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just finished a cold half-body shower at after 9: 30 pm before 10 pm at 18.6 C
Yesterday I took the cold half-body shower in the afternoon before going out.
so it's probably the reason I disn't feel chilly for long.
and at like 22 C
chill still sets in
2 hours later…
feel, find - come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
12. to give an explanation (usu. fol. by for).
13. to answer concerning one's conduct, duties, etc. (usu. fol. by for).
14. to provide a report on money received, kept, and spent.
15. to cause (usu. fol. by for): The heat accounts for our discomfort.
2 hours later…
[tag:cv-pls] [tag:logs] Unclear User entries not deleting in lastlog file in Solaris - tani joshitani joshi‎ - 2019-01-08 14:27:25Z
1 hour later…
Too cold to read
going to bed

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