yesterday when I made that comment. I just felt a bit demoralized when you and user21820 felt some pang of conscience when I reported the post was open for deletion, and left me feeling confused, and that somehow I must not be sensitive to not feel such pangs. But I think you were both responding to some agreement with Pedro you made? I did not know that my noting the post open for deletion would
was something you promised or agreed not to do (with that post, or is it all the time?) Anyway, I am sorry. I should have left the site before writing such comments to you; it was just one a heck of a difficult day for me, which is no excused, just part of my apology.
Hello, @ParamanandSingh! Thanks for the input to me and your commentary. I appreciate it!
@amWhy Ah, yes, don't worry I never read too much into it. I think my little comment too was a result of tiredness, after all you saw me at 2:30 AM IST today, and that's way beyond my bed time! Anyway, looking forward to seeing you at CURED tonight.
Until then @ParamanandSingh @amWhy @user21820 In what "real-life" or "day-to-day" activities do your find yourself using your "core" or "abdomen" muscles? I found that mine are very weak, and I reasoned this out by saying that I really don't find myself using those muscles, so when I do ask them to get engaged they reluctantly give in very soon. I just find it so funny that I don't even user half the muscles in my body daily, and then suddenly I'm finding I have to train them.
Even while lifting heavy weights, I find that I only use my shoulder and arm strength, and after lifting a weight these are paining, but the abdomen may as well have not been there.
And while doing these exercises, I find random parts of my body shaking (like eyes fluttering and fingers bouncing) while holding a plank. It's a rheumatic rhapsody of sorts. I pray no one ends up with a body like mine.
@TeresaLisbon: Well, I think those muscles are needed only to look good. Unless one wants to be a model, I think keeping your waist size in control is good enough.
Also this means regular physical activity. 2 years back i was in not so bad shape as I was involved in construction of my house. After that Corona happened and even going out of home was restricted.
Right now I am mostly trying to have milk and fruits to keep things under control.
lol, a funny answer here when i have to go up the stairs in my home which is basically daily i don't walk on them to go up by hanging on the portion that protrudes out and performing a pull up on each stair
on a serious note, for a good core workout we just need a stable bar and hang on it and then try basic calisthenics which strengthens the core and related muscles a lot
@Anthony Thanks. So happens that I've got stairs as well. I could try that kind of a pull up, possibly.
@ParamanandSingh I wish they were only for that purpose. I need those muscles (and a couple of muscles on the groin and knee) so I can continue playing football. I've got all the muscle strength of the tooth fairy, and all the flexibility of the Statue of Liberty.
@amWhy I don't know about others, but to clarify myself there was no "pang of conscience" on my part regarding deletion of any question that I think should not be there. I did not agree with Pedro at all, by the way. I hesitated to delete the ^0 post only because I had attempted to get a meaningful response via comments. However, in the end I decided that (as you thought) there was no good reason to delay deletion. So that's that for now! =)
@TeresaLisbon Stretching my back hahaha? I hardly exercise my muscles nowadays except to walk around and do daily chores.
I agree with @ParamanandSingh that it is good enough to keep a healthy physique and there is no particular need to train muscles. More specifically, just regularly exercise everything you have now to keep them working well.
(So don't be lazy like me, but no need to go to the other extreme either.)
If you want your abdomen muscles to be stronger, sit-ups work well enough.
@user21820 No problem. Pedro ignored me through much of yesterday, and in his appearance today, so I missed the time he devoted to Xander and Teresa, and and others. He wants to change us, without being willing to help mediate the hatred and behavior of high-rep rep-seekers.
@amWhy I think that people who believe that professors rarely try to gain rep in answering PSQs can come to the truth only by their own time and effort. I did notice that recently at least one user who previously was very antagonistic towards CURED has become more disillusioned by the way Math SE is regularly used as a cheating platform, as evidenced from the much more frequent comments on PSQs to that effect. But I haven't noticed any others yet.
@TeresaLisbon i must say, i'm more than impressed that you can play football, something that i have always struggle with when i play with some professionals
Football (meaning "soccer" for the avoidance of doubt) played with intent, definitely puts demands on the knees. I'm happy my knees seem to keep going without issues.
When I started playing in Canada there were a few too many recreational players who had trouble distinguishing the limits of physical engagement compared to ice hockey; picked up cracked ribs a couple of times and probably my own style got a bit more physical.
@Joffan Yes, I too get through a fair share of stamps and trips. I'm just happy that I play in a part of the pitch where the least important attribute is physicality. That's either right or left back. In these positions, the speed and stamina requirements suit me, as does the heavy running. In the last game we played, I played as goalkeeper, scored two own goals, assisted two goals, had a shot saved point-blank from a corner, and managed to get nutmegged 7 times. We won 7-6!
@Anthony Yes, still manage to get through the rigor of playing football/soccer. I must say the wear and tear gets to me, but I love to see my body having any kind of rhythm, to be honest. That feeling of a step-over, a feint, a lovely dinked pass, a back heel, a clearance off the line, these feelings keep me going. Even in a three-a-side game I end up having a lot of fun this way, and it's tiring! Haha, no , I come with full energy to the CURED chatroom and begin work with the same vigour.
Do you (@everyone) know a user on MSE who is a complex analysis specialist and maybe link him/her? I want to ask if this user could check the rigorosity and correctness of a definition I made.
@amWhy Wow, that's unbelievable. Really is. We simply cannot afford a moderator dividing duties, as it is with the number of moderators falling short anyway. MSE will be neglected.
@TeresaLisbon I find it hilarious/scary, because he's failed here, yet think he can handle MO? He needs to focus on being a good moderator on one site, which he has yet to accomplish, before jumping elsewhere.
I suspect that if either are elected a mod of MO, I imagine they will leave math.se, maybe not immediately, but with the intent to. I don't even know how many positions are open for MO moderators.
@amWhy Exactly, I'd have thought the same. I deleted my comment to help reformulate the query in case it wasn't clear, but you've got it anyway! I did get the feeling that MSE would not sit well with MO, was just worried that every candidate would come in with an anti-MSE propaganda. I wouldn't mind one of them going, actually. If just to bring in some fresh face.
I don't know, but I always felt that MO might be a little jealous of the attention that MSE gets (because it's for all levels of mathematics), and that it might usurp its purpose if enough good people move. So maybe they might launch features to diversify, be more friendly, something like that.
@TeresaLisbon Indeed. But we'll work on one site at a time. ;D I'd like to see Pedro go, because Asaf is the better moderator here. But I can't in could conscience
@amWhy Yes. To be honest, I'd actually love a mock election. Let's imagine there was a mod position available, just so that we can see who comes up and what their ideas are. The previous mod election was brilliant to read, and I think that even if we can't have elections in a year, we should hold a mock, or at least a "share your visions" meet with some of the interested users.
Of course, it should not end up being same old, same old each year.
Anyway, beginning today's crawl, it's a double crawl as I was exhausted yesterday. Good luck , CURED!
@amWhy Why don't you run for a moderator election (on mse)? You are very active, a trusted user, ten years around, really trying to help this site etc. etc....
@TeresaLisbon Same question for you! To put it in the words of @amWhy: "janitors" -> moderators ;).
@vitamind In my particular case , I observed the mathematical elections last time, when Xander got elected, and personally I don't think at that point of time, and now as well, that I had anywhere near the abilities of the candidates to reason out their opinions and speak clearly about their intentions. Paramanand and Matt Samuel and Xander rocked the dance floor when I could only crawl two feet.
On that day. Today I can possibly break into some classical dance, but I still don't fancy myself till another six months. Following that, and said like a true politician : we shall wait and see.
@amWhy My resumé is peachy without being a moderator on either site. It's good if you take a look at what I did before you make these claims. If anything, having posted over 6k answers on MSE is a bigger boost to my CV than "moderating MSE".
And just to clarify there's no reason to leave, the moderation on MO is very different in type and scale. If anything, it's a good thing to have one shared moderator.
@AsafKaragila I didn't comment at all on your post, but on Pedros. Are my posts below your post? I meant them for Pedro, not you!!!! OMG? can you quickly link me back so I can delete comments to you. I support you 100% with your goals. My comments could not in any way apply to you.
And while being berated and belittled is part of being a moderator, you should remember that people do exist beyond your basic needs and wants on this site. Cut Pedro some slack, even if you don't think he deserves it.
@amWhy "But to Asaf and Pedro, they likely think it will help their resumes more if they are a moderator on MO, and SE or instead of SE."
@AsafKaragila I was just being cynical, and you are right, that comment was out of line. Not cynical about you, at all. I want what you want. I'd love to have you here and there!! I cannot honestly claim the same for Pedro. You failed to see his comments to me that had to be removed by other moderators. So tell me, why should I cut him some slack? You still don't cut me slack, and he's even worse in bringing up matters from six years ago to humiliate me. Don't ask from me, what that user is
I deleted my comment, Asaf. It was not appropriate for me to have posted it. As you can see reflected there, I do respect you in many facets, and think you've been a great mod on math.se. But I don't think you've cut me any slack, and for some reason, we are both easily insulted by each other. I just don't think another candidate running, who shall not be named, has anywhere near your talent, you skills, your maturity, you knowledge on SE and your knowledge off SE. I am sorry for creating a