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@BMitch Just because they work for SE, does not mean they understand the scope of every site.
@Tester101 True, but it feels like biting the hand that feeds you.
In fact, they should be flogged with a wet noodle for asking off topic questions. They should know to read the FAQ, and to learn a bit about the community before asking a question.
I'll find a wet noodle if you'd like to do the flogging. :)
This comment confuses me.
You need to add a lot more detail. Is it city water or well. If it is a well, what kind? (approximate well depth) What type and size of pump is it? Give us some more details and I would be happy to edit your question for proper English and remove the down-vote (and probably change it to an up-vote). :D — ShoeMaker 32 mins ago
The OP said, it's from an "overhead tank".
Q: Why is the water pressure so high from my overhead water tank?

user12120We have recently rented a house and it has normal taps fitted and normal overhead water tank, but water pressure is very high. The water comes out with so much pressure, that if I am trying to rinse anything it makes water spray everywhere. What could be the reason?

Also, the answer is probably "Don't open the faucet all the way, they make them adjustable for a reason."
1 hour later…
a "normal overheard water tank" ?
we have overhead water tanks in 1 of the bathrooms in the office
a small 5 gallon tank, above the drop ceiling that feeds the 2 bathrooms on either side - simply because the main tank is on the other side of the building and isn't enough to service the entire building
@Tester101 sure, I just didn't expect as such in a house
@Tester101 don't forget the dead body in it
@Aaron Probably an apartment/condo.
I think OP is in India
@Aaron In India, most houses have a tank, roof top tanks are just part of the skyline
As for why I think the OP is from India, call it an educated hunch.
I don't think your pizza oven is hitting 1500 degrees.
we'll inject a little natural gas - that'll get it hotter!
1 hour later…
What to do about this answer?
A: Which technique of wood joining is the best for joining these boards of a small table?

vitisimusI've had good luck using pocket hole joinery on similar joints.

It's not a great answer, but it is an answer.
@Tester101 It could also be considered a comment on the existing answer.
It answers the question.
It's a "me too" on a subset of an existing answer that doesn't add any value on it's own.
A "me too" of which answer?
Yours, since you had a section on Pocket Hole Joint
(I already converted it to a comment in case you didn't notice)
Mine was added after.
Do "better" answers invalidate all "lesser" answers?
Well, @#$!, you had to tell me that.
Now what, do I undo the mod leaving a weak answer out there, or pretend that I'm oblivious?
Wipe your mod hammer clean, and casually walk away whistling.
I know nothing. Off to lunch I go.
If you can't be right, be decisively wrong. -- First rule of leadership.
I want to know what program he used for those drawings
Thanks for your response, where do you purchase Liquid Prybar? — Diana R 21 secs ago
HAHA! Liquid Prybar!
Who has a dance floor in their house?
I've got to stop teasing the lo-reps. They don't know enough to tell a joke in comments from a serious answer.
people that live on the 2nd floor of a first floor dance teaching studio ?
a better question might be - where do people that live in a dance studio make love? traditionally in the bedroom or in the studio with all the mirrors?
@ChrisCudmore That's why I try to keep all joking to chat.
@lsiunsuex Off topic. Belongs on Human Sexuality, or Sex Games & Toys
I'm not following Human Sexuality. I'm worried it'll get taken over by the kinksters, polys and furries. You know, people who won't shut up about how superiour their choices are.
@lsiunsuex no the better question is who lives in a dance studio?
@lsiunsuex I need a checklist package for hardware deployment like 'check all PSUs working, upgrade all firmware levels','add to monitoring' etc where people can click boxes off as they go through turning up new hardware, but I don't see someting really already out there like that, any suggestions?
1: Plug it in
2: Call Tech Support.
@Aaron this is the only thing i could find - techrepublic.com/downloads/server-deploymentmigration-checklist/… - we dont deploy enough that we need a checklist and for pc's, we have an internal procedure we wrote
it might be to general of a question - everyone's procedures are different ie: where we backup to tape, you might just have a hot swap or mirror it...
@lsiunsuex yeah but if I can have the NOC person log in and have them indicate 'ok, I'm running the deployed checklist for core22.sfo01', and then we can find out who said this device was ok for deployment
Almost like a wizard I guess, but I need it to be more extensible so that I can create my own checklists for other tasks, decomming a router, etc
i could write you something :)
@lsiunsuex Like a poem?
Q: Can you identify this seal?

Lightness Races in OrbitI have a slow-filling cistern and, having disassembled all the pipes inside I've identified a ripped seal. Assuming that I didn't cause that myself just a moment ago, I'm hopeful that replacing it will solve the problem. Can you identify it?

The answer to these is always: Take a picture of the connection, and bring the broken part to your plumbing store.
Liquid screwdriver.
Ah, perfect timing to join chat, I'll take two of those please
fastcoexist.com/1681388/… next thing you know, you'll be leasing your underwear
speaking of leasing, I started watching 'repo men' a few days ago
Repo Men is a 2010 American-Canadian science fiction action-thriller film directed by Miguel Sapochnik, and starring Jude Law and Forest Whitaker. It is based on the novel The Repossession Mambo by Eric Garcia. Plot The film opens in a destitute ghetto area where we see a man typing at an old typewriter. We hear Remy in the third person musing on the fate of Schrödinger's cat. In 2025, a corporation called "The Union" has perfected the creation of bio-mechanical organs, which are available to those with money or "good credit". If a customer falls three months behind on payments, a "re...
was a good movie - could see that happening some day
I haven't finished it yet, but I don't think it had enough twists to be a Phillip K Dick movie
also, I enjoyed 'loopers'
This category is for films with a significant portion set in the 2040s.
what an odd category, and yes, before you ask, there are 2050,2030, etc ones as well
The nerd in me said I must find that seal!
@Monso That was pretty awesome actually.
google image search is pretty useful
Protip: If anyone on the intertubes ever sends you a pic "This is me" ALWAYS GIS it first.
@ChrisCudmore check for watermarks first, it's even easier when idiots send them
I really am Generic African Business Man shaking Caucasian Man's Hand.
need to find a photo of a generic italian in their 30s - i think because my facebook profile is private, its hindering my ability to market my startup via facebook. so i need to find a photo to go with the name of Bruno Valentini (the concocted name of my 2 cats) which is now my alternate online personality
@lsiunsuex the other answer is why don't you just get a facebook company page?
i did - but you can't message people via the page - you need to message them as a user
@lsiunsuex I can just send you a picture of me and confuse my friends
another italian in the room? YEY!!!!
Before anyone asks, I'm not really blue and transparent.
First GIS of "Generic 30 year old Italian" yielded This:
and have a crayon stuck in your nose?
Please say it's super mario
Not as funny
Wow, that's no joke
F*** google sometimes
It's a useless search phrase.
Turned up nothing usefull at all.
Hugo Chavez was on page one.
google.com/… doesn't quite return the same result as italian
@lsiunsuex Look at all the food!
better than someone in jail i guess hahah
Just need to scroll down a bit
Because there are so many Italians named "Wolfgang"
a jquery credit card jquery.org/credit-card
You know, If I'm going to nerd out my credit card, I'm going Starfleet.
Some people don't like the shopping advice restriction. To the point that sometimes I wonder if I'm taking it too strictly.
Well actually, it's worse, I think this is stupid. — Sébastien Richer 9 mins ago
I'm holding back on answering the welding fence posts question
We are currently offline for maintenance
oh noes!
Maintenance, we don't need no stinkin maintenance.
Is a "we're looking for more substantial answers" mod post appropriate here?
A: How can I remove paint from this window's aluminum track?

T. SchraderPaint thinner, a rag, and some elbow grease.

@NiallC. I'd say just a downvote with an explanation.
Fair enough. I left a comment, wait and see if there's any improvement.
I usually downvote right away and ask them to ping me when they edit the question. You can remove a downvote and/or upvote after it's been edited.
I feel bad about downvoting in these cases because they're trying to be helpful, but as a new user, don't realize we have higher standards for helpfulness here than elsewhere on the internet.
I tend to make it clear that I'll remove my -1 after they edit their question/answer, a bit of carrot to go with the stick. I usually forget to go back and look at an older question, so it's not like I will downvote a week later. But I do understand the desire to not discourage new users.

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