@XanderHenderson: This bad post was unilaterally undeleted by a moderator. I'm no longer satisfied with the explanation that moderators should not unilaterally delete, since some of them unilaterally undelete...
I don't believe that I said that moderators should not unilaterally delete. What I have said is that I don't think that I should unilaterally delete (this was in one of my answers when I ran for the position last year).
So does that mean we have to keep getting 3 people who agree on the worthlessness of that post just because one moderator insists on undeleting it for no good reason?
Specifically, it is nonsense because of the last line "I want to make sure that the counterintuitive possibility that those intervals might have different cardinalities is accounted for." which is clear-cut to anyone who is familiar with this kind of nonsense.
(I can even speculate on why that moderator suddenly popped up, but I won't.)
@user21820 The same mod undeleted and reopened another deleted question today. and that mod came to CURED. See the debacle that turned into in CURED. >:{
@user21820 Do you have a link to it? I'm thinking about a post that was locked, but it there's another fitting that scenario, I'll certainly do what I can.
@user21820 No, Jorge/Here needs to here it. Over the past few days he's managed to "Play" two of us, one with sob stories, and the other with clear cut "commitment" and "understanding" to and about CURED. Yet twice he comes back and speaks, as reflected in his comments on that post, vile, offensive or rude comments or descriptions damning "CURED" as the one and only source of evil on math.se.
Go with your gut. but I don't think there's any reason you need to hold off voting. But do what you are comfortable doing, similarly for you, @TeresaLisbon
@amWhy I don't know, and I don't want to enter the world of contradictory behaviour, I just can't predict what happens if I press that delete button @user21820 I sympathise with a user who I remember saying that they would of course not leave comments on downvotes to retain user privacy.
I feel that the same lack of privacy might come back to bite me if that particular post is made an example of, later on.
@user21820 @amWhy Whatever both of you do, let it be known that you have my full support, however. ABSOLUTE support. If that post is made an example of, then the first person that comes to defend you.
@TeresaLisbon I meant to say good bye to user21820, but picked the wrong post to "reply to." FYI, being on CURED is not going to get any easier; and if you're worried about people disliking you for actions taken I understand and that's your choice. But it aint going to get any easier, in terms of such conflicts. I take it you want to defer to a moderator, we both know who. I'm not angry, but when people feel intimadated, when they should not have to feel that way, that's an abuse of power until
the intimidated do not let their fears control them, or let perceived powers control them. I am not angry, nor do I blame you. Hence I asked if the stress in CURED might be too much for you.
@amWhy Oh, it's not that much. Perhaps it's because I consciously avoid fights. To give an example, I don't think I've seen Paramanand ever have a fight on the site, even though he is an active member of CURED. I don't let the fear of fighting control me, but looking for positive resolution means that I acknowledge negative ones as well! But thank you for asking!
And with that,அப்ரோம் பார்க்கலாம் நண்பர்கள் , வணக்கம் !
I am not looking for a fight, @Teresa, but I'm not willing to compromise with people unwilling to do so. I'm not willing to back off just to appear peaceful. Do you think closing and deleting a poor post is a negative resolution? Then why the hell did you act on it earlier. I really don't get how you personally justify going all out on PSQs, dupes, etc., and then reverse gears, afraid that you might fall in the ire of a mod? That happens to almost everyone at some time and seldom does it last
...I am sensing an eventual, likely sooner rather than later, departure when I realize it will continue to be a net drain on me, which it has been for some time. I kept hoping, persisting. But have very little reason to hope anymore.
@vitamind I taught an undergraduate course in mathematical logic earlier today.
@vitamind I appreciate that! I do usually bounce back; it's more a matter of being very drained right now. With the space of a good night sleeping, I'm almost always ready to go. But this site also needs you. You've got a good heart and a good mind, and determined your priorities early on, compared to some of us in CURED.
@TeresaLisbon If you and Paramanand think "amWhy is looking for fights", then neither of you know me. There's another perspective I will not enunciate here. But let me repeat: "The surest way for evil to prevail is when good "men" [people} do nothing (or do too little).* Anyway, I respect every persons right to proceed with the duties of janitors of this site, as they see fit.
Nothing wrong with standing your ground, but sometimes the "will of the people" is going in a different direction. Typically mathmos are (slightly) more willing to be stubborn minority types.
@Joffan Yay! That's awesome. I assume it is for the two shots (one first, second either two weeks or three weeks later)? I don't think Johnson & Johnson's one shot vaccine can not yet be distributed widely, until production is full force.
A vivid childhood memory is some music class where the teacher noticed people singing a different word at one point, and asked for pupils who were singing as "through" to stand up, and then who was singing "though". Almost everyone stood up for "through" - there were two of us standing for "though".
@Joffan Indeed. If I did not care so much about this site, I would not bother to maintain it's quality. If I did not care, I would not bother spending the hours I do on this site.
@Joffan That doesn't surprise me ;D Math people like to think they are exempt for psychological aspects and sociological aspects of themselves, their department, the culture of the school, the sociology of student, and of all of those interacting.
^^^My first comment and second comment are independent, first I responded to your story, then I spoke about some of the dynamics that shape effectiveness teaching, student success, etc.
@Joffan That's a great combo, not in real life, though!
@Joffan You are welcome, like all users to propose a word. I try to pick words without endless words, but afford a challenge without being too restrictive. But if you have a good suggestion post it, and I can pin it on the right column, so it's more visible. I also make an effort to notify frequent participants here or in word searches, etc.. But I can help with that, too.