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1 message moved to ­Trash
2 hours later…
@AlexanderGruber It's warm again to day in SE WI, but before noon we were hearing thunder from the west, then an hour of sun, now overcast, and the echo of thunder approaching. Maybe Chicago will be included, maybe not!
1 message moved from CURED
@amWhy I flagged that offensive comment that you moved to trash, so it's really gone now!
I thought this would be a better to talk about spring weather, @Alexander. ;D
@user21820 Great! Thank you!
@user21820 I'm thinking that the particular user who I've had to send most of their posts to trash, ... if there is a way to ban them from this chat? I'm not even clear if they are a user on math.se? @AlexanderGruber, @XanderHenderson?
@amWhy I believe that any room owner can mute a user in a room they own. Any SE moderator can suspend a user from chat.
@amWhy I don't think there's a way to ban them, but you can kick them if they post something.
@XanderHenderson That only works for a short while.
@user21820 Yeah, but nothing on SE is permanent. Even network wide suspensions have an expiration (though there are users banned for more than the typical life-span of a normal person).
Indeed, @Xander! @user21820 Did you flag in chat? because if such a pattern continues, and is flagged promptly, suspension from chat is more likely to occur.
@XanderHenderson Well the problem is that the first kick only lasts a few minutes or so, and often they come back... And the second kick lasts longer, but they still sometimes return soon after... And the third kick yanks in all the irrelevant moderators.
@user21820 Yeah, that is the unfortunate nature of SE chat.
@amWhy I entered the Trash room in order to flag it, and it worked, causing suspension for 30 min. I was talking about kicking, which bans the user from the room for a short(er) while than successful flagging.
Because sometimes flags have bad outcomes, but room owners boots always work.
So, @Xander, the user in question typically posts images and memes. So I should consider moving the post to trash, and "kick-muting the user" immediately following? My primary concern is first getting it out of the chatroom, then, figure out how to make this pattern known. @user21820, then flagging?
I don't know what works best in chat. Chat flags are weird.
@amWhy Actually I meant "shorter than", but "then" also works. If you want maximum impact, I think you should indeed kick and then flag. I'm not sure whether to trash before or after flagging, because I don't know whether people are less likely to validate a flag of messages in trash (too small sample so far).
@user21820 Good point.
Ok I got to go. See you!
Hello @amWhy, @user21820, @XanderHenderson
@ParamanandSingh Hola!
@ParamanandSingh Hello, and then bye! =)
I will also doze off in a few minutes, but just checked in to say hello
@user21820 Not before leaving your daily dozen(s) in CURED? Unless you promise to do so tomorrow! ;D
@ParamanandSingh Yes it is late! How early do you need to arise daily?
@amWhy Nah, too tired. I usually have more time on weekends. =)
@user21820 I can relate. I reach a point where I literally need to sleep, or risk being zombie-like!!
@amWhy: if I sleep now I will have slightly more than 5 hours of sleep.
@ParamanandSingh Wow! I hope you don't do that daily !! But I could when I was younger. have sweet dreams, now go to sleep to maximize that time asleep!
It hasnt happened so far but I think the day is not far when CURED appears in my dreams! With that I am getting off to sleep. Bye and take care.
Just saw a funny question: (x-a)(x-b)=x^2-(a+b)x+ab evaluate (x-a)(x-b)...(x-z). It is 0 as (x-x) =0 is also one factor. I just wanted to share that. :)
2 hours later…
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