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@amWhy no worries, I had just passed by briefly and did not notice until much later.
7 hours later…
questions about primes like this are still downvoted without any apparent reason.
@user132081 Nice! What are the weirdest flavours it has? No earwax, by any chance? =P
@amWhy: What's your favourite flavours?
@user21820 I love a good butter pecan, and mint-oreo-cookies, In summer I love a good strawberry icecream. But a adore an excellent vanilla icecream to top strawberry shortcake, or for pie ala mode!
Oh, and I cannot forget chocolate malted milk icecream ... delicious!
@Peter Who knows? I can't read the downvoter's mind, but whoever it is perhaps thinks that such questions are of no value? It would be nice if you could make some connection to some established theory, since if there are no obvious algebraic factors then it may very well be as hard as the n^2+1 conjecture, which is already hard enough and at least empirically verifiable. In contrast, your sequence is super-exponential, so it's hard to get any empirical evidence.
By the way, do you know of any super-exponential formulae that are non-prime but with no easy proof of this fact?
@amWhy Ah. I like chocolate malt as well! Though if I'm forced to pick between the standard 3 (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla) as typical in Macs, it usually depends on my mood haha.
But I don't like any kind of mint, whether in ice-cream or not. For whatever reason, I just can't stand minty tastes.
Sadly, most toothpastes are mint, and I just live with that haha..
@user21820 mint oreo isn't my "regular" favorite; it's just a treat I like once in a while, particularly a single scoop after a spicy meal.
@amWhy I see. I used to like spicy food, but strangely today I no longer like it.
@user21820 I am very limited to spicy foods. To me spicy is others' mild :-). I am limited particularly due to severe GERD (acid reflux disease, etc).
@amWhy Ah. Have you heard that milk is a good way to damp down the effects of capsaicin (in chilli/pepper)?
So ice-cream would indeed be a good solution haha..
@user21820 Yes, I've noted that: once of the reason that Mexican food is often served with cheese and/or sour cream!
@amWhy That's an interesting observation! When I was in Mexico, I didn't notice that partly because I don't eat sour stuff and tend to eat cheese first before the rest of my food hahaha..
1 hour later…
@Peter: Since you're online, do you have an answer to my question? I don't know the relevant literature, so I would be interested to see any examples that you happen to know of an interesting super-exponential formula that is non-trivially never prime.
@amWhy, @user21820: it looks like I missed a lot of nice stuff here (well it's the ice-cream I am talking about). I love the chocolate one. I occasionally make the same at home.
@Peter: everyone has to bear the brunt of undeserved downvotes here. I got 1 downvote on 2 of my questions today.
1 hour later…
@ParamanandSingh I got one yesterday. Though the more people in the downvoted group, the less likely it's the same downvoter!
@ParamanandSingh The ice-cream here has all gone into the bellies.
1 hour later…
1 message moved to ­Trash
@user21820 I am not aware of such examples. I think, only forced factors can show that the expression is never prime, either directly or via algebraic/aurifeullian factors.
Show down in Wijk, Giri under pressure.
@Peter I see, thanks!
3 messages moved to ­Trash
@Curiousyouth No problem. We're really casual here, but we try to remain respectful. Thanks for acknowledging.
@amWhy sure
where do I restart my math
I forgot it all after smoking and drinking after losing my legs in accident
@Curiousyouth Go back to review what you last feel familiarity with. The Khan Academy covers a whole lot from arithmetic, fractions, pre-algebra, all the way to calculus and beyond. They offer short videos (10 minutes), practice problems, etc. Just Google "khan adademy" and find where you are most familiar with, but also would like to refresh.
1 hour later…
Goodbye January 31! Hello February 1! Tuesday is .... (drum roll) ... Ground Hog's Day!! I'm hoping Tuesday is cloudy!!!
Let's anticipate Valentine's Day! How many words with four or more letters can we create from the letters in VALENTINE'S DAY? Word Challenge!!!
^^@Peter, @an4s, @quid, @AlexanderGruber, @Jyrki, @Xander, @user21820, @user132081, @ParamanandSingh, @KReiser, @user15072279, and all are welcome to contribute!!
VAIN (like @quid ;D), VEIN, VANE... next??
Another poke at @quid: VILE
There are at least 70 more words I've found, plus no doubt quite a few dozen more to find!
Let's have someone else LEAD with a few finds!
^^^ Oops, LARVAE is invalid (I somehow found the Letter R, which is not a letter in Valentine's Day!). But LAVA works! ;D
Where is EVIL @quid? ;D (You're so fun to TEASE!)
It's also fun to TEASE the EVIL @AlexanderGruber! ;D
I shall AVAIL myself to your mercy, @quid and @AlexanderGruber
What is a branch of the armed forces, that also describes a favorite form of bean soup? (four letters). What is one variety of seedless oranges (five letters)? What does one go on to lose weight? (four letters). Cleanliness freaks are known as _ _ _ _ freaks.
What is/was the legislative branch of the US Government that most supports Trump? (six letters).
A fender-bender may leave a _ _ _ _ in your car.
Okay, bye for now!
Hello, @quid! ;D You can dish it out to me, too! I like to have a little fun at the expense of good-sport moderators!
@amWhy I'm LEAN maybe many DAYS in the future I'll be DEAN
@quid Wow! Stepping up, hey? Good for you. I'll limit my pestering of you, as best I can! ;D
Congrats, @quid!
@amWhy well I said "maybe" and "many" days; it's a hypothetical
@quid Well, things look promising. You'll be great in that role, no doubt. But we might miss you a bit more.
Hello, @RRL. Glad to see you here! ;D
@quid Is it true: Jordan van Foreest is the winner of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament? Wow! I wasn't paying much attention to him, at first, earlier in the tournament!
And Carlsen finished 6th. Interesting. You see, I wonder if the Candidates Tournament were to begin in a month or two, I don't know that the outcome would lead to the outcome given half the tournament was held last year.
@amWhy yes the end was pretty crazy.
@quid Indeed! I was half expecting that the last came would be between the top two players, but it was merely the last game of the scheduled matchups between players.
@amWhy there was a playoff between van Foreest and Giri.
Trying to find some narratives.
@quid Ahh, okay. So that was after round 13?
@amWhy yes
In general the tournaments have tie break rules
which decide in case of equal points.
But more recently there was a trend to have playoffs in blitz
@quid Thank you! That makes sense. I know @Peter commented earlier that Giri looked like he was under pressure. Big finish for the both of them. When will their respective scores be update (or do their current scores reflect this tournament's results?)
But I don't know which game @Peter was referring to.
@amWhy This was before the tie-break
I think I got "Grand master" dates wrong, looking at the profile on the tata steel page, where they list years. It seems van Foreest, from the Netherlands, became a Grand Master in 2016.
@Peter Thanks for clarifying! That's what I sort of thought. But, again, thanks for your input!
A lot of young blood, right now!
Hey, @Peter. Did you happen to watch "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix? (Pardon me, I don't know where you live and whether you have access to Netflix or not.)
@user132081 Nice! Also "ALAS" and "LEAN", and "LIEN"
Yeah :)
@user132081 Oh, and we're "supposed" to put in **BOLDFACE**: BOLDFACE.
On my phone, will it work? Hmm
It works :)
@user132081 I think so ... there you go!
Thanks @amWhy!
@user132081 You betcha!
I got in a v-day mood starting yesterday ...
Listening to songs from the Top Gun soundtrack 😞
@amWhy I said that I'm LEAN
Perfect for v-day as well as for my current paper to be posted on the arXiv hopefully soon ...
@quid Yes you did! My bad!
Be back later, I need a meal 😕
@amWhy the scores in the cross table won't change, else it'd be off.
@quid Okay, so they were regularly updated as the tournament progressed?
Or perhaps scores are reconfigured less regularly?
I mean does the table depict the scores of players at the outset of the tournament?
@amWhy what scores are you referring to?
@quid Player ratings (not ranks in one tournament, but their rating. I'm sorry I did not make that clear. :(
@amWhy the ratings are updated once a month. In the current case this might mean they are in tomorrow.
There are people that maintain informal live-rating lists that are updated in near real time.
@quid Thanks. Sorry for mixing up words. But you should have known what I meant! :P ;D
For example 2700chess.com
@amWhy well it then dawned on me. Initially I thought you were asking when the playoff result will be integrated.
@quid Ahh, interesting. The results didn't touch Carlsen, but sure helped van Foreest and Esipenko.
@amWhy he was quite ahead yes.
@quid Yes, indeed!
Has North Western Europe long been pretty strong in Chess?
@amWhy I'd not say that. The Netherlands specific have a strong tradition though.
I imagine things shift, and now-days, with a lot of emigration, it may be becoming more of a moot point.
Carlsen made it popular in Norway; I'd say Tary for instance is somewhat of a consequence of Carlsen.
@quid Ah, okay. For some reason, I don't always connect that one from the Netherlands is called Dutch. I tended to associate "Dutch" with Denmark. Just a blurp in my early education.
@quid Indeed. I know Bobby Fischer, way back when, made chess more popular in the US, not necessarily made the US strong in chess.
Carlsen, of course, has become quite a solid, ongoing champion, so I think that helps open horizons for young'uns!
@quid Can you refresh my memory as to who was leading at the mid point of the Candidates Tournament? I am thinking it was Caruana, but I may be entirely mistaken.
@amWhy Vachier-Lagrave and Nepomniatchi, Caruana trails the two by one point together with some other player.
The other player is actually Giri
@quid Oh, thanks. I forgot. Caruana had a fairly decent start, but your post just refreshed my memory! It will be a pleasure to watch the finish of it!
Actually what I said is not quite true.
There is a fourway tie.
From 3rd to 6th
It's MVL and Nepo at 4,5/7
@quid Wow! So a lot could happen in the second half! All the more watch-worthy!
And Caruana, Grischuk, Giri, Hao at 3,5/7
At the end there are Aleksenko and Ding.
Basically it's entirely open.
Except that Aleksenko and Ding are likely out.
@quid Indeed.
@quid One more question, then I'll let you go tend to what else you need to tend to: What is the site at which so many photos of various pairs of players playing against the backdrop of the sea or ocean, was taken?
I've seen it on Tata Steel, but in other tournaments, as well. It's like they're "pictured" playing on a Cruise ship, or on the sea or ocean front, on various websites sponsoring tournaments.
@amWhy I think that's the playing hall where they are. It seems to be a wall though. Note the door on the right.
@quid Quite the detective, so observant! Thanks! Pretty clean glass, I'd say!
However it's played in Wijk aan Zee so in Wijk "at the sea", it might well be an a beach front resort
@quid That makes sense! Do you know Russian, too? ;D
@amWhy Конечно
At least with the help of my friend Google.
@quid Hah! Good friend, Google! I wish more of our users would try it out, before asking here! (Unfortunately, that's why a number of users ask here!) But still...
@quid Indeed, "Google is your friend" but I dare not post that in response to a question such as "What are the conditions that must be satisfied by all Vector Spaces", and such.
"LEAVE" I do as you told ;-) See you @amWhy
@quid See you! Glad you got my hint! ;D
EAST, NEST, STAY, SNIT, ANTSY, SANTA, SATAN, STAIN (Apologies if I'm now duplicating). STAVE, SAVE
1 hour later…
OOPS, up above I included the word ELEVEN chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56920464#56920464 which is INVALID, because there are only two E's in Valentine's day! :( Apologies!

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