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yo, how is it going guys?
@HrishabhNayal Did you read Martin's new answer?
2 hours later…
@Safdar which one?
@HrishabhNayal The one for stability of hexahydronaphthaleme
@Safdar can you link it?
A: Why is 1,2,3,4,5,8-hexahydronaphthalene more stable than 1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene?

Martin - マーチンDisclaimer: This post might be hard to read for some people. Some may even consider this a rant. You have been warned. This answer will question the validity of the used models, as well as the basis for such exercises. (It will also point to a fundamental flaw of this specific exercise.) If you a...

@Safdar ok, what are you trying to say?
@HrishabhNayal if you wanna spend some time on non-academics that is a pretty good read on how stupid our education system is.. I understand you have better things to do but still :P
@Safdar I did get the rant :-)
> If you are a student, you might learn concepts that will later turn out to be inaccurate or outdated.
I had a guess but now I am sure XD
@HrishabhNayal XD
@Safdar what "better things" are you tryna imply :-D
@HrishabhNayal warch TV, "social" media, Relax.. stuff like that..
@Safdar Lol
@HrishabhNayal do you play games?
@Safdar A lot :-D. But not recently
Most of them are pretty old as I have limited hardware
For eg the pc I use, was bought in '09
While the phone I am is more or less 5 years old
@HrishabhNayal You have one?!!
@Safdar Hbu?
@HrishabhNayal You have that too!!??
@Safdar Dude, how do you use internet?
@HrishabhNayal I used to play.. But I have no phone or lap or desktop.. :(
@HrishabhNayal Dad's device//
@Safdar Ah ok
Btw did you have CS back in school?
@HrishabhNayal Yep.. C++
@Safdar Ok , I did PHE
I am passionate about computers though
But my family said I wouldn't be able to bear the load of syllabus in CS :-(
@Safdar Btw I heard your IIIT-H classes are starting?
Almost Everyone after JEE mains result:
@HrishabhNayal is it supposed to be loading?
@HrishabhNayal next monday.. I am not attending the first two weeks..
@Safdar what you didn't get the pic?
@Safdar Why?
@HrishabhNayal It loaded after that..
@HrishabhNayal Prepping for advd..
@Safdar Oh ok LOL
@Safdar Nice
I got admission in VIT , I got classes from 16
@HrishabhNayal You attending?
@Safdar Not sure
The JEE-M result will tell :-D
@HrishabhNayal you checked your marks?
@Safdar Nah too scared XD
Did you?
@HrishabhNayal would you believe me if I said no?
@Safdar No!
@HrishabhNayal then no, I guess..
@Safdar lmao
@HrishabhNayal so do you believe me or not?
@Safdar I have my doubts
@HrishabhNayal What If I told you it was less than 210?
Either way don't tell me how much you got. I don't want a second wave of depression
@Safdar *shocked pickachu face
@HrishabhNayal y??
@Safdar Cause I expect more?
At least 240 maybe??
@Safdar Anyways, how late do you go to sleep?
11:00 PM-1:00 AM.. It depends..
@HrishabhNayal Glad I couldn't meet your expectations.. :D
@Safdar dude it hurts to even see this time
@HrishabhNayal what? wbu?
@Safdar Well good thing I am not your dad then XD
@Safdar I plan a little late than usual today
Not really sure, how late
"There is always some uncertainity" -Werner Heisenberg
@HrishabhNayal My parents are actually fine with my score..
@HrishabhNayal $\pm \ce{3 hrs}$?
@Safdar Oh cool then.
@Safdar maybe yeah
The maths get ugly at this point
Results should come soon.. you tensed? @Hrishabh?
@Safdar no not tensed
Curious maybe
Once I failed NTSE and KVPY, result no longer gets me tense
I've learned where I stand and now I accept it
@HrishabhNayal Only results get me tense nowadays.
@HrishabhNayal Come on.. Don't let that box you in..
@Safdar Haha
@Safdar I am not stopping myself, I do constantly push my limits, Just that now I have more acceptance for failure than before
@Safdar Hbu? What is your philosophy of life?
@HrishabhNayal Honestly I don't know myself.. Atleast if I do, I pretend to myself like I don't.. I push myself down since I hate confrontation.. I am a pretty big escapist tbh.. :|
@Safdar ignorance is a bliss sometimes :-D
@Safdar I never asked, Do you believe I haven't checked my marks?
@HrishabhNayal tbh... Ignorance is bliss..
@Safdar Lmao
@HrishabhNayal in reality, I would give you the benefit of doubt here.. I didn't wanna check either so..
Oh ok
@HrishabhNayal but did you check?? **curious
@Safdar No I did not.
Wow its 11 in night. I hit a new record
@HrishabhNayal srsly??
@Safdar Yes, not even kidding
@RahulVerma Yo!!
@Safdar he isn't on right now I think?
@HrishabhNayal he was online..
@Safdar Ok , i missed that....just like the cutoff
@HrishabhNayal LMAO.. I need to ban self-depracating humour for myself...
@Safdar Tbh thats the only humour I know XD
Also maybe the stupid scientific puns, occasionally
@HrishabhNayal what if I told you results came?
@Safdar now?
@HrishabhNayal nope.. tmrw..
@Safdar Haha lol
> JEE Main 2020: 2,23,273 candidates missed exam says Minister of Education
Hmm..maybe cause of floods
@HrishabhNayal Isn't this bad for us??
Doesn't this mean a lower percentile?
What was the number last year?
@Safdar Yes, could be
@HrishabhNayal 9 lakh?
@Safdar This time around 6 lakh
About 2/3
One person less for every three persons
> JEE Result 2020 Date - September 11, 2020 (morning)
> Result Time - by 10 a.m. (tentative)
Correction: 11,18,673 people..
@Safdar well
good to know?
@HrishabhNayal half the number of people is good or bad?
@Safdar Now my head is hurting. I don't think I can be awake any longer
@Safdar Who knows? (who nose¿) .... Ignorance is a bliss
I will meet you again tomorrow
@HrishabhNayal It takes 40 mins to make it tmrw..
Quite possibly with the result
@Safdar Technically
@HrishabhNayal realistically.
@Safdar Haha
Anyways its getting harder to keep my eyes open
See ya!
@HrishabhNayal gn..

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