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4 hours later…
@Aaron sounds like thewebsitename-projectname-username
4 hours later…
I've got a question on what a certain technique is called, I could describe it and show some pics. Would that be a valid Question?
I'm personally curious and can just ask on here, I don't know how keyword friendly a reverse lookup of a technique would be
now I'M curious...
whats the age old rule? don't ask to ask, just ask
I'm trying to make sure I don't ask an "off topic" question
anything (usually) goes in the chat
the chat room has different rules from the official question posting
yeah, I mean't non-chat
ask here - if its appropriate for the site - someone will tell you to post it as a question - if its not - most of us are pretty knowledgeable in other stuff
Ok, the transition piece question got me think what do I have
I have a concrete sub floor and to attach the flooring transition piece we drilling out ~1/2" holes and tapped in wood dowel
Then just attached to the center of the wood dowels
Q: How can I affix this wood transition piece?

David MooreI made a perfect looking transition to go from wood floating floor to tile for a bathroom. Problem is that this is where the old marble transition was. Can I set the transition with mortar? If not what can I use? Right now there is a one inch deep hole.

Is that just homemade concrete plugs?
your talking about that post?
The one that got me thinking, yes
/me nudges @Infinite Possibilities for the question
@InfinitePossiblities so are you laying a floating (wood) floor or ?
@HerrBag question approach or I still didn't provide a "Question" to be answered
not yet.. The OP didn't want to drill through his transition, which youy'd have to do to connect to the dowels
@lsiunsuex It's a doorway sill transition between the kitchen flooring and living room, we installed in ~3 years ago, I'm just wondering if what we did have a technical term
really confusing me dude haha
a floating engineered floor, such as a pergo shouldn't be attached, anywhere
ok, let me try once more
a hard wood floor such as oak is either surfaced nailed like mine in my house or nailed in the tong and groove
I guess door threshold would me more appropriate
so you mentioned one one side you have marble flooring - thats obviously not a floating floor
what flooring is on the other side of the threshold ?
no, I'm a different person
I don't have marble
ok, what do you have on both sides ? :)
@InfinitePossiblities Wood dowels are one of a generic class of methods of attaching things to concrete/mortar.
So you drilled holes in the concrete, put wood dowels in the holes, then drilled holes in the bottom of the transition piece, then put the transition piece on the dowels sticking out of the concrete?
I have hardwood installed and linoleum tile installed, both off the concrete subfloor/slab in different manners. I installed the door threshold in between the two and had to attach it directly to the concrete, so we using the dowels as plugs into the concrete and used small wood screw to attach the threshold down
so your just questioning if that was the right way to do it or ?
This was a recent question that discussed several methods of concrete/cement attachment diy.stackexchange.com/questions/25619/…
@Tester101 yes, the dowels were flush cut because the height gap from the installed flooring was neglible
@lsiunsuex, more, if I wanted to describe this again, is there a term I can use
@HerrBag yeah, i saw that, but is this a sleeve and wedge?
Oh, I see. Instead of using concrete anchors, you used plugs of wood.
the transition/threshold was screwed down to the dowel plugs
The generic class of concrete connections would be mechanical compression and includes plastic anchors and dowels, the Screw threads compress the sleeve material against the sides of the hole.
Other than embedding(during the pour) or epoxying, all other forms of attachment are compression: either directly (concrete screw or nail) or with some compliant material that grips the hole.
@HerrBag I'm not disagreeing at all but without teach a physics lesson, is there like an actual term?
@InfinitePossiblities I'd call it "The Hard Way"
@HerrBag when you explained your answer to the other question you mentioned the "drift pin" technique. I was hoping for a term like that
@Tester101 Really? Glue it down walk away is the right answer?
"The Easy Way"
Ok, what would be the right way?
I want to use small screws that I can hide/flush with the threshold so concrete screws seems out of the question
"Cut a transition molding, in this case a square nose transition, to fit between the doorstops or jambs. Spread a bead of construction adhesive only on the area of the concrete floor that will be in contact with the transition piece. Set the transition in place and weight it down overnight." From Family Handyman (Photo 13: Install the transition strip).
I also have to slide it into place before securing to accommodate the door trim
loosen the trim several feet up to slide it past
Hmm, I just hate using glues/adhesives but it would leave a clean/finished look
just fill it in with pennies!
and only $2.56 / sq. ft.
They make transitions that snap into a channel (not sure if that would work for you), which allows you to attach the channel in any way you like then snap the transition in place.
@Tester101 a little extra work, but I like a pay off
I keep contemplating putting in tile, so I end up removing it about every 3 months to check how high my wood flooring is. You know, instead of actually writing it down somewhere :-P
when in doubt, gut the room and start over!
@InfinitePossiblities To answer your question, what do you call these methods, this google search term seems closest to the generic term you want: concrete compression fasteners
@InfinitePossiblities Indecision is the key to flexability...
@herrBag While it's generally not required in residential work 110.26(C)(3), says that a pocket door is not a good idea.
A nice pocket door would preserve your space on either side of the breaker chamber.. — HerrBag 20 hours ago
Even in residential, a door that opens in the direction of egress is a good choice.
Cool, thanks all!
110.26(C)(3) Personnel Doors. Where equipment rated 1200 A or more that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices is installed and there is a personnel door(s) intended for entrance to and egress from the working space less than 7.6 m (25 ft) from the nearest edge of the working space, the door(s) shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under simple pressure.
@InfinitePossiblities NOOOOO!!!!! DONT LEAVE!!!
everyone comes in here - asks a question - gets an answer - leaves - no one ever stays for the more than an hour other than a few of us who have no lives :)
I have a life. It just happens to involve answering questions on the internet.
And reading code books.
@lsiunsuex How did the site launch go, by the way?
I'm trying to merge code, I've got plenty of side time for chat
@InfinitePossiblities Meaning you're just overwriting the other guy's changes, right? ;)
@lsiunsuex bonus points if you make the pennies spell something/into a nice design
@Tester101 I have e-mailed that along with my gantt before
launched friday - been spending all my time on emailing potential customers and running a few facebook campaign's
@lsiunsuex spammer :P
tastefully :) i look at their facebook page, website, etc... and customize my spam msg to their restaurant / bar / food truck
@TheEvilGreebo well it's starting to annoying me so I might
started targeting food trucks last night
@lsiunsuex cool
what's your app do?
@lsiunsuex targeting? With missiles? Pleasesaywithmissiles...Pleasesaywithmissiles...Pleasesaywithmissiles...
i'll show it now i guess
i've taken the process of building an iphone (and soon android) app for restaurants, wrapped it in a website, made it template based / database driven and hopefully comitized it (ish)
a human (me) still needs to actually compile the app, crop / scale logos / icons / photos, build the provisioning profiles, submit it to the store, go through the whole approval process but for the restaurant owner - its easy
which is why the price is just a touch high for the paid version - its still quite a bit of effort on my side to build an actual app (as much as i've automated it)
the free is free and its more of a long term profit point for us
How flexible is the model?
aka, you make 29.99 a month on the ad revenue for the free one
Can you apply this easily to other businesses?
latest news, promotions, free form menu / rooms, overview / location / hours, etc... we can build new "modules" easily if a restaurant has a specific need - already thinking of one specific to food trucks
@Tester101 we're actually thinking of using the model for dentist offices and tie it into my dental startup
so yeah - with a touch of effort - the app is built and working, the website is a pretty good starting point - it could be used for other stuff
@InfinitePossiblities well, we'll see what the ad's generate money wise - otherwise the $30 / month for the paid version goes to supporting the servers and eventually, making a profit
i know ad's from 3rd parties (iads, google, etc...) dont generate a lot of money so i've already been planning to sell my own ad's if we gain a critical mass - but advertising is a whole different business i know nothing about so we'll see...
I can't delete a menu
hmm, oops
@InfinitePossiblities fixed
the pains of being the only developer and no QA dept
@Tester101 competition is fine
the apps-builder one - no way in hell those are native apps - only phonegap (to my knowledge) cross compiles to so many
Crowded market. I like that you focused on a small specific target market.
thats why i hope i'll succeed - if i can focus on and make them happy specifically - maybe i apply the formula to another market (dentists)
It's often better to do one thing really well, than a bunch of stuff not so well.
i'm still not thrilled about doing an android version - i hear its a nightmare simply due to the wide array of devices - and i'm considering doing a WP8 first simply because i know C# but those will be next - then new features, rinse, repeat
@HerrBag Are you a book salesman?
i'll do it in visual studio when i go to do it
A: How do I fix drywall around wall box so switch plate covers damage?

HerrBagHere's a small nightmare my electrician left me (am looking for a new one). Sometimes, making the hole BIGGER is easier and makes a more secure repair, because drywall is stronger when fully supported. I've done tape repairs as @Steven has suggested, but they are inherently weak, because th...

i just personally don't like java (android) so i'm remotely avoiding it, as much as it should be the next one to get done
and i guess while its show and tell time - ignitedds.com is the dental student website. that one is much more established - just broke 500 students
another niche website...
@Tester101 The pocket door in question is into a "breaker room, from a storage area, not a living area
speaking of ignite, is it bad that I read through the code igniter docs and still have no idea what it does?
@Aaron thats because frameworks are the devils spawn
right now I'm just working on trying to figure this one out
love bootstrap - its the only way to frame out a website - so many nifty features
is it free?
for sure
the vast majority of the websites i do now are backed by bootstrap / jquery - makes it so much easier / consistent - both of those sites are bootstrap driven
jquery I know and get
I'm trying to figure out what bootstrap is
so bootstrap is kinda like jquery with a bunch of stuff built in - grid960 (i think), modal's, tooltips, menus, dropdowns, etc...
its more front end where i'd say jquery is more backend (animations, sorting, etc...)
you can obviously use the sample at bootstraps website - twitter.github.com/bootstrap
what is grid960?
or, as i'm not a designer - themeforest.net - i'll buy a prebuilt bootstrap theme and modify it
so grid 960 breaks the screen into a scalable grid of columns - and you use various classes to make various size rows
i think its grid960 but it may be a different one - same idea though - different class names
bootstrap is its own i guess - 940px wide - twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html#gridSystem
like i said, same idea, different classes / sizes
I build internal stuff that is mostly a select, an alter, and then a remove if I'm lucky
not really an 'app', just db views really
to me - as a programmer, not a designer - themeforest.net is an easy way out - their nice themes that as long as you dont buy a crappy one, are easy to modify and maintain
they have wordpress themes, bootstrap, some random ones, etc...
jquery ui smoothness is nice
for $15 for a theme that comes with a bunch of pages / icons / color scheme / etc... its an easy choice
you can use jquery with bootstrap - most bootstrap themes do
like i said, bootstrap is providing the visual - html layout, modals, etc... jquery is used for the more technical side
can bootstrap do a tabbed layout like jqueryui tabs?
yes + accordions
Take a regular <ul> of links and add .nav-tabs:
the menu system is like that, yes
the problem with these frameworks is they are impossible to debug
I have no idea why the wizard isn't finding my classes and html and doing the needful
chrome and firefox both have pretty good debug features
anyways, this doesn't really go well with the idea I had, I had 3 tabs, one for allocation, one for viewing, and one for deletion, but the wizard.show() makes it modal and it doesn't stay in the tab
i'm sure with a little finangling, you could get it to apply the wizard to a div
which is all a modal is really - a div with a high z-index and a faded png in the background
@HerrBag The door between the room containing the service panel and any other room, should open into the other room unless the door is more than 25' from the service panel. It's not required in most residential applications (at least as far as NEC is concerned), but it's a good guideline to follow anyway.
I was only talking about a new, stub partition that would isolate the circuit panelbox from the storage. The pocket door in question was only suggested in the new partition, not replacing the door from the storage to the office
That part of the discussion was part of @geerlingguy amnd MarkD's comments regarding separating the storage from the breaker area
1 hour later…
$("#open-wizard").click(function() {
is the code i used
I forgot I put the var wizard = $("#wizard-allocate") in a different function
this one doesn't do branching
Anyone need to increase their helpful flag count? diy.stackexchange.com/a/25945/22
@NiallC. hello spam flags :)
@Aaron whatd u mean branching ?
like a sub point ?
well, the first one says 'choose a type of bundle to allocate'
then I need the 2nd page to have different options based upon what the type chosen was
tie an onclick event to the "choose a type of bundle" (whatever it is, dropdown, radio, checkbox) and have it alter the div contents of the next pane ?
or simpler - make that dropdown be what they click on to start the wizard and load in the proper divs based on what they chose - ie: start the wizard on the 2nd page, not the dropdown
yeah but a 1 box wizard is a whole lot of work for not much gain
at that point I may as well just do it without the wizard and have that onclick just flip the bottom div around to match what I want
KISS! keep it simple, stupid
if thats all you need, do that - like you said, no need to make it more complex than it needs to be
A wizard is just a glorified grouping of pages
ok now bootstrap tab is too small
So I'm using that chzn select plugin, but the tab in bootstrap cuts off the bottom of it when I click the drop down box
@NiallC. I assume you mean the limited-helpfullness-answer regarding hiring drywall experts to reduce stress
@HerrBag Too slow, it's been deleted
But yes
@NiallC. hmm, still visible from my vantage
Hey @Tester101, if you're ever around, I have a question for you. Similar to diy.stackexchange.com/questions/25917/… ... if I'm renovating a room but not renovating the closet, and my breaker box is in the closet, is that going to flag on an inspection? Moving the breaker box would be 'spensive.
2 hours later…
so should I get a cheapie corded drill for stuff aroudn the house, or just bite the bullet and get a good 18V+ cordless one

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