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I keep my cat box in the garage because my cats kick litter everywhere and it's the only place I don't have to sweep every day. It's also on the way to my outdoor trash can, so I can't forget to scoop it.
10 hours later…
i unfortunately actually know this dumb a** - his son plays hockey with my godson, i've done PC work for him at his house and see him from time to time at my uncles house (my cousin is my godson)
@lsiunsuex ex athlete having trouble after retirement? no one is surprised.
had no idea he was 39
hell, i'm 33
atleast the dentist love him haha - almost all of his teeth are fake
@lsiunsuex that's the problem though. Hockey (and every other sport), spits out a bunch of early to mid 30s guys with no work experience and varying financial situations.
he had a job at ESPN as an anchor or something and i think he lost that when all of this happened with his wife
@lsiunsuex yeah, the article makes it sound like him driving his porche with 3 wheels on it may have been a factor...who knew
better than the mercedes he had i guess - atleast the cayenne has some ground clearance haha
1 hour later…
In 2012, onetime Buffalo Sabre Matthew Barnaby was living with a former beauty queen in his Clarence home and gave her a $50,000 diamond engagement ring and a Cadillac Escalade.

He seems to have lost all three.
isn't that really 4 things? fiancee, house, ring, escalade?
and ex wife and 3 asstranged children
so 6 ?
2 hours later…
that talk page is completely redonculous
What makes you believe there may be faulty breakers? If this is a short circuit situation, I would expect the main breaker to open instead of the individual branch breaker. Let's not forget, breakers are there to protect the wires. If 10,000 Amps starts to flow, the main breaker should open to protect all the downstream wiring. — Tester101 10 mins ago
@Tester101 Because if 10k Amps starts to flow on a circuit, then a working 15/20 Amp breaker on that circuit will open before the Main, unless I completely misunderstand. — maple_shaft 1 min ago
None of the individual fuse things are switched off
darn fuse things
If I turn on a light and the main breaker trips, then that would be because either the main breaker is bad, or the circuit breaker is bad
Like I said. The main will open, because it's the first to see the 10KA. It's protecting all the wiring.
oh duh
im stupid
It's a difficult concept to understand.
so she probably just has a short somewhere then, you are right
Still probably better that she call an electrician though
If it's intermittent, it's probably a short in a device that only runs occasionally.
True. Call an Electrician either way.
> This tells me that you do not have an overload situation. There is a short, and/or one or more faulty breakers possibly including the main breaker.
This is still true though... just that it is unlikely to be a faulty breaker
It could indeed be bad breakers, but just because the main trips first doesn't automatically mean that.
Let's also not forget that it's possible to overload the main, without overloading any branch circuits.
@Tester101 Maybe like in an old house with 100 Amp or less main service
I find that unlikely if she has almost nothing on
If I have 60A service with 5 20A breakers in my panel, it's very possible to draw over 60A without tripping any branch breakers.
Sometimes people add circuits without upgrading the service. This may be especially true in other countries.
I think @tester101 is wrong. It takes time for the current to ramp up. Assume a 100A main and 15A circuits. If there is a single short on a circuit, then the 15A will pop before the 100A.
i.e. We'd never reach 100A in this scenario.
@ChrisCudmore Doesnt that depend on voltage potential?
That's 120v, always.
Maybe in the civilized world
In a short circuit, you'll reach 10KA very quickly.
only if the short happens in an area not protected by individual breakers. i.e. between the main and the circuits.
120v 0 ohms unlimited power means a lot of juice
I'd accept both a circuit and the main going off simultaneously.
120 Volts/0 Ohms = ?A
@ChrisCudmore lol you know what I mean
how does a circuit and main go off simultaneously?
oh come on - theres a new one now!
Shroedingers Breaker
It is both on and off at the same time
It depends on the breakers.
We're dealing with physical devices here. Theory doesn't always apply perfectly.
If we juiced 10kA in there, I think we'd blow more than just one breaker.
@ChrisCudmore I elect you to test this theory when you get home
report back with your results
@ChrisCudmore That's a nice looking glory hole you've got there.
they really called that a glory hole?
The test has been done. Many times. We mis-wire a plug or outlet, creating a short. The circuit breaker flips, not the main.
It's a DIY rite of passage.
should put that in a 007 movie - he can escape through that in some crazy car leads to running away, jump into the lake / puts on air mask and travels the length of the pipe to come out somewhere else scene
Most residential breakers are rated for 10,000 A, their set to trip at lower currents.
@Aaron Pro tip: don't confuse your glory holes.
In the spirit of WTF:
@BMitch that could easily be my cousin if he was a few pounds lighter...and played bagpipes
@Tester101 Can you explain to me what that means where they show 1 wire Aluminum or Copper and two wires Copper... what does that mean anyway?
@Tester101 Ok, but seeing as we're dividing by zero, it could be 100kA
@ChrisCudmore Right. It just depends on which breaker reacts first.
I'm just saying that just because a main reacted first, doesn't necessarily mean one or the other is bad.
see: "The test has been done. Many times. We mis-wire a plug or outlet, creating a short. The circuit breaker flips, not the main.
It's a DIY rite of passage."
@maple_shaft Not sure.
@ChrisCudmore I love when you are testing which wires are which in multi switch situations, power is on for convenience... accidentally brush the hot wire on the side of the metal box... POP!
first time I did that I scared myself ****less
@maple_shaft Good Times!
But the main never blows.
@ChrisCudmore I have never blown the main in my life...
and I used to live in a 100A service house
The only practical way I can think of is loading all individual circuits to 100%, OR having a short in the panel itself.
had the A/C running, electric clothes dryer, 2 TV's, hair dryer and lights
never tripped
A/C and clothes dryer is almost 60 Amps by themselves
probably could have tripped it if I started vacuuming at the same time
breakers have a delay built in; so they don't trip every time a motor starts, the breaker with the shorter delay will trip first.
Is that delay overridden at some current?
It's an electro-mechanical device, so if you pump enough through it, it will blow, slow-blow or not.
Not sure. I'm going to say that the delay is so short, that it doesn't have to be.
It's not electronic. It's not like theres a timer in there.
Electricity travels at the speed of light...
Actually, it doesn't
breakers are restricted in speed by the laws of mechanical physics
that probably explains the delay
and why breakers are rated for 10kA
The word "electricity" refers generally to the movement of electrons (or other charge carriers) through a conductor in the presence of potential and an electric field. The "speed" of this flow has multiple meanings. In everyday electronics, the signals or energy travel quickly, as electromagnetic waves, while the electrons themselves move slowly. Electromagnetic waves The speed at which energy or signals travel down a cable is actually the speed of the electromagnetic wave, not the movement of electrons. Electromagnetic wave propagation is fast and depends on the dielectric constant of ...
I assume that 10k rating is the max it can deal with without damaging the breaker.
> insulation, so that in an unshielded copper conductor ranges 95 to 97% that of the speed of light, while in a typical coaxial cable it is about 66% of the speed of light.[1]
@ChrisCudmore That's in theory. In practice, it's the speed of light. ;P
Pffft... coax cable only travels 66% the speed of light... OUT OF THE WAY GRANDMA!!!
@maple_shaft Then why is Cable faster than DSL?
@ChrisCudmore throughput?
sure the electrons move faster, but if fewer of them are moving at once it takes more time to transfer data
I was just kidding there. It's to do with sheilding, S/N ratios etc.
Speed of electron transfer has nothing to do with it.
@ChrisCudmore When you're creating a short, it's more than likely you're only shorting half the circuit (hot to neutral/ground). That is why you see the branch breaker consistently trip first. Short hot to hot, and see what happens.
Holy crap! It's almost time for PUT!
does sucking more water out of my basement count as a project :(
Maybe, depends on how you did it.
Installing a sump is a good project.
@Tester101 OooH! Now I have a project!
@Tester101 not yet. I'm more likely to go with a french drain by the base of the foundation before a sump in this spot
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
finally upgraded my pc at work to windows 8! or is that off topic for PUT! :)
Is that really an upgrade?
i didnt consider it to be, no haha
I don't have much that's on topic for PUT, and it seems dead, so go off topic I say. :)
If they left the taskbar and start menu, I'd have no complaints.
I loaded dd-wrt on a new router.
Also, multiple windows. I'm a multi window kind of guy.
IF, and thats a damn big IF, we roll win8 to the entire office (150+ stations), it'll be with a start menu hack we found / are using
Does windows 8 have multi desktops?
No, it's more like windows 3.1
But if you have multiple screens, you can have two programs open at once.
no, i dont think it has virtual desktops (not like os x or linux)
Everything is fullscreen.
I also assembled a cat scratching post, watched a landscaping crew remove an old fence, and shoveled some snow.
No Cascade/tile apps to do several things at once.
I already can have two programs open on two screens
and Ubuntu has had multi desktops per user for like ... ever
I had a desktop switcher from the XP Powertools.
@ChrisCudmore I think it should be called "MS Window 8" (no s)
Although, I've never really found multiple desktops to be that useful.
My desktop is always covered up with windows doing stuff. I'm a start menu/taskbar person.
One desktop for email, chat, todo list. Second desktop for internet browsing, 3rd for programming, 4th for client work.
@ChrisCudmore I never found their archaic batch scripting to be that useful either but here we are in 2013...
One monitor for email/msdn/RTFMs/Specs, and one for work.
I finally got a BX cable cutting tools so I can re-hook up this one BX cable in which the conductors got bent off due to repeated abuse
This should be interesting
my only PUT thing to say is every week we get closer to spring is another week closer to closing in the pizza room, or the "pizzaria" which it has officially been dubbed
Oh, and my last bit of slightly on topic news is that I survived a year on my HOA board without burning the place to the ground, not that I didn't try.
Is there an easy way to splice a cable that has gotten too short without going through the whole j-box routine?
@lsiunsuex It was nearly spring here yesterday
@BMitch Obviously you're not trying hard enough.
@BMitch here also - high 60's - today, feels like i'm in the windy city
We had 14 degrees yesterday. I barbequed steaks in celebration.
@ChrisCudmore one place had a car drive into the gas meter, another had a space heater light up the basement (flames out the window), it's getting harder and harder to make these look like accidents.
Canadians sure do like the cold! When it's 14 degrees, I go inside.
woah, there's a new gravatar, welcome @r0ast3d
I'd try blaspheme, and see if you can get the place struck by lightning.
I got all my cat6 and RG6 wires sheathed, but not yet into the rack
I got the cable installed to string my a nice new RG11 cable from the pole
@lsiunsuex Winner of the editorial metaphor contest: "The resulting carnage ripped the little Civic open like can of Pabst at a frat party."
speaking of car wrecks:
@Aaron jaws of life?
Woah!. 4wd doesn't help when the car is in 2 pieces
or was that from the actual wreck?
@BMitch Sure it does. It means that both pieces can be independently powered.
Wait... are the brake lights still on?
@Tester101 in the A4 (which I have as well) the battery is in the trunk
@waxeagle I think the actual wreck, but I am not sure
@Aaron Can we try to cut yours in half?
its in the back on a prius also - good luck getting the trunk open when its dead and theres no key lock on the trunk (a*****es)
... meaning someone coming at a high rate of speed ...
@lsiunsuex I had the same experience in a volvo S40, needed to layt down the rear seats, crawl in there, and pop the emergency escape hatch
You have no idea how much I hate "rate of speed"
@BMitch that's a negative, ghostrider
@Aaron had to do that twice now
@r0ast3d we actually do talk about home improvement stuff in here, just in the middle of winter nobody really wants to do any
Compressor cart 1.0
If I find it useful, I'll probably build a nicer version.
was gonna build a scissor lift out of 2x4's to help hang drywall on ceilings in the house but then i figured i'd spend more $$$ on 2x4s and wheels than to give it to a friend to force him to help me
Howdy All! We are getting a new home/ first time home owner- and we were wondering if we should epoxy coat the garage floor - is it worth it ?
Just after building it, I charged the tank and carried just the compressor outside to fill my tires. So it's not looking like it's going to be very useful.
@Tester101 how big is that compressor?
@r0ast3d It depends on where you live, and what you plan to do in the garage.
Not unless you intend on spending a whole lot of time in there. If you're using it to park the car and store the lawnmower then don't bother.
@r0ast3d what size garage and what kind of stuff are you going to do in there?
@waxeagle 3 gal. I think
@Tester101 Not much in the garage - we live in Texas
@r0ast3d like if you're going to change oil frequently etc, then yes, but for just parking cars and storing stuff, probably not
@Aaron ty
If you live in an area with snow in the winter, and they use salt on the roads, and you're parking in the garage. Then it's worth it.
@Tester101 I have never seen snow except maybe once in 2007 :-)
Also, if you are changing oil, and doing other messy vehicle maintenance.
... Unless of course, you have extra money laying around then by all means do it. But most of us can find other home improvements to spend it on.
But it's a low return improvement.
Aside from that. It looks nice. If that's what you're in to.
@ChrisCudmore & @Tester101 ty :-)
I'd love to get mine done, but I can't justify the expense.
I hear a tim hortons calling me.
However, garage storage cabinets are a great idea
@Aaron I would do cabinets some day when I get more money
@ChrisCudmore Rust-OleumEpoxy Garage Floor Coating Kit ~$100.00 for 2 1/2 car garage, at Home Depot.
@Tester101 that is exactly what we looked at , that didnt seem too expensive
500 sqft.
I really don't like wet work. I'd have someone do it.
as a newbie to home owning / here in texas , any tips for home maintenance that we have to do before we enter the home ? Pls advice.
@r0ast3d If you're thinking of repainting or changing the flooring, do it now before you move all your furniture in.
@r0ast3d In fact... not only what @BMitch says, but if you intend on doing any major remodeling relatively soon, then do it NOW before you move in. It is so much easier to remodel in a house that is empty
other than what @maple_shaft says, I'd hold off until you've lived there for a few months before planning new projects, the house will pick a few for you by then.
@r0ast3d know where your main water shut off is
@r0ast3d Also know how to adjust your water pressure, and water temperature at the water heater
often you move in and find these set WAY TOO HIGH
Save money for window dressings, blinds, and curtains...
awesome :-) ty all
I'd also recommend new door locks
measure for any new appliances that you will need to buy... then measure a second time to make sure you got it right!
@maple_shaft how do I save money on windo dressings / blinds curtains ?
remember... fridges bow in the middle, they are always a little wider than advertised
@BMitch yes, definitely this
@r0ast3d DIY :)
I'm going to give the rekeyable version a try next time I swap mine out, buy several individual knobs and deadbolts, rekey them all to the same key and have a few keys to change them out for when people house sit, etc.
@BMitch the new door locks for the re-keyable version ?
Yes... definitely change the locks! My father in law had the previous owner try to enter his home a couple weeks after he bought it O_o
@maple_shaft blinds DIY - when I do that I would follow the flintstones pattern naturally
@maple_shaft we were only given 2 keys and they only worked on about half the locks
@maple_shaft this is a new one tho
@r0ast3d Oh... new construction, you have nothing to worry about then! :)
@r0ast3d Make sure that you have all your home warranty contractors on speed dial... your builder should have given you a list
New construction isn't as much an issue, I've moved in places that had renters, so who knows who had the keys before. I'm now a fan of these: homedepot.com/…
@maple_shaft thats a good tip to save all the home warranty numbers ..
@r0ast3d When you call them with a problem, just tell them it is a home warranty for new construction then give them the address, they will bill the builder directly
I just built a house so thats how I know
buy 2 dead bolts and 2 knobs for front and back door, and you have 4 possible keys to rekey all your locks to, and easily change when needed.
@maple_shaft and @B
@r0ast3d ALSO... new construction... check for nail pops in the drywall and tape them with blue painters tape. The builder should come and do a quality walkthrough before you have lived there a year, and they will fix anything you find like that
Get that system for the garage
container store/elfa track
@r0ast3d I g2g... message me with any questions you have on new construction...
Not just nail pops, but caulking and paint, check inside of closets over the door, popular spot to miss. I'd also check every door and window to be sure it's level and plumb.
Here are a few questions that may help you @r0ast3d:
Q: What should be on my pre-purchase house self-inspection checklist?

WorkmanI’m looking at several homes and may purchase one, but realized that I’m probably missing important details when trying to identify potential money-pits. I have a simple checklist so I can save the time and money of hiring an inspector if there are obvious issues. I’ve filtered out a couple of op...

Q: What are the most important things to check/do after buying a home?

MarioWe are in the process of purchasing a home that is over 20 years old. What are some of the most important things we should check/patch/do right away to make sure the home is running correctly and efficiently? We live in Canada, so keep in mind that winter is (always!) around the corner.

Q: When buying an older home that has recently been renovated, what should I look for in the home inspection?

Joshc1107I'm in the process of buying a house built in the mid 80's. It was foreclosed about a year ago and has since undergone a large number of renovations (roof, HVAC, windows, doors, plumbing, etc). What are some specific things I should look for when doing an inspection on a house that has been fli...

@BMitch and @maple_shaft thank you veryyy mucchhh! :-)
No prob, it's nice to actually talk about home improvement around here from time to time. :)
Thanks for joining this week's PUT

Project Update Thursday - 2013/01/31

2 hours ago, 2 hours 1 minute total – 137 messages, 9 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by BMitch

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