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13:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Nope. Bologna is Italian
@ChrisCudmore But frying it is Polish.
i was looking for one by one of your countryman
with onions haha
In the army we called it Newfie steak.
We've got Polish Delis here that are bigger than walmarts. No Bologna in stock.
I love Gordon Ramsay's shows
actually had a name tag put on my chef's coat that says "Chef Ramsey wannabe"
remind me never to come over for dinner
Yeah. If I want to get sworn at I can stay home.
I cook almost as good as I build. so eat or let's build a room lol
@ChrisCudmore haha
got a brand new commercial gas 6 burner range at church. love cooking on that thing. Flames and all lololololol
i dont see you on the cooking site shirlock haha
I've seen him there.
barely have time lately to visit this site. haven't answered a question in weeks
by the time I look at the questions, there are already several good answers
That's the sign of a healthy site.
We're starting to get there on DIY.
yep, got a few newer good responders
but to be honest, a lot of the questions lately have been really lame
All the good questions have been asked, and all the easy answers have been given.
ummm never thought of that
To a certain extent that's true.
I still get votes for answers a year ago
However, there will always be new problems that are slightly different to the ones that have already been asked.
But we've filled up the basics.
I still get votes for that silly question about how to tell the height of a tree. it is up to about 120 or 130
That happens a lot.
Questions like that get voted up because they're interesting reading.
plus i figure give others a chance to get some votes. folks won't participate if two or three of us do all the answers
Nothing wrong with that one, but it's not the "Best Question Ever ASKED!"
@shirlockhomes That one was tweeted to the world, and your answer was the easiest to understand and use.
tweeted??? to the world???? lomfao
do u guys have any recommendations on who to talk to about proper roof ventilation? im getting some ice dams buildin up with some water coming in and i think its related to poor ventilation (no sofit vents or gable vents, just the ridge vent)
I do them all the time.
I'm sure ek_ny could recommend a contractor.
you wanna get rid of the ice and/or put in vents?
get the guy that put in the tile
put in vents (if thats the issue), i did rake off as much snow as i could already
ya, you really need vents
i guess i want to see if the ventilation is the issue
the ridge vent was covered in snow, so i think thats why i got them bad... but i just baught this house, so i have no idea, im just guessin
if you have ice dams and no vents, that is the problem, combined with perhaps poor ceiling insulation
I have answered that one several times on the site
yeah, i did see all your posts
which is why i went and baught the rake :)
this is a bad time of year to put in soffit and ridge vents, but you can put in gable vents
so yeah, i guess i have to climb up the small hole above the pantry shelving to look in the attic
if you get dams, use the potasium cloride in the panty hose trick
to make it worse, is there is only a sofit on one side of the house, so im guessing i probably need a gable vent
you will need two on oposite ends of the house
the attic needs to be as cold as possible
so ceiling insulation is very important
ok, will i need a fan as well or some sort? im assuming the sofit vents are ideal
ok, does the insulation have the R rating on it?
fan will help in the summer for cooling, but not necessary in winter
we do all ceilings in attics to R40 or more now
ok good to know, thx
foam all the holes where wires and j-boxes break the ceiling. They really leak heat
ok, ill get up there this weekend and have a better idea whats going on hopefully
did you read my answer ob how to use pantiehose.
yeah, not to put them directly on the dams
wrote that one last winter, I think
yeah, u have a couple good answers about them
yes do put them on the dam. they open a slot for water to drain out
put them perpendicular to the drip edge
I tink de dams look purty good when deys gots pantie hose on.
i like the nude ones
@shirlockhomes uh, I think you're in the wrong room
black is good too
ill have my wife buy them haha
you coward
although now adays i probably wouldnt even get a funny look
remember, not panties, pantie hose
i have no problems buyin panties
Jesus guys. You're not a man until you've gone through the cash with tampons and chocolate without giving a damn.
I like to shop for them. lolololololololololol
i hate it when they call for a price check
Of course the problem is, If a friend sees me with tampons, I really don't have an excuse not to go to the pub with him over the weekend.
Good logic, but glad those days are gone.
not a whole lot of project stuff today. lol
The reality is, my wife doesn't trust me with the shopping. I get it done too fast, and couldn't possibly have captured all available bargains.
i have more project stuff, but im gonna ask them as questions to get more pointless rep
my wife can't look at stuff, she has to handle everything, drives me crazy, so as a result, we don't shop for anything together
I left her at the grocery store one day.
Drove off when she decided it was time to go back in, line up at customer service for a 25 cent coupon she forgot about.
haha, im sure she still wasnt done when u go back
bet you were real popular later that evening.
I didn't hear a peep from her for three days.
It was only six blocks.
But she had been dragging me along for hours. I had already told her three times that I had had enough, and was leaving.
here in Windham maine, a block is 4 miles long
yeah, counting to 3 doesnt work with my kids either
I had paid for the groceries too. Asking for the $0.25 when she got home added to my silent treatment.
it did with my kid, 3 meant an ass wooping, no question about it
only happened once and he learned fast
We don't ass whoop any more. To me it means pick them up physically and throw them into the bedroom. Ass whooping would be so much easier.
A good ass wooping at age 4 goes a long ways. lol
never had to do it again.
I agree. But it's the type of thing that gets government at your door nowadays.
never got to 3 again either
yeah, guess its supposed to be positive reenforcement now... still havent mastered it when all im thinking in my head is "wtf r u doing!?"
ya right
cant make that positive haha
as a kid i was stupid. got wooped regular. lol
My kid was swinging a belt around his head. Hit his temple with the buckle, and gave himself a black eye.
it is positive when you stop
yup, me too, and my two other brothers
Then he did it again and hit his brother.
let the beatings begin
fortunately dad was at work most of the day
u knew it was gonna be a bad night when he comes home angry haha
i subscribe to the the bill cosby philosphy. i brought you into this world, so I can take you out!
haha, but we didnt learn too much, dam stubborn
usually just ended up retaliating by hiding his tools
you're bad
which resulted in a lot of sittin on our hands until we told him where they were
haha, yeah we were terrible kids, im surprised were alive
3 boys, a recipe for disaster
I had two brothers, we all did OK, even with the woopings. lol
I've got twin boys. 6.5 years old. It's a complete disaster.
build a dungeon
And in Christian's class, the three horsemen of the apocalypse are Christian, Brayden and Luka. All twins.
haha nice
Which means if Robert is smart, he can put the moves on Lola and Maira, their counterparts.
@shirlockhomes I threaten them with the crawl space, but Anna won't let me follow through with it.
my baby is 24.
If you build a dungeon, you should blog about it
@ChrisCudmore Couldn't you do it while she's walking home from the shops?
complete with a rack and shackles
@NiallC. Literally busting a gut here.
@ChrisCudmore Sorry. :)
@ChrisCudmore call 911
unless, by literally, you mean the Joe Biden definition
Seriously. I think I broke something.
Duct tape will fix it
good, no more kids tehn
that's a wrap peeps, but feel free to keep on chatting
Thanks for joining this week's PUT
I'll be going. It's Anna's birthday so I have to run home and grill some duck breasts.
ya, we sure updated all our projects. lolololl
Duck breasts????? OMG

Project Update Thursday - 2013/01/03

2 hours ago, 1 hour 59 minutes total – 378 messages, 13 users, 19 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by BMitch

did you steal them from the town pond?
My favourite barbeque item.
Nah. We buy them from the duck farmer near my dads.
And I didn't even type 2012 by accident, progress
ok enjoy them.... Good night all
We keep a supply of about a dozen in the freeze in case of emergency mealtime visitors.
Fast and impressive.
Quack Quack
And it excercises every flare management technique I know.
shouldn't make fun, my wife does whole ducks on the rotissary
I've done that. Pan of water underneath to catch the drips.
The trick to a breast is to get the skin crispy, but not blackened by greasy smoke.
told my wife it would be better if she plucked it first
duck.. duck.. duck... BAROQUE! shoot, thats not it
Later all.
later all carry on
13:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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