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A: How to talk about cooking a dish with multiple items

danI'd probably put: 我煮饭时会(往米饭里面)放番茄,西兰花,胡萝卜和辣椒。 加 is fine too if what you cook is a type of 饭, not 菜. In Chinese, if the main ingredient is rice, it's called xxx饭 such as 卤肉饭,菠萝饭,etc. Otherwise, it's called 菜. If you want to express that you mixed up every thing including steamed rice, you can s...

I see what you are doing here. I have never used 时会. I believe 的时候 could replace 时会, maybe?
They are the same, 时会 is the short version of 的时候会.
@TangHo is 的时候 a shortened version of 的时候会? The way I am interpreting 的时候会 is a bit different. 'When it is Friday, I will (会) eat oranges' as opposed to 'When it is my birthday, I eat cake' (我的生日的时候,我吃蛋糕).
Notice the 会 in 的时候会. [XX时 = XX的时候] ; [XX时会 = XX的时候会]
@Michael Ramage. Looking at dan's suggestion, could there be some confusion? Do you mean (a), you cook a dish using those vegetables, or (b), you put all those vegetables into a pot of rice and cook them all together?
@ Wayne Cheah See my note in the answer: 煮饭 (to cook) sounds Cantonese. In Mandarin, the common word for 'to cook' is 做飯 (cook meal) or 做菜(cook dish), and 煮饭 would just mean 'cook rice' The reason I presume by 煮饭 you meant 'to cook' *because it is wired to add those things in streamed rice
@MichaelRamage It's a parsing issue. 时会 is not a set. compare: 煮饭时,我会放盐。 to 我煮饭时会放盐。 Both are the same. And 我生日时会吃蛋糕。
@WayneCheah I place all the vegetables in a pot with rice a cook them. I think 加 would indicate I add them in after cooking the rice
@TangHo Yeah, adding those to steamed rice seems a bit odd, atleast for me. I steam the rice and then put the rice in a pot with those vegetables and cook them together.
@dan ok, so 会 is not partnered with 时, just used after. I
@Michael Ramage。 “。。。adding those to steamed rice seems a bit odd。。." Not really. How about the Spanish rice dish called "paella"? or the Chinese version 有味饭?
@MichaelRamage Do you have a name for the one you describe?
@Michael Ramage With this clarification, please see my edited answer. If you only cook rice this way, then you can just call it your own way of cooking rice. I know some westerner would use mike instead of water to cooking rice, and they don't have a special name for that, but I would call it 牛奶飯 and yours 蔬菜飯
@WayneCheah I think what I meant is that the raw vegetables usually would not be placed in the dish (just from what I have seen). People definitely add cooked thing to steamed rice.
I do not have a name for the dish I make. I just buy vegetables and cook them with rice, maybe throw in some gan lao ma
@MichaelRamage Then you could say: 我这种饭的做法是把番茄,西兰花,胡萝卜,辣椒和煮好的米饭放在锅里一块煮。
@TangHo thanks for updating that. I should have been more clear. There are many ways you all have showed me to say these things. This is very useful
@Michael Ramage. You could call it "Rampage Rice"?, you know, rampage through your fridge and throw what's available into your steamed rice? :) and invite Tang Ho to judge as Cantonese people are known for having a very discerning palate.
@WayneCheah Rampage rice is a good idea lol
@ Wayne Cheah 蔬菜煲仔飯 sound delicious, but I would not use cooked rice, I would add the vegetable into raw rice and cook them together instead
@dan I see how you clarified the method. This way serves as a good explanation
@Michael Ramage When cooking 煲仔飯, we add topping (ingredients) into the half-cooked rice cook them together until they are both done
Google 煲仔飯 and check it out
10 hours later…
I am considering making baozifan today. (I need to download chinese keyboard on this pc)

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