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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@RajdeepSindhu ik ik
@Euler2 Bro, how tf do you expect either of us to know about these functions? 😭
Wooooo, I finally understand what the second function is supposed to do. F*CKING PSYCHOPATH.
All it's gonna be used for is to return the first few elements of the array T-T
*first few
Alright, this is beyond me but this is how much I could simplify the code...
var arr = ['591666ZbfiYI', '6808500AVjjXy', '22434HpFAau', '471468oWTTiU', 'https://pastebin.com/9ZTGwHwz', '10MunZXK', '184FeEVSw', '791581ddiCnB', '1562456zXgxXQ', '159iUsFeC', 'log'];

function fctn1() {
    return arr;

(function(param_5, param_6) {
    var variable_5 = param_5();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            var variable_6 = -parseInt(arr[10]) / 1 + parseInt(arr[3]) / 2 * (-parseInt(arr[6]) / 3) + -parseInt(arr[0]) / 4 + parseInt(arr[2]) / 5 * (-parseInt(arr[8]) / 6) + -parseInt(arr[4]) / 7 + -parseInt(arr[5]) / 8 + parseInt(arr[9]) / 9;
I don't think I've made any mistakes but
variable_6 seems to be returning NaN, though...dunno if that's supposed to happen.
@RajdeepSindhu how tf do u get up at 4:30
6 ghante ki neend leke 1 saal bad itna bua haal hoga ki 9 ghante soke bhi neend aayegi
@Arjun Free?
> A 6.5 m long ladder rests against a vertical wall reaching a height of 6.0 m. A 60 kg man stands half way up the ladder. (a) Find the torque of the force exerted by the man on the ladder about the upper end of the ladder. (b) Assuming the weight of the ladder to be negligible as compared to the man and assuming the wall to be smooth, find the force exerted by the ground on the ladder.
If the answer to 1st is 750 Nm.
What is wrong in this equation:
$\phi$ is the angle between wall and ladder.
and $\sin\phi=\dfrac{5}{13}$
pro tip: convert some ascii text to binary, reverse the string, convert that binary to ascii, and confuse noobs who don't know about encryption
ö66¦ = hello
or utf 16, if all characters aren't supported
@Wolgwang now
@Wolgwang in first term
shouldn't it be 6.5/2 ?
@Wolgwang then u need to use the other angle
between ground and ladder for the first term
R cross F
@Arjun 😶
@RajdeepSindhu tru faxx
On that note, what's a false fact? ._.
@RajdeepSindhu earth is center of universe
@Euler2 So, did you make that code? Like, all of it?
@Wolgwang u sound confused, let me show u a similar Q
Or did you take something from stackoverflow and run it through a caesar cipher program? ._.
@RajdeepSindhu yes, but of course i used an online utility for rot-13
An online what for what now? ._.
Oh nvm, just a fancy name for a caesar cipher with shift 13, I guess ;-;
so you didn't decode the original code with rot 13 .______________.

  The Turingers

Number theory for beginners...maybe.
post ........
or freeze go brrrrrrrrr
function _0x331b(){var _0x524aac=['591666ZbfiYI','6808500AVjjXy','22434HpFAau','471468oWTTiU','https://pastebin.com/9ZTGwHwz','10MunZXK','184FeEVSw','791581ddiCnB','1562456zXgxXQ','159iUsFeC','log'];_0x331b=function(){return _0x524aac;};return _0x331b();}function _0x4819(_0x43fe49,_0x3ca5d7){var _0x331b74=_0x331b();return _0x4819=function(_0x481924,_0x19e906){_0x481924=_0x481924-0x185;var _0xa9e5ce=_0x331b74[_0x481924];return _0xa9e5ce;},_0x4819(_0x43fe49,_0x3ca5d7);}var _0x3bb996=_0x4819;(function(_0x1e7fe3,_0x583545){var _0x35a77e=_0x4819,_0x55725c=_0x1e7fe3();while(!![]){try{var _0x72954
@Arjun ty, ty
I got this ._.
and then I "beautified" the code to get this :
function _0x331b() {
    var _0x524aac = ['591666ZbfiYI', '6808500AVjjXy', '22434HpFAau', '471468oWTTiU', 'https://pastebin.com/9ZTGwHwz', '10MunZXK', '184FeEVSw', '791581ddiCnB', '1562456zXgxXQ', '159iUsFeC', 'log'];
    _0x331b = function() {
        return _0x524aac;
    return _0x331b();

function _0x4819(_0x43fe49, _0x3ca5d7) {
    var _0x331b74 = _0x331b();
    return _0x4819 = function(_0x481924, _0x19e906) {
        _0x481924 = _0x481924 - 0x185;
        var _0xa9e5ce = _0x331b74[_0x481924];
Then I gave the variables some reasonable names to obtain this :
function fctn1() {
    var arr = ['591666ZbfiYI', '6808500AVjjXy', '22434HpFAau', '471468oWTTiU', 'https://pastebin.com/9ZTGwHwz', '10MunZXK', '184FeEVSw', '791581ddiCnB', '1562456zXgxXQ', '159iUsFeC', 'log'];
    fctn1 = function() {
        return arr;
    return fctn1();

function fctn2(param_1, param_2) {
    var variable_1 = fctn1();
    return fctn2 = function(param_3, param_4) {
        param_3 = param_3 - 0x185;
        var variable_2 = variable_1[param_3];
        return variable_2;
first step decoding done
Then, I removed unnecessary lines of code, like variable_1 here, which basically did what the first function's doing
and I totally removed fctn2 cus all that annoying thing does is return (<parameter_1>-398)$^{\mathrm{th}}$ index of the array...
and that's pretty much all I did .__.
look closely at the array
c l o s e l y
I don't see anything .__.
the URL?
#feeling dumb
@Arjun #relatable
u r l
I don't know what pastebin does ._.
This part makes no sense to me
And I don't see the point of variable_6...the parseInt stuff T-T
@Arjun -- I was allowing it to freeze --
inserting things which do nothing is obfuscation
@Euler2 -_____-
so that if else loop is, lemme guess, useless too?
@Arjun Torque about the point of ladder that touches vertical wall...
only one part is important, all others are garbage
and tf is try....catch? 😭
exception handling
Ah, yes, I know what that is :D
just go to the u r l
Bro I'm a total noob in JS...i think if it was python, I would have been able to do something
@Euler2 I did ._.
the url is python
with 2 layers of obfuscation
bro...are you planning to be the next cicada or something?
@Arjun I did, no?
@Euler2 So the JS program is supposed to do what, exactly? Go to the link and run the python program or something? 😕
to the u r l
I googled "\x72" and this showed up
@Euler2 same thing, no? ;-;
a bit different
Nice ._.
I have no idea what base64 is tho ;-;
first layer of obfuscation done by me, second layer by a utility to uglify python
@Wolgwang demn
@Wolgwang yes
R is the length of position vector of the man
@Euler2 Beyond me T-T
The challenge was still very interesting tho...good job!
The maths teacher just said "Zyada homework dun ya Kota Factory dekhne ka mann hai"? .__.
Sep 21 at 3:33, by Rajdeep Sindhu
"Beta zindagi mein maze karne aaye ho kya?"

- ALLUN maffs "ticchar"
$\uparrow$ Same person $\uparrow$
@RajdeepSindhu bolna tha beta jo tu ab karega vo mai kl kr chuka hu
@Arjun But I already know the torque from 1st part...
@Wolgwang b is simply 60 g
@Arjun Horizontal force -_-
LOL xkcd figure
so u need F_r
@Wolgwang and this does not give the right ans i assume
Yes :-(
@Wolgwang reduce work by taking torque from the man's axis
one less term
One less term, hmm?
the man's torque if we take him as axis wil be 0
now take torque of F_r wrt the man
Oh rotation axis, I thought you meant ladder as axis.
@Arjun Roger that.
Yeah, I just got the idea of looking at the source code T-T
@Arjun 😎
@Arjun That gives right answer.
@Wolgwang smort
But what is wrong with my approach
@RajdeepSindhu Bruh Cicada is easy
@Wolgwang contact ticchar
@Wolgwang ikr. ez pez lemon squez.
how many people are known to have solved it?
@RajdeepSindhu Easy for those who solved it
more people have been to the moon ig
@RajdeepSindhu @Arjun I still don't know why Jeetu Bhaiya had opened a new institute?
@Wolgwang Yeah, that drugs et al thing was pretty vague and unexplained...
@RajdeepSindhu What drugs?
@Wolgwang cus he wanted to do things his own way?
@Wolgwang E1
I don't know most of things I had watched in 3x .
@Wolgwang ah yes time saver
@Wolgwang Road to JAY EE EEE toppurrrr
BMW 530d
AIR 4 : 😢
@RajdeepSindhu cunt
@RajdeepSindhu this animal is called a cougar
Nah bro, it's called hecker, bro...
So you know Beluga 😎
Yup 😎
"Dhar Mann is president" 😞
@Wolgwang i like the sound in discord when a message is posted
@Arjun Me imagining saying JEE and coaching centre are **** on the podium 😎
@Wolgwang 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
i will give u a Royce
if u say do that
i swear it
@Arjun .__.
@Wolgwang ****? ._.
@RajdeepSindhu cunt
or maybe shit
@Wolgwang ye kab hua
@RajdeepSindhu you should run the weird python code to see what it gives
it will lead you to the next step
btw you were right with opening that image in a text editor
@Arjun Kya?
It is just a ad.
@Wolgwang xd
2 hours later…
@Euler2 There's...more? 😶
I mean, of course...it's not everyday that you see "haha you found it good job" in the source code of an image.
@RajdeepSindhu i found which is best shooting game for PC
my PC
and that is? ._.
btw, have you ever tried COD 4?
get into GTA, get weapons, find a nice spot and get fucking 6 stars and fight the poice
@RajdeepSindhu nah
@Wolgwang xd
@Arjun WHICH GTA? ._.
fortnight it is now
@RajdeepSindhu burn
heard of it?
Ooh, Vice City
I remember playing that Ultimate Trainer mode...
F1 to spawn Buggati T-T
@RajdeepSindhu Exploration hi karle isse acha...Yeh mat kahiyo ki exploration mein mann nhi lagta :-/
@Wolgwang dayum nahi lagta lol
@Wolgwang Exploration mein mann nahi lagta :-/
Now, I'll be sekret NSA ajent and crek code
@Wolgwang In all seriousness tho, exploring is...well, complicated ;-;
It is atleast better than "13 Reasons why?"
@Wolgwang 😂😂😂\
@Wolgwang Oh I don't watch it anymore ;-;
Didn't even finish episode 1 of season 3
@Arjun And then after some minutes "leavemealone"
You know what is coming up. :-/ See ya!
@Wolgwang this scene is good
@RajdeepSindhu i just got placed 8th
got some nice nice weapons
@Arjun In fortnite? demn
btw, did you know about the birthday rewards?
@RajdeepSindhu didn't read it
I'm just gonna leave these here
[109, 97, 105, 110, 40, 41, 123, 105, 110, 116, 32, 97, 61, 39, 97, 39, 44, 98, 61, 97, 47, 97, 44, 99, 61, 98, 43, 98, 44, 102, 61, 99, 43, 99, 44, 103, 61, 102, 43, 102, 44, 105, 61, 103, 43, 103, 44, 106, 61, 105, 42, 105, 44, 107, 61, 106, 42, 106, 44, 109, 61, 97, 43, 103, 43, 98, 43, 99, 44, 110, 61, 109, 43, 98, 43, 99, 59, 105, 110, 116, 32, 112, 91, 93, 61, 123, 97, 43, 103, 45, 98, 43, 40, 97, 43, 102, 41, 42, 106, 43, 109, 42, 107, 42, 40, 106, 43, 98, 41, 44, 110, 43, 105, 42, 99, 42, 106, 43, 107, 42, 40, 110, 43, 103, 43, 110, 42, 106, 41, 44, 97, 43, 105, 43, 98, 43, 109, 42,
[146, 158, 150, 145, 215, 214, 132, 150, 145, 139, 223, 158, 194, 216, 158, 216, 211, 157, 194, 158, 208, 158, 211, 156, 194, 157, 212, 157, 211, 153, 194, 156, 212, 156, 211, 152, 194, 153, 212, 153, 211, 150, 194, 152, 212, 152, 211, 149, 194, 150, 213, 150, 211, 148, 194, 149, 213, 149, 211, 146, 194, 158, 212, 152, 212, 157, 212, 156, 211, 145, 194, 146, 212, 157, 212, 156, 196, 150, 145, 139, 223, 143, 164, 162, 194, 132, 158, 212, 152, 210, 157, 212, 215, 158, 212, 153, 214, 213, 149, 212, 146, 213, 148, 213, 215, 149, 212, 157, 214, 211, 145, 212, 150, 213, 156, 213, 149, 212, 148, 2
open this link
@Arjun Want free rewards? 😏
will start at around 1:27
@RajdeepSindhu ji huzoor
@Arjun Damn, I'm starting GOW.
@Arjun there are about 6 challenges you have to complete and you can get a skin, a backbling, a pickaxe and an emote (I think)
i never liked this guy, hated him, then rewatched the series and i love him more than all
@RajdeepSindhu 6? imma pass
@Arjun bro some of them are just...go to this location and eat cake
three challenges are literally:

complete one challenge
complete two challenges
complete three challenges
one's "dance in front of a cake", I think
ez pez
how do i know where is the storm coming from?
we're gonna land at a location that I mark, then eat four cakes each...then dance four times in front of the cake and then kill ourselves :D
and where are the others
@Arjun press m to see the map
the circles there denote things like the current location of the storm where it's gonna go etc
below the minimap, you can see how much time till the storm starts moving again
i don't find a lot of guys
you can't see where players are ._.
@Arjun well you haven't levelled up much yet
there are some things you can use to see players tho...like a weapon named recon scanner shows players in a specific range...
and a fish called the vendetta floppers shows players in nearby locations
and btw if you knock someone out in duos/trios/squads, then you can "shake them down" to see where their teammates are...
btw, let's talk on discord...this stuff is useless for all of the other room members T-T
4 hours later…
wtf is happening
there were planes going over my house yesterday
today helicopters
and they're not dropping any bombs 😂😂
Your VPN is working fine na?
@Wolgwang yes
Q: Why is chemistry based on rules and exceptions when everything can be simulated?

Ravi AroraI am a 10+1 student, currently preparing for JEE. It requires me to prepare for Maths, Physics and Chemistry. I particularly enjoy logic related subjects and application, so I find maths and physics enjoyable, however, I am troubled by the way chemistry currently exists (or is taught to an high s...

@RajdeepSindhu Can I ask what is this?
@Wolgwang I see a potential explorer ;-;
I am a 16 year old in love with computer science.
@Wolgwang someone tell this guy that over 2-3 million students have the same love
So I ran the program in the pastebin link in @Euler2 's code's decoded version and it returned a string made up of three characters...I replaced the "&" with a space and then it was a string made up of strings each of length 8, separated by a space...I replaced the first string with 1, and the other with 0, and the opposite too, and then converted the two obtained strings to an array of decimal numbers.
These are those two arrays...
and most of them don't even know what it is
@Arjun This, I heavily agree on.
I mean, I fully disagree...what you mean bro python is coputaar saince...so is jaba and si plaas plaas and si shaarp and coding and whaite hat juniyur bro
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
'demapping' the chars to binary is the correct way
but you shouldn't convert that to decimal...
@Euler2 Oye! ler
@Wolgwang ._.
in Mathematics, 5 hours ago, by Prithu biswas
@antimony How was Euler 2 was able to edit the wikipedia like that?
Inspect mode?
@Euler2 Oye! ler you changed the element, right?
no, that vandalism of the article was actually done by someone else in the past
I replied to that guy
@Euler2 what's the difference? ;-;
@RajdeepSindhu I mean you did it right
@Euler2 abe tu h konsi kaksha me😂
w u t
ah f*ck this is Anthony
I forgor 💀 I thought you ignored me
@Euler2 🙄
yes sur
> The types of bonds present in CuSO4.5H2O are only
How am I supposed to know this?
@Wolgwang bonding nahi hua kaya?
@Arjun co-ordinate toh syllabus mein hi nhi h??
ionic/covalent pucha h ya aur detail
@Wolgwang 12th me h ig
@Wolgwang dative bond nahi padha?
jisme charge sa bhi likhte h
@Wolgwang looks like they want you to draw lewis structure
@Arjun Nope.
@Arjun And I suck in making lewis structure bruh.
@Wolgwang impossible
ye to mujhe bhi ata h
@Wolgwang learn soon or end up like me🙂
@Arjun Jab woh kaam hi nhi karta toh...
@Wolgwang "beta ye sab mt poocho, bs jo bolra hu yaad kro"
@Arjun $\mathrm{SO4^{2-}}$ ka structure bnana jara...
@Wolgwang ik this one
ezy to h be
s aur us se jude hue 4 0
2 o pe -1 charge
unka bond eak krde
@Arjun 👏
baaki 2 ka doublle
@Arjun Hydrogen bonding 12th mein h kya?
@Wolgwang 11th
@Arjun NCERT mein toh bas 2 paragraph ko intro h -_-
@Wolgwang instichuts
@Arjun You Know na how that chapter was taught :-/
"dusro ne to kr liya, aap alag h kaya"
Yes sir!
to jaiye
@Arjun WAT?
@Wolgwang what's the ans
hn 10th me bhi esa kuch tha
Zn ka acid aur base ki saath reaction
Woh toh bas Al2O3 tha NCERT mein
@Wolgwang eak aur bhi tha
@Arjun Ha T_T
maybe NTSE ke liye batay tha class me
@Arjun ZnO tha -_-
@Wolgwang eak hi baat h
Zinc oxide ayr hydro oxide me kitna farak hoga :/
Kaisen ba?
@Arjun Am I supposed to draw the lewis structure and then see the lone pairs of electrons if there are?
@Wolgwang no
remember it
Wah Wah
😎 no need to tank me
A: Application of the electronegativity effect on bond angles

Yusuf Hasan(I will simply be converting my comments above into an answer here) Yes, generally, you can apply this in cases with similar geometry. You can see why from the following rationale: Imagine that the bond pairs look like a ring-shaped cloud, and one is worn on your index finger and another on ...

@Wolgwang my man's in IIS ig
Yes maybe was
@Euler2 😎
@Arjun -_-
@Arjun or hecc the FBI and then become a security expert...or get arrested :D
Or claim a google bug bounty :D
@Wolgwang This dude's just
@Euler2 So, about those programs...how's the JS program related to the python program? Like, what's the JS program supposed to do, take something from the python program and then somehow use it?
@Euler2 I was looking at samples of obfuscated JS code and...
@RajdeepSindhu What is the source code of an image really? Meta data?
@Wolgwang I honestly have no idea...meta data seems to be something else tho.
Personally, I thought the source code for an image would just be a lot of 8 bit integers, containing rgb values for each pixel...
with another section with some other data such as date the image was clicked on, etc...which I think counts as metadata...
Btw, do you know how data compression works? I watched a Tom Scott video about it and it was pretty...beautiful.
@RajdeepSindhu Data compression like zip,rar 7?
@Wolgwang I think so .__.
I'm gonna go to bed...take care, folks!
@Wolgwang btw, it's 7zip and rar T-T
The length of focal chord of the parabola y2=4ax at a distance b from the vertex is c
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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